Wednesday, December 24, 2003

If something is on ESPN, does that make it a sport? And if so, does that make spelling and scrabbling a sport? That would rock if it did.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

My new favorite channel is ESPN2. They cover the more important sports, if you can call them sports. First off, we have the 2003 National Spelling Bee. Those were some high-quality spellers. The commentators were my favorite. "So, Jan, this one is another homeschooler who is also a scrabble championship." "That's right, Bob, and she's an 8th grader, so this is her last year to compete." Hah. Another of my favorites: "So, Bob, when they lose, where do they go?" "It's called the comfort room and, let me tell you, there are many tears cried in that room. A lot of the kids have already gotten over it and are now in the hallway playing video chess and scrabble." Silly. Secondly, there is the adult Scrabble championship. The biggest move was the word "roquet", which got a tripple word score and added up to a whopping 75 points. Whoa. Finally there was the World's Strongest Man competition. My favorites are Yanni Virtanin, Magnus Samuelsson, and Hugo Girard. Boy, those guys can lift some really heavy stuff.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Oh yeah, I didn't fail my physics exam. Phew. And I got a car wash... after driving around MA pointlessly. Fun times. Christmas break is so much fun. I haven't slept in my house in 2 nights. I would tell you how much I enjoy sleeping in, but so far I haven't done much of that. I've been a "teen slave" as my mother puts it, driving my sisters around all the time. I also do some chaufferring (sp?) for the Tilleys. It pays well, I must say. And I babysat for 5 hours for one kid while everyone was just sitting around, and I got 50 dollars for doing it. And I did about as much stuff as everyone. Ah... the life of a teenage, babysitting driver.

Will and Kate come home tomorrow! Yay!

Thursday, December 18, 2003

oh yeah, i also got 2 free car washes because of my trouble. yay for friendly mt. airy businessmen!
snow, snow, go away. come again some other day. so i can fail my physics exam today and not in 3 weeks.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Today has been a day of injustice. During Swimming, someone decided to pour their drink on my car. Great. Then, I went to the School Board Meeting to stand up and say that I didn't want a new calendar that would take time off of AP courses before the exams. Dr. Church was being rude by talking while we were talking. We don't care, Dr. Church, you look like a bird! Hah. Then, I went to the laser Car Wash and put in 6 dollars and it didn't do anything. It just sat there. So I have to call the guy and get it straightened out. So now my car is dirty from driving in the slushy gross ice on the highway, and from some stupid person's drink. Cut it out people! But it's all good because they decided to keep the old calendar. Yay. One bright spot. But other than that, it was a good day. Positive surroundings, positive people, and no school on Thursday for me! Hurrah!

Monday, December 15, 2003

Snow day. Again. I've done lots of driving in the past few days. On Saturday I drove >300 miles, because I had to drive Charlotte to a swim meet. Whoa there. Then I went to the mall today. There I go again. Driving like it's my job or something. I am so glad this semester is almost over. Hecka glad. New classes, new classmates, new semester, halfway through, prom is coming up, spring break is coming up, then the summer will be here. Lots of things to look forward to. The most exciting thing is that I will be done with Physics and Anatomy. Halleluiah. I can't really think of anything else to write. Ok then, ttfn!

Sunday, December 14, 2003

The only thing on my mind right about now: failing the physics exam. Don't expect many posts.

Friday, December 12, 2003

So I had a little respite from blogging. Hmm... exams must be the reason. This should be relatively stress free except I might blow it on the Physics EOC. Time will tell. Not much to say. Adios hermanos, adios.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

So this bizarre weekend is finally overwith. It was 4 days long! How strange... Too bad I was sick. But now I am on my way to recovery. I watched Honey with the girls last night. Fun times to the max. It makes me wish that I could dance, and then that I could dance like Jessica Alba and her stunt (dance) double in that movie. I'm just a white girl that aint got no beat. I had to hold the cross at the front of the church this morning for about 20 minutes. That thing is dang heavy. Now I am preparing myself to go back to MAHS for about 2 more weeks of school. The end is in sight!!!

Saturday, December 06, 2003

For the last 2 days I have been sick. It all started Thursday morning, which also happened to be a snow day. So I sat around all day watching mindless t.v. and staring at the winter wonderland. Then on Friday I was worse, but we still didn't have school so once again I watched t.v. and stared at the winter wonderland. As well as rubbing my nose raw with tissues. I missed the basketball game but we lost again, so what the heck. Now I am getting over my cold and getting on with the after-cold symptoms. Gotta love it. It was probably from walking out to my car from swim practice with wet hair, in a wet bathing suit, wrapped in a wet towel with wet chaco's on. Yeah, that's probably why. Not doing that again. At this point in time, I'm going on 62 hours straight of being in my house. The furthest I've been out was the mailbox. Whoa there. So now I'm going to hang around the house some more. Yay.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

oh yeah, about that tackling... it was made possible because the guys had to be on their knees. otherwise, it would have been quite impossible.
Yeah... so today I realized how truly sketchy the Wal*Mart hunting section really is. I was buying stuffing for Charlotte and, while walking back, I passed the hunting section. These three guys were standing in their camo and boots etc., and when I walked by one guy said, quite loudly, "Hooters". Ok. That is total sketch. I ignored it and kept on walking, and I think I heard one guy mutter something like, "I can't believe you did that" or something. Anyways, that renews my faith in the total wierdness of hicks at Wal*Mart. Just so you know.

On a lighter note, I went to a basketball game today! It was tons o' fun. And, I made it from the HS to Wal*Mart to home in record time. It took me 5 minutes to get from the HS to Wal*Mart, then about 7.5 minutes to get the stuffing, then approximately 12.5 minutes to get home from Wal*Mart. Holy cow! All this just because of my driving limitations. But my worries will be over on December 18th. Yay!!! I can drive any time of the day I want!!! What freedom!

Monday, December 01, 2003

Thanksgiving was a blast, but my tummy is, shall we say rounder than it was before I went to California. Between dark meat, jello salad and in-n-out, I don't know how it couldn't have been. Yummmmmy!

On a side note, I've found my niche in football. Tackling. With a big coat on. It is so much fun, it is almost unexplainable. I was a madman tonight, because I would just tackle and tackle without thinking about it. Turkey Bowl 2003 was hecka cool. Yay!

Sunday, November 23, 2003

This weekend has had a weird feeling about it. I can't quite describe it. It is like it has been too short, yet too long. It doesn't seem right that I am going back to school tomorrow. I don't know. Generally weird. Yay for almost Thanksgiving!!! Yay for almost Christmas!!!

Friday, November 21, 2003

When writing be more or less specific.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Today Physics was phun. And phunny. We laughed, we cried, we made phun of people, we studied rephraction... you know, good old physical phun. I discovered that Wilson, Tom Hanks' sidekick in Cast Away, was phriends with a physicist named Snell. I discovered that the reason I haven't been able to spear that elusive phish in the water was because it is physics-ly impossible. The phish has phooled us! Spelling things with ph is hecka cool. Know it, use it, love it. That's all, pholks!

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Today at YLS (Youth Leadership Surry) I learned about 4 important things.

1) I really do not want to go into the medical field because everybody seems to be pressuring me to do so.
2) I really don't know my way around Surry County
3) I live ridiculously close to Camp Cheerio
4) People saying "n kay" all the time is hecka annoying

I went up to Elkin, where I passed by the Theater and Theo's where I spent some good times this summer. It was such a clashing of two worlds. My school world and my utopic Camp world. I wish I lived far away. Camp is for the summer, to be savored. When you see it again, it doesn't feel right. Also, it makes me sad that I can't be a counselor this summer. Hopefully I will be able to come the summer after this one, but you never know. Sad.

The entire day was, shall we say, BORING. One lady talked for about 2 hours about how there is a nursing shortage in the US. I don't care about that kind of stuff. I want to be a marine biologist and be in the peace corps and live in Ecuador and study the life on the Galapagos. I don't want to prick people with needles and have to deal with complaining people all day. So I decided to be productive and make something with our paper handouts. I ended up with a box full of folded up "envelopes" that looked hecka tight. The girl who said "n kay" all the time also couldn't spell and had an unfortunate sense of humor. She couldn't spell because her box was labled "food modles". Ummm... modLEs? how bout modELs. I mean, obviously you had to go to school... maybe you should've learned to spell while you were at it. I say she had an unfortunate sense of humor because she said things that she thought were supposed to be funny, and we only laughed out of sympathy. Well, at least I did. But I do respect her because aparently she went from being muy gordo to being quite petite. Kudos.

So that was my day in a nutshell. Ahh... get me out of this nutshell. Right... see ya on the flip side folks...

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Haikus from the free time in Anatomy yesterday:

biology class
nothing can be more boring
what else can we do?

Christmas is coming
we'd better go deck those halls
yay for yule-tide cheer

the birthday pig says
have your cake and eat it too
Hey! happy birthday.

leeches are quite gross
those bloodsucking parasites
get them off of me!!!

Mt. Airy: Hot now!
Fresh krispy kreme rocks my world
wow I love donuts!

Monday, November 17, 2003

Today was quite a good day. I had to wake up early so I could go to school to study for Anatomy and Spanish. And of course, it's hoodie Monday, which is hecka tight anyway. It was such a beautiful morning. I didn't feel too cold or too hot or too anything. It was perfectly comfortable. I loved it. Then we had a test in Spanish, but I got to study some more for Biology with the left over time. Then I took the Anatomy test which was ridiculously easy. I was glad but annoyed all at the same time. Then the rest of the day progressed in normal fashion. Another small thing that made such a difference was my hair. It's true what they say about good hair days. They make you feel good. My hair was down to begin with, but hoodies and semi-long hair don't mesh well. So I put it up in a loose ponytail. It curled in perfectly and was just the greatest ponytail ever. Maybe you don't understand, but then again, maybe you do. Anyway... Then I came home and watched Recess. Boy, I love that show. A lot. After that was the swim meet which was stress free after I swam the 50 free, because I have already qualified for states in breast. And then there was YL which was fun times. So all in all 'twas a grand day. Muy bueno. Bedeebedeebedeee..... That's all folks!

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Whoa there, 2 days in a row!!! I'm gettin back in the groove!!!
Little known fact: I love studying. I adore it. Why is it little known? Because 'taint true. Sorry to break it to you. I really hate studying when the only preparation for the test has been two, count em two, worksheets on the subject. No notes, no explaination from the teacher, just two worksheets. Oh yeah, and a funny little video made by the same guys who do my SAT review cd rom thing. Those silly geese. Still, our fair teacher Bodnar has been out all week and just randomly gives us a test on Monday. Yay!!! I loathe Monday tests because you have to get all of your other work done that you didn't do because you were relaxin to the maxin. Tuesday tests are the bomb, because if you're on the ball, you study Sunday night and then review in class and then get another night to study! Mainly I'm writing this because I don't want to devote the 45 minutes it will take to ace this test. But, I'd better not say that because then people will get mad that their study habits are all screwed up and they study for 3 hours and still get a 57. Not my fault guys! Get over it! Sorry for that short bit of ranting there. So now I'll go study the cardiovascular system. Yay... that sure gets me pumped up... haha... get it? pumped up? the heart pumps? Well, at least I got it. Alright. That's enough elipses... I guess I'll be bejeezin it!

Saturday, November 15, 2003

I didn't know it was possible to sleep for 13.5 hours... wait... I mean I didn't know I could sleep for 13.5 hours. But it happened. Amazing. I love sleep! Weekends involve sleep! Therefore... I love weekends!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Whoa... I think I'm going through music withdrawl. I had a slight smack in the face with music yesterday and early today, and it made me realize how much I missed it. I don't have a class where I am bombarded with music at all this semester. Yesterday I had piano lessons, and Jill showed me my all district piece, and this morning Brad, Anthony, and I were discussing music in Espanol. We weren't speaking Espanol, we were in the class... Right. I realized that last year was jam packed with music. I had concert band and APMT right next to each other. And piano lessons. It was so great. Now there is only piano and oboe practice. I must get myself back into the music loop so I don't go through this awful withdrawl again. Aahhh!!! 'Tis hard to describe the feeling. It is like there is something missing. Like I should be doing music but I am not. I don't know. I guess that's why I get so much enjoyment out of Paul Simon's pieces that have all those instrumental parts. Well... enough band-geek-esque reminiscing about music... time for beddy bye!

Monday, November 10, 2003

Studying US History makes me feel insignificant. It crushes all of my blissfully naive thoughts about the world. Now, studying the picture, it seems as if all I am is dust in the wind. Is that a song? I think it is. Anyway. It makes me feel as if I'm just nobody. But then I realize, why do I wan't to go through life thinking like that? I don't. So I won't. I am important, thank you very much. I happen to think that this world wouldn't be the same without me. So there. Take that, US History. Forget the past, I'm livin in the present. It is way more fun. That's that. Hah.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

I used to think that I liked all kinds of music. I guess I was wrong. I was listening to the radio today and it dawned on me. I don't really like "pop"-ish music. I like less catchy things. Or maybe I like catchy things just not so... fake... I guess. I don't quite know. But I do know that I like: Relient K, Simon and Garfunkel, Paul Simon, Fountains of Wayne, and some other random songs. Paul Simon makes me so happy. Even though his songs aren't all happy, they are all just so good. I guess that's what you get from a greatest hits album. That was the most solid investment I've made in a long while. I just can't explain how much I love Paul Simon. Relient K, too. They are awesome. Even though a lot of their songs sound the same, I still like it. APMT (a part mint)(AP music theory) has made me appreciate good chord progressions. I am playing a song in piano... it's a Chopin Prelude... boy, talk about some melancholy chord progressions. It almost brings tears to my eyes it is so mournful. Its funny... because I liked chord progressions before APMT, but they just have a whole new meaning after studying them for a while. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love music because it brings out so many emotions. What can I say... I'm a music geek! yay!!!

Thursday, November 06, 2003

wow. writers block. major case of writers block. maybe if i keep on typing it will all of a sudden go away. maybe if i keep writing without any capitals i will get an idea. maybe not. i feel sorry for our poor old city schools. we never get any money. i soudned all informed today because i heard from my sister and my mom that mt. airy city schools might become apart of the county schools. then mrs. george got on the announcements and told everybody that it was a vicious rumor. boy isn't that great. makes me seem really cool. anyways. nothing to do, nothing to say. okey dokey, that must be all. hasta luego.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

I feel sorry for Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey. I really do. Do they know that we are laughing at them, not with them? Everybody makes fun of Jessica. Baby this and baby that. And of course you can't forget that whole chicken of the sea thing. Maybe it is some publicity stunt, but I still feel so bad. They should do themselves a favor and quit the show. Although I must admit, it is kind of funny at times. I just wanted to say that. There. Consider yourselves warned, you two!

Saturday, November 01, 2003

small post today. yay!

Thursday, October 30, 2003

I have now entered the phase in my life where my hair will no longer be soft and will break off easier. All of this courtesy of chlorine. Swim season is so great, but not at the beginning. My body is out of shape. My hair, my muscles, my lungs, my brain, everything. But it shall soon pass, and I will welcome a new season with open arms. Our first meet is a week from Monday. Lovely. Hopefully I will be able to work hard enough so I don't embarass myself. Swimming is a monumental improvement over volleyball, which is not hard. It is amazing how different the two really are. I think I work harder in swimming but because it is enjoyable, it goes by quicker. Anyways... on to bigger and better things, I say.

Halloween is tomorrow, but I cannot dress up for school. Our principal came on the intercom at 3:06 and said that "students should not wear halloween costumes tomorrow". That makes me so mad. I was going to wear a blonde afro and wear bellbottom pants and be a disco diva. Now my plans are foiled and I must go to school in blue and white. Great. woo hoo, go bears. yay. I'm not really that mad, though, I'll just wear the fro to the football game... that will be fun times! It will keep my head warm. Adios for now, muchachos y muchachas!

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Why is everybody in high school tired? I am always tired. Sometimes, when I'm not tired, I feel like I should be tired, so I say that I am tired when, in truth, I am nothing of the sort. I really like to sleep though. Sleep is the thing I look forward to throughout the day. If only my life didn't get in the way and I could sleep all the time. Actually, that wouldn't be too nice. I wouldn't get the high quality sleep that I get when I am truly exhausted. Like Friday night for example. I have been doing vigorous things all week and never get a chance to catch up on the sleep that I need, and then on Friday night it all catches up. I got 12 hours of sleep. You can't even imagine. I mean, you probably can. Isn't it so great? I am just sitting here thinking about how truly glorious sleep really is. I feel like writing a haiku about it.

sleep is amazing!
oh how truly wonderful
is my comfy bed!

Ah sleep... mmmm I love it!

Monday, October 20, 2003

Today we had pictures for school clubs, and it was about to crack me up. Mrs. Wagoner almost had a fit. We were sitting in the formation for the picture for pep club, a club where you pay a dollar and you're a member, and she gave us an announcement. She said that she was going to check the picture with the members of pep club, those that had paid, and you would go to ISS for a day. If you wanted to be in it, you could pay her a dollar right then, and you wouldn't get ISS. She also said if we messed up the picture we would get a day ISS. Cracking me up. Then Jacob Blizzard turned his head right as the camera guy said "3", and she saw him. She called him out and made him leave and go to the office to see Mrs. George. It was quite funny. I was tempted to look somewhere else but the camera, but feared the wrath of Wagoner. Pictures always crack me up. The whole process. Especially the picture guy. He was making these weird sounds, and I wasn't sure if he was being funny or was really like that. I was unsure if I should laugh or not. My thoughts were confirmed and he laughed too. Bastante funny.

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Squirrels really need to watch where they are going. I mean, I feel no sympathy for squirrels who run in front of my car. It's really their own fault. I'm not going to ruin my brakes trying to slow down, and I'm not going to hurt myself by swirving the car, so if they run in front of my way, they will be run over. The other day I was driving down cross creek and I ran over my very first squirrel. I felt absolutely no sympathy. At all. I felt kind of evil for a second, but then quickly got over it. I see it as I'm doing my part to rid the world of squirrely squirrels.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Volleyball is over. Halleluia. The end.

Friday, October 10, 2003

It seems like I always think to blog after a babysitting job. I had another one today. from 7 am (on a workday... so much for sleeping in) until 4:30 pm, with a little respite from 10:30-12:30. I had volleyball practice and Jill came over and babysat for a while. Wow. Speaking of volleyball, the season has produced some funny things. Coach Knott really likes "tails". Nancy and I have counted up all of the ways she uses tails while talking to us in practice and/or huddles. Here it goes:

1. Lay your tail
2. Chew your tail
3. Gnaw on your tail
4. Kick your tail
5. Whoop your tail
6. Blitz your tail
7. Get your fingers out of your tail

Fun times. She also has other random sayings like "get down" and "pissyfitting around". They quite crack me up. Well, the Alf is in town, and I surprisingly haven't been yet. I am going tomorrow, during what I believe to be the busiest time. I have to work for the Chicken Biscuit booth from 4-5 for swimming and then again from 7-8 for volleyball. Alright then, I'm out!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Man I hate being sick. But it is thankfully now overwith. I am now nice and well. My cold started on monday as a general sickness thing. Then on tuesday it turned into a throat cold. ouch. Wed. and Thurs. were really bad because I kept having to talk and talk and talk. The v-ball game on Thurs. was the climax of my cold because it got to a point of swollenness where I couldn't talk because it hurt so much. Then on friday it morphed into a nose cold. It semi-dissipated on saturday, and is now relatively clear. So that is a load off my mind. This week also was bad on the volleyball perspective. On tuesday we had to go see the middle school v-ball team play from 4-5 and then be back for practice at 6:15-7:45. I got my eyes dialated so I was wearing my aviators plus those glasses they give you. I had to play mom because my parents were at a DMB concert. So I was driving to and fro all over MA with glasses on. Then I had to wear my glasses in practice, much to the objection of coach k. Then on friday we had to have practice from 7-8:30. AM. Whoa there. But because I woke up so early on friday, it seemed to have lengthened my weekend. Last night I had to babysit from 3 PM on sat till 8:30 AM sun. Fun times. So there was my week in a rather large nutshell. Adios!

Monday, September 15, 2003

So today volleyball was yet again a waste of my time. Coach Knott tells me if I practice hard then I will get to play. Not true. Last week I had the most stellar practices of my entire volleyball career. So, I thought maybe I would play at least for a couple seconds in the game. Whaddya know? I played for a grand total of 0 minutes. Thats right, 0. Not a lick of playing time for Emma Jane Refvem. Right... like that is going to make me practice harder. So today at practice, I was less than enthusiastic. I wasn't "moving my feet" according to Knott. Umm.... ok.... And then we had to run sprint after sprint after doggone sprint. Lovely. It hurts me to run. Not my lungs, which means I am semi-in-shape, but my whole body. My feet, my knees, my abdomen, my chest, everything. Running more will only make it hurt more. Knott doesn't get it. So there I go. Tomorrow I have to devote 2.5 hours to volleyball and a lot more time to taxiing my family around while my parents are at a DMB concert. When am I supposed to do my homework? How should I know? So we ask if we can do it while we have to watch the Middle School V-Ball game. She says no. We ask when we are going to have to do it, and she shrugs her shoulders. So I told her I would have my teachers send her a note when my grade drops. Argh... this is frustrating. It will all be over in October... oh happy day...

Sunday, September 14, 2003

So today was a good day. I spent the whole afternoon doing US history stuff. First I had to write a report on Tecumseh in first person. Hello, I am Tecumseh. I fought in the battle of Tippecanoe. You know, stuff like that. That reminds me of a joke. What do you get when the indians stand up in their canoes? A tippy canoe! hahaha... right. Then I had to go to wal mart to get posterboard and construction paper. Then I had to do the poster. Then I had to do a timeline. Woah there... I guess that's where procrastination gets ya. Of course, in between the poster making and the timeline writing, I watched the last 45 minutes of LOTR2. Didn't get to finish it last night. That is a good movie. Real good.

Oh yeah... I went to church this morning, also. It was great. Quest is starting at our church, which is just a fancy name for spiffed up sunday school. We ate donuts and played music and sang and talked about God and it was tons of fun. There were 31 people in sunday school! Apparently our church sunday school attendance was 141 or something like that. It broke records... seriously. 'Twas a good day for the methodist church. Oh yeah... you should come on sundays at 9:30! If you do, I get bonus points and if I get enough, I can go to Busch Gardens. Yay. I really really REALLY like Busch Gardens. Right... ok... tootles!

Saturday, September 13, 2003

So right now I am sitting here procrastinating. I really should be doing my report right now, but it just isn't happening. Maybe it would if I really cared about Tecumseh, but he doesn't really matter to me. I'll have to get down to it. Right now all I want to do is chill out and watch LOTR2. So that is what I'll do. Because I love it. Yay LOTR!!!

Friday, September 12, 2003

Matchstick Men... good one... go see it... that is all.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

This is an apology. I have been misusing the word euphamisms. First of all, it is spelled euphemism. Secondly, it is used to make a phrase sound better than it is. Like "slumber room" in a funeral instead of like "death room" or something. Sorry!
And I'm back. I feel as if I have settled back into the routine of school, and can now devote a little more time to this here blog. However, I might not be able to devote as much time as in the past. Therefore there may be lapses in the days of postage, so bear with me. Is that how you spell that? It kind of sounds malicious. Almost as if I am asking you to act like a bear or something. Is it bare? because that would be kind of more like I was asking you to "bare it all", which is not the intention at all. It is funny how we take this funny language for granted. Ms. Ucinska, my spanish teacher, is polish and knows like 5 languages. I think English is like her 3rd or something. She reads the newspaper and highlights phrases, or euphamisms, that she doesn't know and gets a student to translate, if you will. It is not for a grade, it is just for her knowledge. Es muy interesante. We were trying to explain "rip tide", and I asked her if she knew what an undertoe was. She pointed to her toe and said she knew what toe meant. I said, "no, i mean like in water", and she didn't know what I was talking about. So we had to take the long way around to explain it to her. I think it is a good exercise for communication. Right-o... tata! Ah... how good it feels to be blogging once again...

Sunday, August 17, 2003

This is a public service announcement brought to you by the letter "S" and the number "21".

Volleyball season is now in full swing, therefore blogging has become virtually impossible. Weekdays are devoted to bench sitting and conditioning, and weekends are devoted to rest. When volleyball season dies down, blogging will resume at a more regular rate. Sorry for the inconvenience. Adios, Amigos!

Saturday, August 09, 2003

The volleyball scrimmage was great. I had to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn to go to Dobson to sit on the bench for 75% of the games watching our team play. I guess our team was helped by the experience, I wouldn't know. There is one thing I'm gonna get out of volleyball though, and that is killer leg muscles. All that "boot camp" Coach Knott makes us do sure helps with those. In fact, all my muscles are sore. I guess that means they're getting stronger, I'm not sure. Well, My contacts are about to pop out because they've been in since 6:45 this morning. I'm gonna skidaddle. Tata!

Friday, August 08, 2003

Sleep is a many splendored thing. Is that how you spell splendored? Who knows. Anyway. Too bad I'm not going to get to sleep in for like 2 weeks. Man, that's the one thing I miss about summer. Even though most days I was getting up at 7:00 at Camp to wake other people up for showers, it was still better than this. I have to get up at like 6:45 tomorrow because we have to be at the High School at 7:30. We have a volleyball scrimmage at Surry Central. That is cruel and unusual punishment. And I'll probably be sitting on the bench most of the time. But I'm not complaining, because I'll just come home and take a nap. But it still isn't the same as sleeping in. Most of the time naps only make me more tired. I will miss my only day to sleep in, but there will be another one, hopefully soon. Well I'm gonna go savor the 8 hours of sleep I might get, ttfn!

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Hello all! As has become the norm, I apologize for lack of postage. I will also take the chance to apologize for events such as this in the future. The apologies take so much out of the blog. The plug is pulled on the creative juices. So there you go. Alright. School is going good, thanks for asking! It seems as though it is second semester though. I feel like I have been at school for 4 months already. That is not so nice. I still don't know whether or not this semester will be hard. Spanish is going to be easy, they tell me. Ms. Ucinska, for those of you who do not already know, is Polish, and is fluent in Spanish as well as English. English is her 3rd language (at least) so it is quite fun. My spanish name is Cecilia. Represent Simon and Garfunkle baby! Honors Bio with Bodnar looks like it will be fun because he drops in random jokes in the middle. Its great. Comic relief. Then Honors Physics... boy I hope I'm never tired in that class because Mr. Belton's voice would put you right to sleep. He reminds me of the way the boys in my grade talk when they don't really want to be talking. Kind of slow and depressed and stuff. Honors U.S. History is going to be fine I think. No EOC, which is a big plus. So those are my classes. I have to go study for my quizzes, I have one in each class except Spanish. Perfect. Gotta jet! Tootles!

Monday, August 04, 2003

I got my braces off! Yay!!! I look so different, but yet so the same! While I was driving around today, I kept looking in the rearview mirror and smiling to see my teeth. Also, my tongue is worn out from licking my smooth teeth... woah that sounds disgusting, sorry about that. If I had the technology to put a picture of myself on here I would, to show all of you guys my new smile! I'm glad I got them just in time, too. School starts Wednesday, so its a good start. Well, I gotta go to bed, I'm trying to get in shape for school hours... tata!

Sunday, August 03, 2003

I get my braces off tomorrow! Finally! I am nervous, though. The person that I am today, the person who has been in high school for two years has had braces. I have learned to play my oboe with braces. I have grown accustomed to how my face looks with braces. Now I won't have them anymore and that will be weird. But the good outweighs whatever the bad would be. Now I won't have to worry about wires poking my cheek or hooking into my tongue. (ow!). So I will post tomorrow on the results. Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 02, 2003

I apologize for the lack of postage. As I have said before, it is hard to get back in the groove. Anyways, back to the subject at hand. Today I earned some things. I earned 12 dollars to watch The Simpsons with Matus and Anna Kriska, and I earned a sunburn from laying out at the Cross Creek Pool for 2 hours without sunscreen. Yep, I'm probably going to get skin cancer. I don't know why I didn't wear sunscreen, I guess I thought I was rebelling. I need to stop myself from doing that. Nothing good ever comes of it. What makes me mad is that I only got sunburn on the places that didn't see the sun at camp. That would be the places that my lifejacket (PFD) and shorts covered. The only place on my legs that got sunburn was the white where there used to be a shorts tan. And I now have a reverse lifejacket tan (I mean BURN). Alright, I'm off to lather my ailing skin with Aloe and then going to sleep. Goodnight!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Sorry for not posting, I can't get back in the habit. I've been driving around Mt. Airy like a person who drives a lot. It is crazy. But still, since I've had my license, I've only used 1/2 a tank of gas. Thats right, my Corolla gets some serious gas mileage. I'm pumped about that. (get it? gas... pumped...) So. Here is Emma's version of the news right now: Mt. Airy High School has gone under some serious changes. New teachers are everywhere and good old classics have abandoned us. Teachers such as Mr. Bretz, Mr. Dickson, and allegedly Mr. Bodnar have left the ranks of MAHS teachers. This year is gonna be different. Next item on our news agenda is that VH1 is coming out with another new series: I Love the 70's. To add to the greatness of I Love the 80's. I hope it's just as good. They have some of the same commentators, and I'm really looking forward to it. OK folks, that's all for now, adios!

Monday, July 28, 2003

Hello all. I am back from England. And I am running on lack of sleep. I have been up since 6:00 England time, which is 1:00 NC time. Now it is 8:20 PM which means I have been awake for... hmm... almost 20 hours. Woah. So I'm going to try to stay awake till 9:00 to get over jet lag. Alrighty, tata!

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Hello everybody. Sorry for not posting yesterday. I wasn't quite in the mood. I am rather tired right now, probably from staying up so late watching big brother. It is a really boring show, but I like their accents. The main speaking guy who says the times and all that is Scottish. When he says "big brother" it sounds like "big brootha". And he says eight and AM funny. And the guy who won was from Scotland, and he had a funny accent too. The second place guy was from Ireland, and he had a sailor's mouth. They did a series of clips of him swearing, it was funny. Anyways, so this season was really boring. I didn't see that much of it, but what I saw wasn't interesting. They didn't really have conflicting personalities, so they were always just sitting around. The announcer would be like, "3:42, PM. The housemates have been sitting on the couches for 31 minutes". And then it would show a clip of them just sitting there. It was worthless. The good part was at the end when they showed a bunch of clips of the good parts of the show. So that's why I'm tired, I stayed up to watch that. I would take a nap, but the last two times I've done that, I haven't been able to get to sleep that night. And I always feel so tired after I wake up. It is a lose-lose situation. So I'll have some Coke and finish out the day. Alrighty then, bye bye now!

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Today I went on an expedition with my aunt. We were determined to take pictures of funny road signs. There are some really funny ones that I have seen. Here are some examples: (these pictures are typical road sign pictures, like the one for pedestrian crossing in the states)
~a picture of a man holding the hand of a little girl and a sign below it that says: "no footpath for 1300 yards"
~a picture of a duck
~a picture of a girl holding the hand of, practically dragging, a smaller boy with a sign that says school, and another with the same picture that says playground
~a picture of an old man with a cane and an old woman following him and a sign that says either elderly people or disabled people
~a small sign that says "feeding the ducks attracts RATS" with a picture of a rat crossed out
~a small sign with a picture of a dog standing next to a pile of poop that says "clean it up"
~an exclaimation point with a sign under it that said "farmyard, tractors crossing" (I saw one somewhere else that said "caution lorries turning", lorries are 18 wheelers)
~and the finale, a sign that said: "Kill your speed" (they used to say speed kills, kill your speed).
It was fun times. Gotta love european road signs. Well, that's it for today. Cheers, mate!

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

News is different when you see it from a different country. I've been watching BBC news over here, and the perspective is totally different. First of all, the subjects are different, but that is to be expected. Like lately the big story has been on the death of David Kelly, a weapons inspector. It's been all over the place. But the story that made me think of the differences is this one about Saddam's two son's being killed. Over here, they are more skeptical, and they are wanting proof of it. I looked on msnbc and it was more certain and there were more details. It makes me wonder what the news was like during the war and all the stuff going on. Also, I've been hearing more about Tony Blair, but that is only natural. It will be a switch when I get back to American News. Well, that's about all I had to say, and sorry for not posting yesterday. Ta ta for now!

Monday, July 21, 2003

Why hello there! On the menu for today's blog will be an appetizer of random sillyness, a main dish of fun times, and a dessert of savory funnyness. A good, balanced 3 course meal. Actually, I shall tell you of today's events. First I woke up, then went back to sleep. That is the best part about summer and being in a foreign country. If all other excuses fail, I can chalk it up to jet lag. It is the greatest to wake up and realize you have like 2 more hours of sleep. I love it. Anyways, after breakfast and a shower we ventured out to a villiage called Cromer, where we viewed the Lifeboat. Quite impressive. Then we went to Blickley (not sure on the spelling) where we saw a really big mansion and ate in a pub. I love pubs. Except they are based really on alcohol, which I am not legally able to drink. After that we came back here and played rummikub for a while. Then we went to see my grandma's cousin's husband's grave. It seems like he is more closely related to us than that though. It's all just names. We also saw my grandma's aunt's grave (my grandma's cousin's mom's) along with it. While we were there we took a peek in the church where they were practicing bell ringing. Now this is not your typical Methodist Women's Handbells, but big church bells. Jill, Charlotte, and I got to ring them! The men were very impressed that we were from North Carolina. I think one man even asked if NC was in Virginia or vice versa. A rather small man assisted us with the ringing. He had to get on a box to be able to help with my rope. It was great. Then we heard them ring a song. That's something you don't normally do every day. Actually, it's something you probably will never do, come to think of it. So we had a lovely day agian. I finished Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy today (the second time I've read it) I need to read The Restaurant at the End of the Universe sometime soon. Those books are great fun. The question and answer of Life, the Universe, and Everything is, according to the mice,: Q: "How many roads must a man walk down" A: "42". Quite fun. Go have a read, it's great. Alright then, adios!

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Hello! I just came up here to post to take a break from listening to my sisters' game of scrabble. "Is 'quoz' a word?" can get old sometimes. Anyways. I was going to post on how delightfully random The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy is but Grannie told me to post about something nice, like what I did today. So here it is.

We went to the beach, where I stuck my foot in the North Sea. (My grandpa said to stick my foot in the north sea so I could tell people that while I was in England I sat around with my poppa watching golf all day and stuck my foot in the north sea). Jill and Charlotte decided to swim, while I laid out on the beach fully clothed, getting rather hot. It was life boat day down at the shore, which is where Her Majesty's Coastguard's demonstrated their life-saving abilities. It was quite funny, because the first thing I saw of it was a lot of teen agers dressed in these silly outfits hanging off of a boat that had a couple middle-aged people in silly outfits. Then somebody on a surfboard (obviously a part of their team) set off a flare. You would think that they would speed away to "save" this person, but no. They waited until the flare was completely done with to go save the person. It was really funny. Then, as we were leaving the beach, they were taking the kids out on the boat and dropping them off the back of the boat so they too could be "saved". Up by the road, Jill, Charlotte, and I saw the coastguard doing some more demonstrations. They were giving instructions on how to answer the questions effectively when calling "999", the equivalent of "911".

Next, Jill, Charlotte, and I went putt-putt golfing. It was really fun. I was trying to play while holding a beach towel, a pair of binoculars, my copy of The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, the scorecard, and a mini pencil. An almost impossible feat, but I managed to beat Charlotte. After our game, we played on the see saw in a park on our way home. See saw's are the best piece of playground equipment besides the swing. It is not as fun if you're the heavier one, though. Ah, to be young again.

When we got home, and after lunch, we went raspberry and strawberry picking. We were picking and eating, and eating some more. The trick is to eat before you pay. The good strawberries were few and far between, but the good ones were soooooooo good. The raspberries were easier to pick because you don't have to bend down as much. I love eating fresh picked fruit.

So that was my day. We had dinner, where Grannie and her cousin Sally (my 1st cousin twice removed or something) discussed their childhoods. You know, how they had to hike 40 miles to and from school everyday, naked in the snow, uphill both ways. And we started having discussions on how to properly pronounce words (raspberries as composed to rosbrys). Now I am going to watch a program on Elephants. I can hear their cries from the TV right now. Fun times!!!

Friday, July 18, 2003

Golf is a funny game. I've been thinking about it all day, since I have been watching the British Open. I wonder who thought of it? Seriously. You hit a ball with a stick in an attempt to make the ball go a really long way. Then you move it around a bit trying to hit it into this tiny hole. The hole is really infinitesimal compared to the size of the other stuff around the hole. I wonder what it was like back in the old days when people were making up all of this stuff. Did they think that it would someday become a huge spectacle? It seems that nowadays everything that can be invented has been invented. But maybe it's always seemed that way, until someone invented something and it was really great. Maybe someone is inventing something right now that people won't be able to live without in 50 years. I guess I just don't have the mind of an inventor. Going back to sports, if you think about it, all sports are kind of weird. Well, not track or swimming, because people just do that kind of naturally to get from point A to point B. But something like basketball must have seemed so random to people "out of the loop".

Woah... I just lost my train of thought. That's probably because of this weird ticking sound in the office right now. It's really annoying. Sorry about that folks. Or maybe just folk. I'm not exactly sure. Anyways- tata!

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Sorry about the delay in posting, I just didn't have enough motivation to post yesterday. But now I do. So here's the story of our trip in London. We went on a train to Liverpool Street (not to be confused with the town Liverpool) in London. Then we took a taxi (cool!) to the RAF club (royal air force) where we stayed. After a small lunch of tuna sandwiches (care of my grandmother) Jill, Charlotte, Mom and I walked to the meeting place for our tour. We just so happened to pass the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. How cool is that? While on our tour we saw St. Paul's Cathedral, where the old lady feeds the birds, tuppence a bag, on Mary Poppins. I was bummed though because they were cleaning it and the steps were covered in scaffolding. Then we made our way to the Tower of London. On our way we learned that the clocktower that everyone thinks is big ben is really not named big ben. Big ben is the name of the bell inside. Anyways, we toured the Tower of London. It was great. We saw the crown jewels. I have never seen so many jewels and crowns! It was so extravagant! I don't even want to imagine how much they are worth. So that was fun, and tiring, and the end of our tour. Oh yeah, we went on this lousy boat ride on the river Thames (pronounced "tems"), but it was hardly worth mentioning. The next day in London we went shopping. Gee whiz is that place huge! I got two shirts and a purse, extremely minimal compared to what Jill bought. It was really great. Then that night we went and saw the musical Grease. Talk about funny! The people had British accents and were trying to have American accents. They would always slip, and it was funny watching the guy who played Danny, John Travolta's part, try and have that accent. It was great. The next day we went home on a train and that ended our trip to London. Oh, and we rode on double decker busses and went on the underground and rode in taxis a lot too. I had tons o' fun. ttfn!

Saturday, July 12, 2003

Hello! I am back! Well, not really. I am in England as you read this, if you read this on the listed date or within 2 weeks of it. I am having tons of fun over here in a small town called Clare, where my grandparents live. Today was an interesting day. We went to a craft fair, almost like the autumn leaves festival, except the people weren't rednecks, they all had british accents, and it was held in the courtyard of an old church. While we were there, Jill, Charlotte and I got tired so we decided to sit on what we thought were nice wooden benches. Then a man came up and said: "These are coffee tables, not benches". We were slightly embarassed and decided to leave the fair. We went to a bridge and played pooh sticks. This is a game that Pooh Bear played with his hundred acre wood friends. You stand on one side of a bridge and drop a stick in the water. (you drop it so the current will take it under the bridge) Then you look on the other side of the bridge and see whose stick comes out first. It is really fun, you should try it sometime! I will warn you that it does not work with leaves, they take forever to fall, and sometimes they just stay in one place. After that, we went to a music festival. It was an experience to say the least. My sisters and I sat under a large tent on a blanket and played scrabble while we listened to the music. There were these teenagers in the tent who looked at us and laughed. I don't really pay attention to people who dress punky like they did. That seems to be the fashion these days in England. I really don't like it. I guess because they all have to wear uniforms to school, they decide to rebel when they get the chance. I'll stick to Old Navy, Gap, and Target. Wow. I haven't posted in a long while. It feels really good! I'll be back again on Tuesday or Wednesday! (I'm going to London for the Weekend)

Friday, May 30, 2003

I just saw Bruce Almighty. Highly reccomended by me. It was hillarious! Alas folks, this is the last blog before I go to camp. I would think of something witty to leave you guys with, but I can't. Remember: Time wounds all heels. R Ewe Blind? Good Bee Good Honey. Armagedon Outta Here. (those last three were from that old guy standing around on Bruce Almighty) Y'all are a flock of silly geese. Or a murder of silly crows.Or maybe a rook of silly ravens. (is that right? i'm not sure) or how bout a herd of silly cows. Ok, I can't think of any other group names of animals. Contemplate these names as you go throughout the summer. I know I won't, er, will! Alrighty then, Bye Bye now!

Thursday, May 29, 2003

I have a question... why doesnt anybody make jokes about seahorses being slow? They are in the Guinness book of world records as the slowest moving animal. They go about 0.001 miles per hour when they try. That is pretty dang slow. You always year like the tortoise and the hare, like a tortoise is the slowest thing ever. Why don't they have, like, the seahorse and the stingray or something. That would be even more unbelievable because then that stingray would have to be nappin for a pretty long while for a seahorse to beat it. I bet even a snail could take a nap and wake up and beat the seahorse. Are the underwater snails as slow as the out of water ones? I just thought that was interesting. Oh yeah... and in little mermaid, don't they ride seahorses? Wouldn't it take them a while to get anywhere? I think Sebastian shows up in a "seahorse drawn carriage", and King Triton shows up carried by dolphins. Boy, Sebastian got gypped. Poor guy. He almost got eaten too. That guy has had it rough. That is a great scene in The Little Mermaid when the Chef finds Sebastian. I like that part. Yeah, that was definitely my favorite Disney movie as a kid. What made me think of all these sea creatures was a preview for "Finding Nemo". It looks hillarious. I hope I can go see it tomorrow night. It would put me in a good mood. Fun times.
Its summer and I have a cold. Gross. My body was really falling apart yesterday. I feel gross, hopefully I will get over it by Saturday, when I go to camp. Thats right folks, I will be leaving on Saturday and will not be back for 5 weeks. I know you'll miss me, but I will be having a barrel of fun over at Cheerio. Right now, though, I am going to drink some water and watch television 'till 7, when I am having friends over for a b-day party!!! See ya!

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Summer is here and I need good reccomendations for songs. I am trying to compile a playlist to follow me throughout my various endevours. is my e-mail if you have any suggestions. Adios Amigos and Amigas!!!
Ahhh. Summer vacation. How good it feels. I was awakened by a cleaning lady knocking on my door. Then I told them not to clean my room because I was going to. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I was thinking they would put it all in a pile and I'm just going to have to clean it up later. Or maybe I thought since I was going to camp in 3 days, the packing would be messy or something. Anyways. Then I watched price is right and random television (one of the joys of summer). After lunch I vaccumed out the car. Boy did it need it. I washed it yesterday. Its dirty again because we have to park it under a tree that drops the randomest leaf-like things on it. Whatever. I also febreezed the car. Boy did it need it. It actually kind of stinks now because I put an air freshener in there too and the smells are clashing. Woah there I just got a ringing in one ear and now it feels like I can only hear out of my left ear. Woah. And it is affecting my typing. I'm not operating the space bar correctly. You should see me. I keep having to backspace like a maniac. And my nose just started randomly running. Ahh! My body is falling apart right in the middle of this blog! Ahh! Make it stop! I have to stop typing, my backspace key is about to break!!! Wierdness!

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Hey Howdy Hey! We returned from Michigan yesterday. Word to my brother who graduated college! Sorry to say I about fell asleep in the ceremony, though. There were about 900 graduates, and it seemed like they all had Dutch last names. There were some funny last names, I'll admit. One that wasn't really dutch was "Funk" or something. There were a couple of those. I liked those. Too bad they mispronounced my bro's name: William B. Ruffman. The Heck? How do you get ruffman from Refvem. That cracks me up. They say all the Asian and Dutch names to perfection... they even throw in an accent, but then when a Norweigan name comes along... oh no. Can't get that one. A silent "f" isn't so hard to imagine. I think that's a good band name. The Silent "F". Anyways. My most memorable experience of the trip was on the plane. Not the little jet from pittsburg to grand rapids, the big ole skyboat from charlotte to pittsburg and vice versa. It was the safety video. When the guy puts on the life vest and then says you can inflate manually. It cracks Me and Jill and Charlotte up every time. Something about his lips and the way he moves his eyes while doing it. It is hillarious. So the plane is dead silent except for the video, and we are sitting there in anticipation. Then, there it is, and Jill busts out with this extremely loud laugh. So, in turn, I started cracking up. We were in the VERY LAST ROW of the plane, right next to a stewardess (sorry, flight attendant). Dad had to explain to her that we got a kick out of that part. It was great. Fun times. Well I'm off to tidy up the room a bit. See ya later!

Thursday, May 22, 2003

I love rain. It washes the memories off the sidewalks of life.

Actually, spitty rain like what is going on here is not fun. Just fun enough to think you can wear your birkenstocks, but then not fun when your feet get wet. Tomorrow is the last day of classes. Woah. That's weird. But in a good way. I, along with virtually every other student at MAHS, desire a respite. Halleluiah. I cannot wait to be reunited with my good ole camp friends. Yay. Fun times. 'Till tomorrow, all!

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I'm in a sad mood. The dentist was the catalyst. When you have braces they have to sand blast your teeth with baking soda for some reason. The thing is, you have to wear safety goggles, they put a ton of chap-stick-esque goop on your lips and damp paper towels on your chin. Eww. Then they start blastin. It was getting in my nose, and boy does that stuff sting!!! So I asked the lady to put the towel over my nose. Then I had some trouble breathing, because you can't breathe through your mouth, for fear of permanent damage to your throat I guess. My tongue was all raw and my face and lips were chapped. I hated it. As soon as I got home, I had to wash my face and put on tons of chap stick. So that started off my bad mood. When I got back from the dentist, my mom informed me that we wouldn't be returning from Michigan (we're going to my bro's graduation woowoo!) until Monday. That happens to be the day that I have my Algebra 2 and Chemistry exam. So I have to take the Chemistry exam on Tuesday, with Dobbs' 4th period chem class. I hope I'll get to take the Algebra exam on Tuesday also. Otherwise, that would stink. So I'll have one less day to wind down before Cheerio. All I need is a good nap. We have that multiple choice test in Chemistry tomorrow that is worth a dang 40 percent of our 6-week grade. Great. I'm sure I'll do just fine, but still. I don't really want to take it. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm not really sick, just got a little cough every once and a while. Pooey. I'm not even going to watch American Idol tonight because I think I need to study then go to bed ASAP. Relaxation is what I desperately need. Sorry about this venting... writing is my outlet, and you are the unfortunate readers. Alas. Well, I'm off to my room for the night. Good night computer, good night mouse, good night big old 3 story house. Good night moon, and good night You!!!

Monday, May 19, 2003

If anyone wants to post while I'm gone or something, just contact me. Thank you for your time.
I'm sorry that I have not posted. School is waning down, and Exams are coming up. Also, I am preparing for this summer. Alas, folks, there will be about an 8 week hiatus from my posting. I am going to be a CIT at Camp Cheerio (woo woo!!!) and then I am going to good ol' England to visit my wonderful grandparents. No, I'm serious, they're awesome :-). I will post more often, I think I just needed a break, and I am becoming extremely lazy. Like the other day, I didn't do so hot on a Lab report because I just didn't want to bother. That is not so good, considering I have to study for Chemistry and Algebra 2. Yep... not so good. I had a bad dream last night. I guess it was triggered by my anticipation for going to camp and the fact that Rebecca Kinecca told me that they had built new cabins at cheerio. I dreamed that I showed up late and nobody loved me. I was sad. But I know that people really do love me, no matter when I show up. Wow. The word for today: Randomness.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

The second to last 24 is on tonight. Also, I think the second to last American Idol is on tonight. Wow, it must be the "finale eve" day over there at Fox. I like 24, even though the main character has come close to death many a time (I think he was actually tortured to death 3 weeks ago but was miraculously saved). There are so many plots going on at once. It is really hard to catch on to that show late in the season. They don't give you ANY clues about what the heck is going on. So for all of you who have never seen the show, now would not be a good time to start. Next season would be more advisable. I don't know how, but I am hooked on a lot of shows. Mainly "The Bachelor" (I know, don't even go there) and "24". I am hooked on "CSI", but it is not critical to see every episode. I like shows like that where each episode is independant. Like Law and Order. I love those. Especially Special Victims Unit and Criminal Intent. The regular is ok, but I've seen so many of those already. I will admit that I love cartoons. My family doesn't seem to understand it. I love Spongebob Squarepants and Wild Thornberries and Veggie Tales. I also really like disney movies. I really can't wait to see Finding Nemo. It looks rather funny. Oh yeah, while we're on the topic of movies, I can't wait to see "A Mighty Wind". Although I'm sure you've heard that all too much from me. Woah there. Lots of subject changes in so little space. Ok, I'm gonna go watch American Idol then 24.

Monday, May 12, 2003

We had a band concert today. What fun. Blake finally got his solo! It was my rather blunt comments that did it. I mean, if we've been working on a song for like 3 months, you would think he would have his solo. Anyways. I got my chacos! Woo hoo!!! I wish they made nine-and-a-halfs because the nines are a little small and the tens are a little big. I got 10s because my feet could always grow. I'm gonna have so much fun this summer in my birks and chacos! I love getting shoes. I love breaking them in even more. Great fun. I'm off to go watch I love the 80's. Fun times

Sunday, May 11, 2003

The lake was tons-o-fun. We had fun times staying up late talking. Amy's Parent's lakehouse is really really really nice. I laid out all day with my SPF 15 and got about no color. Maybe a freckle or two and an infinitesimal amount of tan, but no tan lines to speak of. I guess it's all for the better. It was fun hangin with all the campaigner girls. The campaigner boys went backpacking. I would take a lake over that any day. Although I really like camping, I don't really like the hiking with a huge load on. Yep, I like lathering up and sitting out doing nothing all day. Fun times. Alas, I can't really think of anything to write. I'm out of the habit. Hmm... Have a good day, all!

Thursday, May 08, 2003

I just went to a baseball game in spandex, dork socks and a Mount Airy Cubs Phys. Ed. Shirt. My hair was also greasy and sloppily thrown in a french braid. Woo hoo. I was dressed to impress. Nancy took me there after open gym. It was ok, I mean I was just sittin there whistlin grass and talking about a naked man's affect on society. Haha. I seem to draw out the random conversationalist in everybody. Now I'm gonna go pack for the lake. Maybe I'll get some color- I'm starting to have a bluish tint. That can't be good. Need to neutralize here. Ok folks... gotta go... unfortunately I won't be posting this weekend. Don't be too disappointed.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Sorry. No post tonight. Too burned out from that exam. 'Twas harder than I imagined. But at least I now only have to worry about Chemistry from now till the end of the year!

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Woah. The AP Music Theory Exam is tomorrow. I can't believe it. I can't wait for it to be over. Because then we'll get to watch movies for two and a half weeks. Oh, and we get to do a drum session. Mrs. Morrison told us about these things they did at college. People sit in a circle with drums and just randomly beat and then gradually everybody has the same beat. She said it was cool. She also said people usually did it when they were high. I hope we all don't get high in AP Music Theory. The only thing I want to be high is my exam grade. But I am not studying. I feel it is bad karma. I pretty much know a lot of this stuff, so what is last minute cramming gonna do except stress me out? Tomorrow is also the day of elections. (vote for me!) I get to say a small thing on the announcements. I'm gonna say: Hey! It's Emma. Vote for me for secretary because I'm a cool girl. I think that's all I'll do. I mean, if I win, I win. If I lose, I lose. An announcement for the whole school to hear isn't really going to drastically affect my outcome. I'll be interested to see if my posters did anything. A lot of people have commented on my free drinks poster. Next to the big E, it's the best! Also, my stickers have been getting around. My ghetto stickers made with masking tape and a permanent marker. I'm not going to go out of my way to spend money when it's just student council secretary. I think that the only thing they do is "take minutes". I'm sure the current secretary had a hard time with that, seeing as how we had a grand total of 1 meeting this year. So I'll find out while taking my exam whether or not I won. Great. Killing two birds with one large stone. Perfect.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Ok folks... Here's my theory. You know how everybody always wants to go against the grain, right? You know, question authority and stuff. Well, doesn't it seem like that is the new flow? Everybody's doing it. Isn't that contradicting itself? So if you really wanted to go against the flow, you would go with what used to be the flow and follow all the rules. Everybody wants to be an individual, but if everybody's doing it, most likely you are doing it just because its the cool thing to do. I admit I almost fell into the trap. But then I thought about it. Why does there have to be a grain or a flow? Why not just stay right where you are. I think that's how I am. I don't go with the flow, but I don't go agianst it. No matter which way the flow is flowing. I don't really purposefully do things to get on other peoples nerves, and I obey my mom and dad and my teachers. I wear things because I like them. I do things because I like to do them. I don't wake up and say: 'I'm going to wear these hair things today because people will look at me and give me attention and I'll pretend like I don't give a care about what they think.' I just wake up and say: 'Hmmmm... I like this shirt. It would go well with this hair thing. Cute' And go on. I am not agianst certain stores or something. Like, if I found something cute that was worth buying, I will buy it, no matter what store it comes from. I'll admit, most of my clothes are hand-me-downs. My two favorite pairs of jeans were Kate's at one point. I think people should just do what they want to do just because they want to. No more of this flow junk.
Shout out to Corey Scearce who told me to shout out to him. "OUT!" There. If you imagine me saying that in an elevated volume, then I just shouted out to you. Consider yourself all shouted out.

Sunday, May 04, 2003

I just finished reading "The Second Summer of the Sisterhood". It's a sequel to "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". They are both really good books. The only thing is that they all basically have to do with romance. There is a serious lack of that in my life. I don't think there will be any action there this summer either. I mean, I'm going to camp cheerio which is AMAZING but still lacking males my age. I'm going to England and, no offense G & P, but I seriously doubt I'll meet any boys my age. Or any girls my age for that matter. So reading a book like this makes me feel sad. I mean, they get sad because their love interests hurt them and all that jazz, but you know how the story goes: better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I love people in that brotherly/sisterly/parentally/friendly way but thats about it. I don't mind it so much, I mean I've lived 15 years this way so I'm used to it. And they say that High School relationships are worthless. I guess 'they' are right. Still, it doesn't help that I have hormones. I know you don't really care about my hormonal thoughts, but you have every right to leave. Haha. I'm getting all defensive while only talking to myself. Shows you how emotionally unpredictable I am. Actually, it doesn't, I just wanted another point. Oh yeah, and I also watched "Monsoon Wedding" on last night. Quite good, although also involving romance. I can't escape it! And it doesn't help to have a minor song stuck in your head. Whenever I feel depressed, minor songs never help. Right now it is "Clair de Lune". A girl played it at Charlottes piano recital. It's at the end of Ocean's 11. Yeah it has weird resolutions that give the idea of a sad story that has a happy ending, but still a sad story nonetheless. Yeah, next time I feel sad I'll be sure to get a major song in my head. With a lot of perfect authentic cadences. (Too much AP Music Theory... it's invading my thoughts... aaaaaaah!)

Saturday, May 03, 2003

Poetry Time Again!

Haiku # 1

Hail is really mean
It hurts when you walk in it
Maybe you shouldn't

Haiku # 2

Porkupines are cool
Are they related to pines?
They both have needles

Haiku # 3

Butterfly kisses
Cute signs of adoration
I want one right now

Haiku # 4

Haiku's are real fun
They are extremely simple
But are they really?

Friday, May 02, 2003

Piano teachers are an odd breed. We just attended a recital for Moxely, where Charlotte won 2nd place (represent!) in her level. She had already won, it was just a reiteration (haha is that correct? I've got the SAT on my mind) of all those great performers. This one piano teacher was being recognized and she was saying that her students really needed to be recognized so she like started pulling them up by the shoulders of their shirts. 'Twas a funny sight to see. She also came up to congratulate Charlotte afterwards, and Dad and I were standing there with Charlotte. She told Charlotte that she was really musical. Then she saw Dad and I and said: "So you must be her parents". Ok folks, I am only 4 years older than Charlotte. What is this? She said that it was dark and hard to tell. Haha. That would be pretty weird if a 47 year old man married a 15 year old girl. It would be pretty illegal too. All the other piano teachers were a little off the wall also. This one lady stood up and told about the history of moxely or something and she had the weirdest accent I ever did hear. She said whatever and like really pronounced the 't' so it was like whaTEver. Instead of, you know, whadever. Then this other lady put both of her arms around me from behind. Kind of on my neck or something, to point to Charlotte's name on the program and ask if that was her. Ok, that was just a little strange. All in all, it was a fun filled evening. I got two new books at Barnes and Noble (yay!!!) and we got caught in a hailstorm. I haven't seen hail in forever. I hate it! It hurts! And... once again, I was wearing my birkenstocks. Just my luck. Juuuuuust Dandy. Any damage suffered by my birks was recovered by the purchase of the books and these really cute hair doo daas at Target.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Goldfish are the one snack that it's ok to get hooked on. Boy have I taken that to heart. You can't just have one at a time. They are little fishies of cheesy goodness that smile back at you! How can you resist that urge? I could eat them every day, and my mom says that's ok! The only thing is that they absorb tastes very quickly. Say, for example, I put my goldfish in my lunchbox with a banana. The goldfish would then taste like banana. Eww. I mean, why can't the banana taste like goldfish? That's why when I have goldfish in my lunchbox, I always keep the banana out. That way the cheddar taste of my goldfish is not sacrificed. These things are great! They only have 0.5 grams of polyunsaturated fat! You couldn't ask for anything more! I think that when I attend college, Goldfish will be the staple of my nutrition. Remember, if you're ever lonely and hungry, grab the snack that smiles back, Goldfish!

Monday, April 28, 2003

Yes, thats right folks. The rumors are true. I am running for the office of student council secretary. As of 3:08 this afternoon, nobody was running against me. Even so, I had barrels o' fun making my posters. They are so great. I am going to put one above the water fountain that says: 'Free Drinks, Vote For Emma". Thanks mostly in part to MTV's "True Life: I have Embarassing Parents". I mean... the poster wasn't about the parents or anything... the guy was running for President of his class... anyway. I never win anything I run for, so maybe this will be a change for the better. I usually go into things like this rather pessimistically, knowing that I will most likely lose. I am still awaiting some really popular person signing up against me and me losing. Ah, its not that bad. Student council isn't life. I mean, it isn't anything. All I have to do is show up to the homecoming and valentines dance and stuff. Cool! And if the Prez or Vice Prez is out, I get to make the announcements! Fun times! I would jazz 'em up a bit. But the results are not in... tell all your friends to vote for me! Woo hoo! That actually wouldn't work because maybe a lot of the poeple that read this thing don't even go to my school. I actually only know of two that both read this and attend MAHS. Darn. Well you two- you know who you are ;) tell all your friends! And to all you others... tell your friends just for the heck of it. Maybe they will telepathically vote for me!

Sunday, April 27, 2003


Life is like an acorn.
Sometimes you fall down,
And a squirrel eats you.
But hey, its not that bad
Because the squirrel has a meal.

Poem # 2

Poems don't always make sense
Poems don't always rhyme.
Poems don't always have a point.
Dig it?

Poem # 3: a Haiku

Hey hey hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey hey hey.

Poem # 4: another Haiku

Strawberries are good.
Piccolos are better, though.
Are they related?

Poem # 5

Chads are holes.
They come from papers.
Papers that have been punched.
By a hole puncher that is.

They make a mess.
They float to the ground
When dropped that is.
They are very fun.

Chads are like doughnut holes.
They are not really holes.
They are the stuff where a donut has none.
Or in this case, the paper.

Thank you for reading my poems. Hopefully you were intellectually stimulated by them. Hopefully they will not be perplexing to you... if so.. please call our hotline: 1-800-I-AM-A-DORK. Once again, I hope you appreciated my literary works.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Today has to be the most boring day in the history of Emma Jane Refvem. In all my days I have never been this absolutely, positively, completely bored EVER! Right now I am sitting alone in my house typing this blog because I have nothing better to do. I could watch Law and Order, SVU but I'm tired of sex murders. My sisters are at sleepovers, my Mom is at the beach, and my Dad is at a party down the street. What a fun night, wouldn't you say? I have only left the house once today, and that was to check the mail. Whoop-de-doo. If my brain was not already fried, it is now officially like scrambled eggs or something. I finished all of my lab reports early and was left with nothing to do but watch TV. Or sit on the computer and 'surf the net'. Except our internet is being squirrelly today. On again, off again, jiggety jig. My dad tried to pull an old parent excuse and say 'Don't watch TV, it's such a beautiful day outside!'. I turned it off and then realized- 65 overcast with about 87 billion percent humidity is not a beautiful day. The highlight of my day would have to be when I adjusted the settings of our Real One player so I could see all of the Relient K webisodes (Where the Buffaloes and Cell Phones Roam - quite funny I might add) at normal video speed. I kept thinking, 'I have broadband, why the heck are these webisodes so poopy?' I guess boredom has its moments. Alas, they are few and far between. Hmm... I guess that qualifies Alas to be Emma's Word of the Week! Congratulations! Good Job! You Win!

Friday, April 25, 2003

Alas, I must inform you, oh faithful followers, that I will be unable to post today. 'Tis a sad occasion, whether it be because of laziness, or because it is late and I have not had internet connection until 9 minutes ago. I am sorry to all those who were thoroughly looking forward to my post. I sincerely apologize. I will post again tomorrow, though, of that you can be sure. Have no fear, the posting will continue, and there is a purpose to life again. Thank you, that will be all.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Only 4 and a half more weeks of school! Yay! And yay for the fact that that dang AP music theory exam will be over in less than two weeks! The end is in sight! Also the end of my mooching of rides. You should see me every day out there in the parking lot. I ask girls who live relatively close to me... by that I mean they live on Montclaire, Cross Creek, or Sarah's driveway (haha) or that road that Katie Parker lives on. These people I don't mind asking rides from. But it seems as if THEY NEVER GO HOME! Its funny, because when I get my license, I will ALWAYS GO HOME because that's just what I do. I wish somebody in my general vicinity would, but no. Alas, I play the field and hope for the best. But, as I said, this will all be over in about 5 weeks. What is ironic about all this (well, maybe not ironic, but funny) is that my mom goes home every day. The only problem with this is that she leaves at 3:30 or so and usually has other places to go. I will totally give people rides home when I have my license because I never go anywhere but home, I live so far out of the way anyways, I could take most anybody home, and I feel like I have some debt to society that needs to be paid. I can't wait to cruise the streets of MA in my 1996 Toyota Corolla that is the property of my sister right now. Can't wait...

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

I wish my name was Emma Magnolia Refvem. That would be cool. Although it is fortunate that I do not have that as a middle name, for now I am free to name my kid Magnolia. Wouldn't it be cute to name a girl Magnolia and call her Maggie? That would be cool. The only problem with Magnolia is that there are no middle names that really go with it. You would have to put a first name and go by the second name. Like Lilly Magnolia. That would be cool if Lilly wasn't such a cool name already. I mean, why waste it on an unused first name? I love the name Chloe. It is evident in the naming of my stuffed animals. All of my most recent stuffed animals are named Chloe. Everytime I get a new one, the name that pops up is Chloe. I mean, you don't really expect me to keep the names they give, do you? This horse I got one time had a given name of Dum-Dum. Who the heck would want a horse named Dum-Dum? How nonsensical is that? I got a beanie bopper one time who had a given name of Dazzlin' Destiny. Oh my gosh I could never grow to love something named dazzlin destiny. So she is named Chloe also. Another funny thing I've noticed about things of that nature is that I always refer to them as female. I have a blanket that I still sleep with (unashamedly) named Lovie. I always have refered to her as her. See? It is that way with all of my stuffed animals and stuff. Ok that's enough writing for now, my space bar is getting sticky because I think I had some cherry cobbler on my thumb...

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

This morning we had that "North Carolina High School Competency Test". Another EOG. Just what I need. My form of the test had us reading things such as the DMV book that you read before taking your permit test and a box of Yellow Cake Mix. What the heck? I was about to puke. Then I had to read two totally different translations of this poem about a panther. That really makes me mad. My wild brain interprets poetry way different than the average standardized test does. Ok so you give me two poems about this sad panther in a cage that both have different contexts. One makes it sound very monotonous and the other almost makes it sound like it is some beautiful form of art or something. Both of them had a confusing last stanza though. I had no idea what the heck it meant. Great. I'm just glad it is overwith and we get to take math tomorrow. Hopefully it will be easy and I will fly through it and be able to read my book or do my chemistry homework. That would be funner than those dang tests... more fun... Ms. Whitehead makes me laugh. She follows all the rules and is not used to kids that can speak english. She teaches ESL, so you should hear her read the instructions. It sounds like a Kindergarden teacher or something. You can't blame her though. But it is great fun. In the writing test, she came over to me after the test (we were all talking) and she said: "Senora Refvem, you need to lower your voice, I can hear you all the way over at my desk". That made me chuckle because her desk was like two inches from mine. I quieted down though, I didn't want to risk punishment over my loud mouth. Gotta be careful about that thing, doncha know. Alright, that's all for now...

Monday, April 21, 2003

I just returned from fishing! You may be thinking... "I didn't know Emma a fisher". Well folks, I do. It all started when I realized that I had forgotten my nalgene bottle, therefore encumbering me from its plentiful aquifer for the course of the day (did that make any sense?). I wrote on my hand (and I quote) YLB. This, of course, stands for Young Life Bottle. While practicing piano a mere 30 minutes ago, I noticed the note on my hand. I searched everywhere in the house, and my bottle was nowhere to be found. Kate mentioned something about falling behind the fridge. I cringed. Then I looked. There it was... out of sight, out of mind, out of reach. So I concocted a hook out of a metal hanger and fished for about 20 minutes, without my glasses, no less. Finally it took both Kate and myself to retrieve the bottle. Kate was the actual retriever in the end. Now I have obtained my bottle back and will no longer suffer from that horrible separation anxiety... well... unless it falls back there again, or I forget again. I sure did miss my little bottle with the In-N-Out sticker (word to Sarah and I representing the In-N-Out stickers!) and Young Life logo on it. I love it just as much as my smaller nalgene with the feelin groovy sticker on it. That one always gets that Simon and Garfunkel song stuck in my head. 'Tis a fun song to have stuck in your head, by the way.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Highlights from our Easter party:

Monica (whose parents are Romanian) running around our garage screaming "we have to disco dance" in Romanian, then actually starting to do the disco!

Me running out in our yard and almost choking on a bug. (It's alright folks, I didn't choke, but I did get a good meal...)

Riding on the tandem with my dad while Monica and Andrew ran after us yelling something incomprehensible.

Hearing my dad and Mrs. Harris start to sing "I'm the happiest girl in the whole wide USA" or something like that.

My dad and Mr. Harris' conversation which went somewhat along the lines of this:
*They were discussing Annexation- Mr. H is pro of course and my dad is not*
Mr. H- "I was expecting... what's the word?"
Dad- "A lynching?"

Seeing little kids slipping and sliding through the mud in our yard with little easter bags trying to gather as many eggs as they could. Many kids had two bags, while others only ended up with mud on their pants...

Overall, It was a rather funny party. You should have been there... Now we have a bunch of really good food... Yummy...
I rock at hula hooping! I didn't use to be, though. I went to Wal-Mart on Thursday with Caroline, you know, just a random wally world trip. I was developing a film at the one hour photo, so we were committed to being there at least an hour. We were strolling through the kids section and we saw the hula hoops. We were goofing around and then I noticed that it was only 82 cents! 82 cents! Can you believe it? I just love Wal Mart. So I of course had to buy it. Turns out that I was the worst hula hooper you ever did see. I tried and tried for 2 days to no avail. Jill just happens to be the bestest hula hooper known to mankind. I'm not kidding! That girl hula hooped for 9 minutes strait. 9 minutes! I was determined to at least get in a rhythm. So I practiced. And I practiced. My breakthrough came last night after eating Taco Bell. I knew that full-stomach pooch was good for something! I finally got it to keep on going. I was so excited! Then we watched X-Men, and afterwards I said that if I were a mutant I would be "HOOLA HOOP GIRL!" I would stun you with my hula hoop, creating centrivical force so I could fly. Don't ask, I get dillusional after 9:00 PM. Twas a rather fun time. So now I can hold up a hula hoop! I'm so proud. I can't do it nearly as long as Jill, but I can hold my own for about 34 seconds. Impressive, huh?

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Shout out to the fam that reads this blog: Mom,Dad, Grannie and Poppa, Will, Kate, Jill and Charlotte (standing here right now reading this). I feel the love and support... Where would I be without you? I should write a song about it. Do you think it will sell? Probably if I put it on a CD with a random crazy picture on the front. Then maybe people would be duped into buying my album, and end up liking the song. Sounds like a solid plan.
Ok folks. Think of someting that you hate to do. Think about doing it all day. That was me yesterday. I don't necessarily hate shopping, but I do when it is raining. And cold. And I am wearing birkenstocks. We went to Winston for me to buy an easter outfit, for mom to shop at Costco, and then get an SAT prep cd-rom at Barnes and Noble. I was being a twit and forgot to dress properly, so I was stuck getting my nice shoes and my nice toes soaking wet. Eww. But I did end up getting a really cool hippie-esque outfit from Target! What fun! I can't wait to wear it tomorrow. Oh yeah, tomorrow is this easter egg hunt my mom is putting on. I can't imagine anything more thrilling than having a bunch of little kids run through our yard on a never ending search for candy, just so they can splurge on it and run around more because they are on a sugar high. It will be ok as long as it doesn't rain and they don't all have to be inside at once. Haha. That would definitely not be fun. Now I have to go help with the preparations for this party.... but I will most likely sneak off to a corner and read The Catcher In The Rye. Rather good book. I reccommend (reccomend? recommend? recomend?) it. Ah... duty calls...

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Darnit. Just as I was going to post... my dad needs the computer. Well I guess this means I'll post at a later time...

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Aww... I just watched Maid in Manhatten. It is really good. It makes me want to listen to slow jazzy music. Like Norah Jones. And Eva Cassidy. And Simon and Garfunkel. Not because the movie is slow and jazzy but because the music is all like that. Simon and Garfunkel are cool when you're in a hippie mood. Or even when you're not. I wish I was like that little kid, Ty. He is cool. He knew a lot of facts about politics and he was rather grown up for his age. If he were a little bit older (like 6 or 7 years) then I would date him. That would be cool. Anyways. Really good movie. Now we've slipped into the time when all of those romantic comedies from the earlier romantic comedy boom are now all coming out on video. That means there's gonna have to be some chick flick sleepovers with all the girls. Sounds like a heck of a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it. Bring on the dvd's!

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I just visited a figure of my childhood. Thats right, you guessed it, J. J. Jones Elementary (I mean Intermediate) School. I was getting recognized for state swimming... whoop de doo... anyway. Anna and I explored the library and took a walk down memory lane. It seems like everything has shrunk since the last time I was there, like 4 years ago. Jill and I were going to look down the halls, but the whole school past the entrance smelled like pee. Dang elementary schoolers. Peeing everywhere. Things sure had changed. Had there always been so much of that cut-out-bulletin-board-looking-letters decorations everywhere? Seems like the whole school is full of little cut out flowers, or cut out letters, or cut out hands, or cut out blah blah blah. I bet if I looked in the cafeteria it would look really small. For some reason I always thought that cafeteria was the hugest thing ever. How weird. Visiting that place sure brings back a lot of memories. Some not so good..... like the pee... ewww. Thats all there is to say about that one... eww.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Sorry about the delay in posting. Writers block I guess. The legacy continues. I still can't think of anything to write about. Hmm... I'll have to get back to ya on that one.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Daylight savings is really mean. I mean, lately I have been really, really, really tired, and then all of a sudden I get one less hour of sleep? What is with that? If I tried to go to bed an hour earlier to make up for the time, I wouldn't be able to. It would be like going to bed at 8. My body doesn't like adjusting this much. Like when we had Saturday school, my body was all freaking out because I didn't get a day to sleep in all week. Yeah because of daylight savings I almost fell asleep like 17 times in Algebra 2. Just ask Crystal. She sits at the back of my row and she could see that I was nodding off. Then Mrs. Gray would ask me a question and I would be all out of it. Also, when I am sleep deprived I stare out into space a lot. Then I don't pay attention to anything. I hate it. Oh yeah, and when I don't have enough sleep my muscles start twitching. Like at All District, I hadn't had enough sleep so the whole day my arm was twitching. Only it would move around to different places, and I couldn't do anything to help it. I just hate that. I would take a nap, but then I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again. All I can say is I'll be glad when I can sleep in on Saturday. I only have to suffer through 3 more days of school... the end is in sight!

Saturday, April 05, 2003

I was just looking at the senior quotes in our yearbooks. Some of them are funny. Some of them are cheesy. Some people have the exact same thing that other people have. My favorite would have to be this girl who wrote, get this, : I was put on this earth to make your life miserable. What the heck kind of senior quote is that? It is like a slogan from one of those stupid shirts (you know the ones that are like: I live in my own little world, but it's alright, they like me here). That cracked me up. Others were like: These were the best four years of my life. You know the kind. Then there were bible verses, and quotes that said something like: "never give up on your dreams" or something. I think that for my quote I'm gonna put: "I have a feeling we are about to embark on a most unprecidented expedition. -Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey". Or maybe just: "Gnarly!". Or I could put: "This goes out to all the little people that helped make this possible!". No, I think I'll save that for when I win an award that I have to give a speech for. That would be funny. I think for my senior quote I should put: "This is not the time for indecision. Or is it?" or "When writing be more or less specific". What a silly goose I am!

Friday, April 04, 2003

Haha. This woman from a survey place called our house and thought I was the "head of the household" and she was all: "what percentage of the food shopping do you do for your household" and I was like: "umm... I don't know" and she goes "how old are you?" and I said: "15" and then she was like: "oh" you know, real depressed and stuff. That was funny. I told her my parents were at a party, and that she could call sometime after school next week or something. Haha. Telemarketers and surveyers make me laugh. I think I'll get a summer job calling people while they are eating lunch and dinner and stuff. What fun! It would be the most satisfying job. Haha, NOT!
Today is Friday, and it is good. I woke up this morning a little early, which is unusual, so I took everything at a slower pace. It was nice. I go to school, sit through Algebra 2, then go to Dobbs' class where all we did was review questions out the wazoo. Then there was lunch which was just like any other lunch. Random conversations took place, as always. Then there was band, where we watched That Thing You Do. Yeah, now, on top of having that song stuck in my head, I am lamenting once again over the lack of male companionship in my life. Chalk it up to hormones, I guess. Seems like I could take anything and make it depressing like that. Then in AP Music, we finished the movie and then watched random TV. Fun times. Overall, it was a pretty OK day. I started reading a romance novel. But don't get me wrong, it wasn't a Fabio-type man with no shirt on and woman who falls into his arms and there are hot and heavy love scenes, this was a Christian romance novel, if there is such a thing. It is more of a love story I guess. I don't know why I put myself through it. I read all about other people and their relationships, which makes me even more depressed, but I get over it. On to bigger and better things, I am getting Chaco's for this summer. They rock! I can't wait to have them. But thinking about what I am going to buy for the summer just makes me want to finally be out of school and makes me wish that I was at Cheerio with all my buds. But now, instead of doing anything exciting, I gotta go sit on some babies. Woo hoo. What fun. While one sister is at a party, one sister is at the movies with all her friends, and my parents are also watching a movie, I sit in somebody else's house watching TV and a kid all night. Yay.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Guess what? We get our yearbooks tomorrow. How wacko is that? Pretty wacko if you ask me. I mean I still have to suffer through 7 more weeks of chemistry... I don't want to think about getting out of school already. But it will be cool having more than enough time to sign yearbooks. I think I'll put funny quotes when I sign this year. Like:

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like bananas.
Semper ubi Sub ubi (always wear underwear)
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
If 4 out of 5 people suffer from diharreah, does that mean the 5th enjoys it?
If swimming is so good for your figure, how do you explain whales?
If you are named Will and you are in the army, do you get nervous when they say fire at will?
Do you ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?
If it's zero degrees outside today, and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?
What would cheese say if it got its picture taken?
If toast always lands butter side down, and cats always land on their back, what would happen if you strapped toast to the back of a cat and dropped it?

That takes to long to write, so I'll probably end up just saying: get down and be funky this summer. Or, the ever generic: You rock, don't ever change. Haha... well I'm looking forward to looking at all the pictures and stuff. Alright, I'm outy! (like on clueless or something)

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

You know what? I never knew now ironic the name of my blog would turn out to be. Now, of course, I am suffering from the common cold. I first thought of the name because we are playing a copland tribute in band, and that song is in it. It was stuck in my head, and then I read my great friend Sarah's away message that said she was dying from the common cold. So, I put two and two together and got something other than four. Now I sit here with my post nasal drip and sore throat. It's just gross. I'm all doped up on medicine too. I feel like a basketcase. I have to take an 800 motrin, 2 Cold Pain Reliever pills, and 2 Vitamin C tablets every morning. And then at 1:30 I have to take 2 more Cold Pain Reliever pills. Geeze Louise. At least being sick gives me an excuse to be mad at people sometimes. Shame on me. I know I shouldn't take advantage of my permanently generally bad mood, but hey, I gotta do what I gotta do. It is not fun having a cold, so I can give myself a little break by getting madder than I normally would in real life. Tisk tisk, bad Emma. If I am not making any sense to you, please let me know! email: Thank you for your time.

Which member of the Homestar Runner gang are you?

Monday, March 31, 2003

Where have I been? Gee wilikers I can't believe I haven't posted since wednesday. Chalk it up to this dang head cold. Or the fact that everytime I think of posting I am at a place where it is quite difficult to achieve the task. For example: I was about to write one Saturday night, but I was babysitting, and the kids had priority. All I was doing was watching Ninja Turtles II with them, but hey. Whatever keeps 'em happy. So I apologize to all of you religious readers (haha) and will promise to be more regular. Maybe I hit a slight writers block, seeing as how voracious I have been about blogging before this point. I don't exactly know. Perhaps my creative juices are being sucked up by this nasty head cold. Who knows. Geez. Why do I always say that? Why do I always ask questions to which the answer is that dang phrase? Who knows. haha.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Todays topic: Wal * Mart.

We all know it as that place of solice when there is an unfinished presentation due the next day. It is that place where you can go in smelling and feeling fresh and clean and come out smelling and feeling like you just came out of a low rent bar or something. Although it is hectic and smoke filled, we all continue to go there without hesitation. We tend to overlook the potential health problems so as to not pass up a good deal. For example: I subjected myself to the wrath of Wally World to search for clothes. That's right, you heard me, clothes. Not just for the sake of buying them, but for the sake of maybe getting something cute. The search was not looking favorable, but then, all of a sudden, there they were. Those beautiful skirts. Now maybe they arent beautiful, but they sure are cool. So I exitedly run over to the skirts and search through them joyously. Yes! My size! (gotta love them elastic waists) But one problem remains.... what shirt to wear? This is where my ever helpful sister comes in. She spots the shirt on the rack next to the skirt. Perfect. Now I have a cool outfit. Turns out the skirt looks better with a shirt I already have, and the shirt goes better with some capris I already have. This just adds to the selective power of Wal * Mart. Now I say selective because my search could have ended to no avail. I was almost consumed by the "2 Hot 4 U" and "99% Angel, 1% Devil" shirts, but I made it through. Cute clothes are few and far between at that store, so I warn you.

Now don't get me wrong by thinking that I don't like Wal * Mart for other things. It is a great event for me to go shopping at the place. I love getting random things there. I only wish that we wouldn't be in danger of lung cancer everytime we enter. It is a sad day when I smell smoke and say: "This smells like Wal * Mart" (which really did happen by the way)

This message paid for in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and support from Viewers Like You.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Ah... Spring. The time for those pale and pasty legs that have been hibernating all winter to peek out of their hiding places. Some are more blessed (in the short run) with "tannable" skin. Alas, there are those who aren't. But in the long run, when I'm 40 or something, I will have less wrinkles and healthier skin than those who sit in a cancer box for a while and use tanning as an excuse to basically lay around all summer. Now, I will admit, right now I am jealous of those folks who can tan, because no matter how hard I try, it doesn't work. Last summer at cheerio (represent!) I was out in the sun all the time. The only color (dramatic color, that is) was on my feet, from my birks. Now tell me, is that something to be proud of? I would argue so, but since I only got enough color to neutralize the blue tint on the rest of my body, I couldn't exactly be proud of my birkenstock tan. Maybe this summer I will get sunburnt and the tan that results will stay for a while! Most likely not. But for right now, I sit here in my cutoffs looking down at these pale legs just waiting for the day that they will be an asset. Next time you see me in shorts, break out your sunglasses, folks... they're blinding! er... the legs, that is... not the shorts... I mean... nevermind.

Monday, March 24, 2003

I formally apologize for my ranting at my mother in a fit of rage. I should learn not to express all of my rage on paper all the time. My fault. Although, I do have enough integrity not to change the post, because I need to show my mistakes sometimes. Lets all take this lesson to heart, and next time you feel like ranting or raving, please keep it off the paper. Tootles!

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Doncha just hate it when parents change their parenting when it comes to different children? Like the other day, I needed to get on the computer for my 8-page band report, but Charlotte was on yahoo. Charlotte had already been on for like 15 minutes, but she wouldn't get off. So I said, alright 5 minutes and my mom was like: No 10 minutes because Charlotte hasn't been on that long. Whatever. So I wait 10 minutes and realize it's not worth it and I don't even want to do my band report. So I say, nevermind Charlotte. And then Dad comes in on the convo and he's all, Charlotte you only get 15 more minutes on the computer. Hello??!!? So I was a little peeved. Now Charlotte needs to get on the computer for "school" and she's trying to kick me off, and I literally just got on, and I said to charlotte, I'll be done by 7:30 and it's 7:22 right now. Charlotte wasn't satisfied with this and goes in with her whiney voice and says: Mom I need to get on the computer, but Emma's being mean and not letting me. So mom says: Ok Emma, 5 minutes. I kindly remind her of this other Charlotte incident and she goes: That was then, this is now. The Heck?!?! I really dislike Charlotte sometimes, and I really dislike my mothers parenting sometimes. Well, I have exactly 10 seconds left on the computer, so I guess that's all folks!