Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Todays topic: Wal * Mart.

We all know it as that place of solice when there is an unfinished presentation due the next day. It is that place where you can go in smelling and feeling fresh and clean and come out smelling and feeling like you just came out of a low rent bar or something. Although it is hectic and smoke filled, we all continue to go there without hesitation. We tend to overlook the potential health problems so as to not pass up a good deal. For example: I subjected myself to the wrath of Wally World to search for clothes. That's right, you heard me, clothes. Not just for the sake of buying them, but for the sake of maybe getting something cute. The search was not looking favorable, but then, all of a sudden, there they were. Those beautiful skirts. Now maybe they arent beautiful, but they sure are cool. So I exitedly run over to the skirts and search through them joyously. Yes! My size! (gotta love them elastic waists) But one problem remains.... what shirt to wear? This is where my ever helpful sister comes in. She spots the shirt on the rack next to the skirt. Perfect. Now I have a cool outfit. Turns out the skirt looks better with a shirt I already have, and the shirt goes better with some capris I already have. This just adds to the selective power of Wal * Mart. Now I say selective because my search could have ended to no avail. I was almost consumed by the "2 Hot 4 U" and "99% Angel, 1% Devil" shirts, but I made it through. Cute clothes are few and far between at that store, so I warn you.

Now don't get me wrong by thinking that I don't like Wal * Mart for other things. It is a great event for me to go shopping at the place. I love getting random things there. I only wish that we wouldn't be in danger of lung cancer everytime we enter. It is a sad day when I smell smoke and say: "This smells like Wal * Mart" (which really did happen by the way)

This message paid for in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and support from Viewers Like You.

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