Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I just visited a figure of my childhood. Thats right, you guessed it, J. J. Jones Elementary (I mean Intermediate) School. I was getting recognized for state swimming... whoop de doo... anyway. Anna and I explored the library and took a walk down memory lane. It seems like everything has shrunk since the last time I was there, like 4 years ago. Jill and I were going to look down the halls, but the whole school past the entrance smelled like pee. Dang elementary schoolers. Peeing everywhere. Things sure had changed. Had there always been so much of that cut-out-bulletin-board-looking-letters decorations everywhere? Seems like the whole school is full of little cut out flowers, or cut out letters, or cut out hands, or cut out blah blah blah. I bet if I looked in the cafeteria it would look really small. For some reason I always thought that cafeteria was the hugest thing ever. How weird. Visiting that place sure brings back a lot of memories. Some not so good..... like the pee... ewww. Thats all there is to say about that one... eww.

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