Saturday, December 06, 2003

For the last 2 days I have been sick. It all started Thursday morning, which also happened to be a snow day. So I sat around all day watching mindless t.v. and staring at the winter wonderland. Then on Friday I was worse, but we still didn't have school so once again I watched t.v. and stared at the winter wonderland. As well as rubbing my nose raw with tissues. I missed the basketball game but we lost again, so what the heck. Now I am getting over my cold and getting on with the after-cold symptoms. Gotta love it. It was probably from walking out to my car from swim practice with wet hair, in a wet bathing suit, wrapped in a wet towel with wet chaco's on. Yeah, that's probably why. Not doing that again. At this point in time, I'm going on 62 hours straight of being in my house. The furthest I've been out was the mailbox. Whoa there. So now I'm going to hang around the house some more. Yay.

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