Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Yeah... so today I realized how truly sketchy the Wal*Mart hunting section really is. I was buying stuffing for Charlotte and, while walking back, I passed the hunting section. These three guys were standing in their camo and boots etc., and when I walked by one guy said, quite loudly, "Hooters". Ok. That is total sketch. I ignored it and kept on walking, and I think I heard one guy mutter something like, "I can't believe you did that" or something. Anyways, that renews my faith in the total wierdness of hicks at Wal*Mart. Just so you know.

On a lighter note, I went to a basketball game today! It was tons o' fun. And, I made it from the HS to Wal*Mart to home in record time. It took me 5 minutes to get from the HS to Wal*Mart, then about 7.5 minutes to get the stuffing, then approximately 12.5 minutes to get home from Wal*Mart. Holy cow! All this just because of my driving limitations. But my worries will be over on December 18th. Yay!!! I can drive any time of the day I want!!! What freedom!

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