Sunday, April 20, 2003

Highlights from our Easter party:

Monica (whose parents are Romanian) running around our garage screaming "we have to disco dance" in Romanian, then actually starting to do the disco!

Me running out in our yard and almost choking on a bug. (It's alright folks, I didn't choke, but I did get a good meal...)

Riding on the tandem with my dad while Monica and Andrew ran after us yelling something incomprehensible.

Hearing my dad and Mrs. Harris start to sing "I'm the happiest girl in the whole wide USA" or something like that.

My dad and Mr. Harris' conversation which went somewhat along the lines of this:
*They were discussing Annexation- Mr. H is pro of course and my dad is not*
Mr. H- "I was expecting... what's the word?"
Dad- "A lynching?"

Seeing little kids slipping and sliding through the mud in our yard with little easter bags trying to gather as many eggs as they could. Many kids had two bags, while others only ended up with mud on their pants...

Overall, It was a rather funny party. You should have been there... Now we have a bunch of really good food... Yummy...

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