Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I'm in a sad mood. The dentist was the catalyst. When you have braces they have to sand blast your teeth with baking soda for some reason. The thing is, you have to wear safety goggles, they put a ton of chap-stick-esque goop on your lips and damp paper towels on your chin. Eww. Then they start blastin. It was getting in my nose, and boy does that stuff sting!!! So I asked the lady to put the towel over my nose. Then I had some trouble breathing, because you can't breathe through your mouth, for fear of permanent damage to your throat I guess. My tongue was all raw and my face and lips were chapped. I hated it. As soon as I got home, I had to wash my face and put on tons of chap stick. So that started off my bad mood. When I got back from the dentist, my mom informed me that we wouldn't be returning from Michigan (we're going to my bro's graduation woowoo!) until Monday. That happens to be the day that I have my Algebra 2 and Chemistry exam. So I have to take the Chemistry exam on Tuesday, with Dobbs' 4th period chem class. I hope I'll get to take the Algebra exam on Tuesday also. Otherwise, that would stink. So I'll have one less day to wind down before Cheerio. All I need is a good nap. We have that multiple choice test in Chemistry tomorrow that is worth a dang 40 percent of our 6-week grade. Great. I'm sure I'll do just fine, but still. I don't really want to take it. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm not really sick, just got a little cough every once and a while. Pooey. I'm not even going to watch American Idol tonight because I think I need to study then go to bed ASAP. Relaxation is what I desperately need. Sorry about this venting... writing is my outlet, and you are the unfortunate readers. Alas. Well, I'm off to my room for the night. Good night computer, good night mouse, good night big old 3 story house. Good night moon, and good night You!!!

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