Sunday, August 17, 2003

This is a public service announcement brought to you by the letter "S" and the number "21".

Volleyball season is now in full swing, therefore blogging has become virtually impossible. Weekdays are devoted to bench sitting and conditioning, and weekends are devoted to rest. When volleyball season dies down, blogging will resume at a more regular rate. Sorry for the inconvenience. Adios, Amigos!

Saturday, August 09, 2003

The volleyball scrimmage was great. I had to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn to go to Dobson to sit on the bench for 75% of the games watching our team play. I guess our team was helped by the experience, I wouldn't know. There is one thing I'm gonna get out of volleyball though, and that is killer leg muscles. All that "boot camp" Coach Knott makes us do sure helps with those. In fact, all my muscles are sore. I guess that means they're getting stronger, I'm not sure. Well, My contacts are about to pop out because they've been in since 6:45 this morning. I'm gonna skidaddle. Tata!

Friday, August 08, 2003

Sleep is a many splendored thing. Is that how you spell splendored? Who knows. Anyway. Too bad I'm not going to get to sleep in for like 2 weeks. Man, that's the one thing I miss about summer. Even though most days I was getting up at 7:00 at Camp to wake other people up for showers, it was still better than this. I have to get up at like 6:45 tomorrow because we have to be at the High School at 7:30. We have a volleyball scrimmage at Surry Central. That is cruel and unusual punishment. And I'll probably be sitting on the bench most of the time. But I'm not complaining, because I'll just come home and take a nap. But it still isn't the same as sleeping in. Most of the time naps only make me more tired. I will miss my only day to sleep in, but there will be another one, hopefully soon. Well I'm gonna go savor the 8 hours of sleep I might get, ttfn!

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Hello all! As has become the norm, I apologize for lack of postage. I will also take the chance to apologize for events such as this in the future. The apologies take so much out of the blog. The plug is pulled on the creative juices. So there you go. Alright. School is going good, thanks for asking! It seems as though it is second semester though. I feel like I have been at school for 4 months already. That is not so nice. I still don't know whether or not this semester will be hard. Spanish is going to be easy, they tell me. Ms. Ucinska, for those of you who do not already know, is Polish, and is fluent in Spanish as well as English. English is her 3rd language (at least) so it is quite fun. My spanish name is Cecilia. Represent Simon and Garfunkle baby! Honors Bio with Bodnar looks like it will be fun because he drops in random jokes in the middle. Its great. Comic relief. Then Honors Physics... boy I hope I'm never tired in that class because Mr. Belton's voice would put you right to sleep. He reminds me of the way the boys in my grade talk when they don't really want to be talking. Kind of slow and depressed and stuff. Honors U.S. History is going to be fine I think. No EOC, which is a big plus. So those are my classes. I have to go study for my quizzes, I have one in each class except Spanish. Perfect. Gotta jet! Tootles!

Monday, August 04, 2003

I got my braces off! Yay!!! I look so different, but yet so the same! While I was driving around today, I kept looking in the rearview mirror and smiling to see my teeth. Also, my tongue is worn out from licking my smooth teeth... woah that sounds disgusting, sorry about that. If I had the technology to put a picture of myself on here I would, to show all of you guys my new smile! I'm glad I got them just in time, too. School starts Wednesday, so its a good start. Well, I gotta go to bed, I'm trying to get in shape for school hours... tata!

Sunday, August 03, 2003

I get my braces off tomorrow! Finally! I am nervous, though. The person that I am today, the person who has been in high school for two years has had braces. I have learned to play my oboe with braces. I have grown accustomed to how my face looks with braces. Now I won't have them anymore and that will be weird. But the good outweighs whatever the bad would be. Now I won't have to worry about wires poking my cheek or hooking into my tongue. (ow!). So I will post tomorrow on the results. Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 02, 2003

I apologize for the lack of postage. As I have said before, it is hard to get back in the groove. Anyways, back to the subject at hand. Today I earned some things. I earned 12 dollars to watch The Simpsons with Matus and Anna Kriska, and I earned a sunburn from laying out at the Cross Creek Pool for 2 hours without sunscreen. Yep, I'm probably going to get skin cancer. I don't know why I didn't wear sunscreen, I guess I thought I was rebelling. I need to stop myself from doing that. Nothing good ever comes of it. What makes me mad is that I only got sunburn on the places that didn't see the sun at camp. That would be the places that my lifejacket (PFD) and shorts covered. The only place on my legs that got sunburn was the white where there used to be a shorts tan. And I now have a reverse lifejacket tan (I mean BURN). Alright, I'm off to lather my ailing skin with Aloe and then going to sleep. Goodnight!