Thursday, September 30, 2004

I was in a pretty good mood today, and then it all went down the drain for some reason. Blame it on hormones or something, since it is the easiest thing to blame stuff on when you're a teenage girl. I'm not really that moody, I think I have just been more "thoughtful" lately. Like I think too much into things. In a way, I'm glad. I think it adds depth to my character, in that I'm not so superficial. In another way, I'm not glad. Because it makes me too depressed to be thinking about the future or reading into things while everybody else is wondering what to wear on blue and white day. I think I'm just tired of superficiality. It is tiring. I don't know. Now I'm going to go watch CSI because I like it, and I'm not going to watch the debate because I can't vote and my family is conservative and republican and defensive, and I'm liberal and emotional. It's too hard to handle.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I had a lot of interactions with infinity today. We had to read a story for english that was talking about the vast infinity of the universe and then I got part of "Bodyguard" by Paul Simon stuck in my head- the part when he says "spinning in infinity..." But that's all I had stuck in my head... I couldn't seem to get any of the surrounding lines in my head. Whatever. Then in calculus we were talking about vertical tangent lines, and which infinity they went off to. I started thinking about infinity and it made me feel small, like the girl in the story. Like when I went out to my car before campaigners this morning, I had one of those episodes where you wonder what the point of life is. Like any life at all, not just mine. Like, what is the point of going to Campaigners if I'm just going to die in like 70 or 80 years, which is such a small fraction of the time that has already existed. I don't like feeling like this because I loose all motivation whatsoever. It is the ultimate senioritis. Weird.

My back hurts all the time and I've been in a bad mood all day and I have a headache. Ugg.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

make that 6.
I just realized that I've started the last like 4 posts with "So." Weird.
So. Today I read my story in English class... in front of Dr. Farley. For those of you who aren't aware, it's about him. I called him short. I think he took it pretty well, considering. He said a couple things about how it was obvious and then how it was really good and then asked me what my name was. Yeah, I didn't tell him, mainly because he was joking. He said it a couple times. He also said he was going to go home tonight and craft his response. It was exhilirating and really quite fun. Thanks go out to Tillman on this one for giving me the idea. We are going to vote on who has the best story, and right now it's between me and Tillman. I say give it to Tillman since both were his ideas. Mine was mainly shock value, but his was influenced by strong bad and trogdor. It was really funny to those of us who are homestar buffs, but it was also just a good story for everybody. So I'm going to vote for Tillman's story. I hate votes and stuff, they seem to cheapen the value of the stories, because that's not why we wrote them. I like stories better when it's just a story and you can like some of them the same amount. I'm not one for playing favorites. There were a bunch of other funny things in people's stories, like when Rebekah said something about the wife of bath like- "why cross your legs and be a lady when you can open them up and be a skank" or something like that. I mean whoa. Some of them were really good. Nicole's had a nice moral, and Kathryn's was just like A Walk to Remember (she told me herself). So it was fun times, and tomorrow we get to have a Medieval food party. Fun times to the max, baby. When I told Mrs. Gray about my satire, she wanted someone to write a satire about her. I told her there was nothing to satire, but I think there's always something to satire about people. I don't know exactly how good of a satire it would be. I don't think someone could pull off an entire storyline based on her, but they could probably include her or something. Like I did w/ Mr. Castillo in my tale. He rounds down. Haha.

Anyways, so I'm gonna do some calculus homework or something. Gilmore girls comes on tonight!

Sunday, September 26, 2004

So, you know what I realized today? I'm just everybody's friend. People I come in contact with/ interact with on a day to day basis are all my friends. I like being people's friend. I'm not really anyone's enemy, I don't have crushes anymore (I talk my hormones out of being wacko, so it's under control) so I don't expect any more out of guys than to just be their friend. I'm glad I came to this realization. It is so much more fun to interact with people without wondering how they're judging you. I don't know why I felt like saying that, but I just thought of that and I just wanted to tell you that I like being a friend. It's kind of a weird statement. But I rarely ever make sense.

I also wanted to say that sometimes I think I'm cooler than I am and I have some cool standard to live up to. Like because I like music like the Flaming Lips, I can't like Ashlee Simpson. Like I'm a sell-out or something. But then I realize that I'm the kind of person that likes songs for the way they sound and it doesn't matter who sings it sometimes, even if they are sell-out-y. I don't really have a particular niche in the coolness scale. I have some hippie clothes, but I'm not all out hippie. I have chuck taylors and random shirts, but I'm not totally vintaged out. I love the 80's and their clothes, but I don't go ridiculously crazy about them.I have clothes from the Gap and from the Goodwill. Even if I sometimes feel like a sell out, I remind myself that I have nothing to sell out from. Who would I be betraying if I am not really totally invested in one era of coolness anyway? Am I making sense? There I go again. That's the second time. In this post. Oh me. What a silly goose.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

So here is my story that I finally wrote. I had the worst case of writer's block, so I decided to start writing my research paper, when all of a sudden I could think of how to write this one. So the assignment was to write a second story of someone in the Canterbury Tales, since they all only got one (some didn't even get one). So I wrote it as the squire. Tell me what you guys think, or any corrections or suggestions or anything. Enjoy!

We start our story on a terrible day
When the King gathered the people together to say
“A few words” was all the invitation stated.
So the crowds showed up with their breath bated,
Waiting to hear what the news could be
From their short little king in his decree
It sounded ominous, and many assumed
That it would be bad- they were doomed!
Their undersized King stood up over the crowd
And started to talk, although not that loud
He didn’t have a loud voice because of his size
An amplification device seemed wise.
“To all my dear subjects, an announcement, have I,
All drinks and food in public surely should die.”
The crowd started muttering, “Can this be?”
“This surely can’t be happening to me.”
By the look on his face, they knew it was true.
No food or drinks, what could they do?

A group of peasants who were the best of friends
Got together to discuss this king who offends
Their very livelihood, and health for sure,
Because they can’t have their water so pure.
They tried different things to test
What they could do without an arrest.
They would sneak a cookie here and there
And try to avoid the guard’s stare.
The town proclaimer, McKenzie his name,
Decided to try and make it a game.
He announced to all that the rule was phony
And we could all drink and eat bologna
Wherever we wanted without prosecution.
He thought this would bring about a solution.

The King, having heard of their scheme,
Counteracted the efforts of our ambitious team.
He made an announcement of his own,
To say that the team’s cover was blown.
Sir Mac was no longer allowed to announce
Anything else or the guards would pounce.
It just so happened that another one heard
Of their valiant efforts to thwart this nerd.
Macado was her name, and she lived far away
But they knew that it was the only way
To set things right in our precious town
Against the will of the guy in the crown.

They started their quest to see this wise one
Who knew the way to bring back the fun.
The journey was not easy, because they needed to eat
But doing this in public was quite a feat.
They finally made it by sneaking around
And feasting off of berries they found.
Along the way, they met a great foe
Who knew what it was they wanted to know
To pass him they had to complete his quiz
It was a shoo-in because they had a whiz
Alex was his name, and he was quite the scholar
It even said so right on his collar
“Master of quizzes given by evil guys
On the side of the road sometimes in disguise”
Each question was worth 7.5
If he got an A, he would surely survive.
So with 15 questions, the foe gave his test
Alex didn’t know one, but he knew all the rest.
Knowing the regular rules of grading,
Alex knew he wouldn’t need persuading
To get this A with a 92.5,
That would surely round up and we would survive.
But no, such was not the way of the man
Whose people didn’t follow this plan.
They round down, a little known fact,
So the team then decided to break their pact.
To get revenge on him, they had a plan
So they picked up this little man
And put him in the back of their cart
And for the mountain they did depart
To find Macado- the wise woman
Who for their salvation had a plan.

Finally they reached her glorious abode
Only to find out she’d been turned into a toad!
The king had hired a witch, it seems,
And taken this feud to new extremes.
Faced with only one option, one choice
The team opted once more for the power of voice.
Three in their group had the power of rock
That they could use as a starting block
To show the King the error of his ways
And hopefully rid him of this horrible phase.

So they all got together and wrote a song
To show this king that drinks weren’t wrong.
It was by far the best song ever created
The group plus the frog and short man were elated.
They finally had the way to defeat the King
They would use their guitars and they would sing
Upon hearing this song, the King promptly replied
That he would set all his silly rules aside
And allow food and drink throughout the land.
So the song had worked out just as they’d planned.
A shout of rejoice and a cry of relief
Quickly replaced all feelings of grief.
The town was happy and water was back
And they all feasted on an afternoon snack.
The King and the townspeople were friends again
And they even had concerts every now and then.
The town was saved and they started a trend
Of eating and drinking, and this is the End.

leave comments.
So maybe that was my 300th post, and this one is my 301st post. Oh well, I guess it doesn't make any difference. Anyways... overall, this week was a pretty good one. It was premier week on most stations. Tuesday was Gilmore Girls (my favorite) and One Tree Hill. I didn't watch O.T.H. last year, but I decided to start this year since all my friends watch it, and I don't really want to be left out of their conversations. It's predictable, but there's nothing wrong with that. Then on Wednesday it was the Bachelor... I promised myself I wouldn't watch it but I got sucked in. I don't know why I do it to myself. It won't work out, I mean they see each other for like 3 days total and then all of a sudden they decide to get married. Whatever. Then on Thursday it was CSI (regular). I love CSI... everything is so cool, like all their investigations and stuff. Then Friday was Joan of Arcadia. I like that show a lot. But this year I don't like Joan! She changed b/c she thought she was crazy, so she tried to be normal. She was sketching me out. I hope she gets a clue real quick or else I'll be mad. Haha. As if my being mad would do anything. I live vicariously through the TV shows I watch.

So, on to other things. I've decided to make it a conscious effort to make eye contact more often. It's weird to all of a sudden decide to make eye contact. It is so personal, like there's nowhere tho hide. It is almost an exhilirating feeling to make eye contact for more than I'm used to. It makes the conversations a higher quality almost. It's like you're seriously interested in the conversation, and you can't get distracted. I think it is awesome, and I don't know why I was kinda afraid of it before. I would feel weird if I made eye contact for too long. I still can't keep eye contact all the time, like I have to break away sometimes, but I am making progress.
Happy 301st post, everybody!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

So hello to all new readers of my blog. I seem to think there might be many of you thanks to the editorial in our good old Mt. Airy News Paper (from Monday). I might not be on the list of links, but, I mean, this is a pretty good blog. It's been going for a fairly long time. I would just like to say that this is probably one of the dull ones and my grandparents even read it. There might be some juicy stuff, but lately it's just been boring accounts of what I do. Which brings me to my next point (I think I said it over the summer)- my blog has become too journal-y. I just tell you about what I do and stuff, but I want to go back to writing about specific things that interest me.

For Example...

I remember my first interactions with "pop" music and it's addictive nature. I heard "Livin la Vida Loca" by Ricky Martin on VH1 I think. I was mezmerized. I couldn't get enough of it! I wanted to listen to it every chance I got. I was addicted. And then, it happened. I heard it one to many times. Then it became old and gross and overplayed and I just wanted to take a musical shower, you know... get some good refreshing songs out there for once. But then it happened again- in the form of Christina Aguilera's "Genie in a Bottle". Same story. I couldn't help myself. "Pop" music has a way of attatching to something in your brain... and it gives an awesome feeling, but then the grip seems to choke this receptor. It wears away and soon the gruesome ugliness of pop culture sets in. I become disenchanted by it's spell. Maybe this is why I could never be a diehard fan of a pop artist. By the time I actually got all of their stuff and went to all of their concerts, the receptor would have worn away and I would be left with a Britney Spears hangover (non-alcoholic for you newbies). It is terrible. I don't think I've been sucked in as often lately, I lean more towards non-pop music, so I can listen to it all I want. Soundtracks are good, because they might only have one popular song so you can just skip it and listen to all the other good songs. Also, getting a CD by a pop artist for just one song isn't always a good purchase. I get CD's of bands that sound interesting, and then all of their songs are good. Good musicians have a lot of good songs. Right now, tragically, my Relient K receptor has worn out just a little bit. I have memorized all of their songs, because I listened to them all of the time when I first got the CD's. Now I don't like to listen to them all the time. Just occasionally. And sometimes, I have to cancel out my pop intake with some Simon and Garfunkel or just plain Paul Simon. I mean, that's some good stuff right there.

Ok. I like that much better. Look forward to blogs like that, guys. Hey, leave comments, and don't be scared. Unless I don't know who you are, in which case you should sign it so I don't get creeped out. Please don't creep me out. Thanks. Right. I'm gonna go watch Oprah. Woot!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

I like cartoons a whole lot more than kids my age. I don't know why, I just like them a lot. Like Recess, Fillmore, Chalk Zone, Kim Possible, Fairly Oddparents... you know, ones like that. Even though the kids are like 4th Graders or 10 year olds, they don't act like it. They have really cool plans and each episode is way cool. They aren't in a series so much, so you can just watch one and totally get it, even if you've never watched one before. I watched some cartoons this morning. Fillmore is a pretty cool one- it's about the safety patrol at their elementary school. They act/talk like real detectives and stuff. In Recess, they have an unwritten code of the playground and stuff... I mean, how cool is that? And their teacher, Mrs. Groetke is a total hippie. She doesn't shave her legs and one time was doing a math problem and was like: "If one feul-efficient vehicle saves 25 gallons of gas, then how many gallons of gas do 30 fuel-efficient vehicles save? Come on, kids... this is you're environment we're talking about!" Pretty funny. Mikey is a poet and he always says stuff like: "Tis far better to have a friend who is a loser than to lose a friend." Liking cartoons really helps me with my babysitting life. I will gladly watch the cartoons that the kids want to watch. Sometimes I'll be more enthusiastic about them than the kids. Haha. Sometimes I don't like the cartoon, like one time when we had to watch this really bad cartoonization of The King and I. It was horrible, I think I blogged about it way back when. Now video games are a different story. The only one I know how to play is Mario Kart. The other ones just loose me. I don't like the ones where you're going on a journey or something; I like more arcade-ish games. They are over pretty quickly and then you start all over again. Yup. Well, I'm off to enjoy my Saturday- I'm going shopping in Winston w/ the fam and then it's off to the Good Life for some good times.

Friday, September 17, 2004

I just watched Calendar Girls, and it was awesome. Great movie, made even better because I've actually had a cake from the WI. My grandma always buys sponge cakes from there... they are really good. I think I've even had one from Marks and Spencer... hahaha. I think you had to see the movie to get that one. So I've been hanging out all day, doing nothing basically. I was going to devote today for college applications and stuff, but I decided that I wanted to be lazy today. I guess I decided... do you really decide to be lazy? Or do you just realize that you've been procrastinating already and figure "why not?" Yeah, I think that's what happened to me. I realized that I wasn't getting motivated. Haha. I think I'll excercise tomorrow morning to get me in the active mood. That sounds like a plan. And then I am gonna go see Jerry and Cleve and Steve at the Good Life. That pumps me up a lot. I love it when those guys play. It's such a positive environment. All those parents and stuff... I feel like a minority (because I am) haha. So I'm glad I got out of my paranoid/depressed mood. I think it was the test that set me off. I got so stressed about it because I didn't devote nearly enough study time to it and I had my first piano lesson of the year the day before... things just weren't working out. I began to feel the grip on my academics slowly slip away. But I think that's a hump that I just needed to get over. One bad test and then I'm set for the year. I've seriously been going through some type of withdrawl. Now I'm back to my optimistic, cheery self. I needed this 3 day weekend. I mean, the only thing hanging over my head now is college apps, but I think I'll get some of those out of the way right now. Seriously this time... haha.
Sorry about that. I love my friends and my friends love me, they just don't call me. I'm just feeling sorry for myself. I think I was feeling too depressed or something, but I feel better because I just got out of the house and my hair is clean and flippy (and that always makes me feel good) and I got an air freshener that a) makes my car smell good rather than gross b) reminds me of camp cheerio (i don't know why). So I'm in a good mood. Now I'm gonna watch Napoleon Dynamite. woot!
Thanks for reminding me, last commenter, to blog about things I cry about. The only thing is, is that I can't do it when I'm not in the mood, and I'm not in the mood right now. So, I guess we'll have to postpone that one.

Well, my weekend seemed all planned but "tropical storm" Ivan has ruined my plans. Whatever. And now I am stuck at home working on college applications. I would hang out with my friends, but they don't call me, and I'm tired of having to call to find out what's going on, so I guess I'll stay at home. I can't wait for college. I'm really procrastinating on my Morehead application, but I'll finish at least one essay today. Hopefully more than that. Right now, though, I have to take Jill to the bank and then practice piano and then watch Napoleon Dynamite, probably not in that order.

So there you go, and here I go to do those things. I promise I'll blog later.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Spanish class with Mr. Castillo is kinda sketchy/ambiguous for many reasons. I will list them here in bullet/number format for your viewing ease and pleasure.

  1. He rounds down. This might not be a serious offense, if he just said deal with it. But he has very particular reasoning. He says that you didn't earn the other fractions of a point, so why should he round up? There is a flaw. By rounding down, he steals fractions of points away from us that we rightfully earned. This is the reason for many a 92 in his class (rightfully a 92.5). Why can't he just leave it at 92.5? Then he can just put it into the computer and let the computer round up for him.
  2. He doesn't know what you're asking half of the time. I think I've explained my frustrations on the whole question thing before. Most of the time he just assumes that we don't know anything, when we just want a particular detail.
  3. He doesn't know what extra credit is. That should be self explanatory.
  4. He doesn't catch on or get worried that someone is called out of our class every single day. This can be by the Journalism staff, the Yearbook staff (although not as often), the Office staff, the Guidance office, or just anyone who feels like talking to someone in our class. He just says whatever and lets them go. I don't think he really gets it.
  5. His tests and homework are very ambiguous. Our last quiz was on writing questions given answers, and the problem would look like this. "Ayer." That's it. And then there would be one "VĂ­ un OVNI." What is an OVNI? Apparently it is the spanish version of UFO. Whatever. So it was really random and ambiguous.
  6. We are on page R25. That's review. There are 56 "R" pages. He plans on going through all of them. We've been reviewing for the entire 6 weeks so far. While Harlan's class is already failing and learning hard things, we are doing skits where we ask each other "Como te llamas?" I told him that we already learned past tense in Spanish 2, but he said "Yeah, we are reviewing present tense and then we'll learn past tense after the R pages." He didn't get it. Refer to point 2.
  7. He's making us do a play about "anything, it just has to be about people doing bad things with a moral." He says we're gonna perform them in front of the school. Let's just say that our play has people doing/selling drugs, beating their wives, and Mac & Andy in Ninja suits with a dog. (a live one) But that's probably not going to happen. Anyway, It's sketchy.

Those are the main reasons. I hope you get my point. I'm gonna go watch Gilmore Girls, but if I get fed up I'll go do my HW.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

remind me to blog about things i cry about.
So. I haven't posted since Tuesday, except to blog about the comments. On wednesday, our power went out at like 5:30. It was cool in its own way. It was very laid back and calm and stress relieving. I think it's because flourescent lights cause stress. I did my homework by candlelight, finished the Knights Tale (of the Canterbury tales) that wasn't due til friday, and went to bed early. It was pretty cool. I think it would be fun to pretend there wasn't any electricity. I always end up watching TV when I'm bored, and it wastes so many hours. I kept thinking that I wanted to blog about having no electricity, but I couldn't. It was funny. Anyways. So thursday was a regular day. I can't remember anything special about it.

Friday was a pretty cool day. I had a test in Calculus, but it wasn't all that bad. Me and Nan went out to lunch at Barney's. It was way fun! I didn't want to go back to school, though. As usual. We did an osmosis/diffusion lab in Bio, and it was kinda boring. Just typical measuring and stuff. We sang the final countdown right before we checked our 15%Glucose/1%Starch bag. It was funny. Then spanish was 17 minutes longer because Beasley doesn't know how to properly punish the 2nd lunch messy people. At the end of class, Mr. Castillo, Anderson, McKenzie, and Nick did the macarena. It was pretty funny. Mr. C wrote down the lyrics to the first two lines and when I tried to sing them I realized that there were entirely too many syllables for the beat. It was funny. Then I went to Nan's after school to make some shakers. Mine was horrible. I deplore my artistic skills. But I did well on Ashley's. I guess I learned from my mistakes. The game was tons of fun, Nan kept making me take pictures. We were especially school spirited because we were gonna be on TV if we won or something. Then we went to Ashley's after the game to watch our team on the news. On our way over, we stopped by Anderson's house to say hey and have some chilly-willies. It was funny, because we kinda hot-pocketed. But it didn't really count because it wasn't like weren't wanted. The chilly willies were good. I came in and before saying hi to mr. rowe I asked where the chilly willies were. It was funny. Then when I asked Nan what color she wanted, McKenzie jumped up. It was funny. I think they didn't know who was there. Haha. It was cool hanging out, for like the 2 seconds we were there. Then we saw our team act like hooligans on TV. We looked skinny and small (in #) and hick and camera crazy. They wouldn't stop waving. I mean come on, it's the local news. Haha. I didn't attend Starr's party because those parties aren't fun unless your getting drunk, and I don't think I want to be getting drunk. I did offer to be Zack's DD, but he said he was just spending the night. Haha.

Today I was going to go see Napoleon Dynamite and go to the Goodwill both in Winston, but Jill couldn't come along and Mom said she didn't want me driving all that way to see a movie by myself. I guess I'll just have to wait till it comes out on video. Instead, I went to the recycling center, watched a bunch of True Life's on MTV, moped around, and came to babysit Jane on her awesome farm (where I am now). My side hurt all day. Chalk another one up to Ovulation. Mom kept thinking I had appendicitis, but it was on the wrong side. At one point, I was worried I had ovarian cancer. I was being a little melodramatic. Haha. So now my friends are apparently all going to Hooters (hutters... according to Mr. C) and I am here playing in a creek on a farm that looks like it could never be from Mt. Airy, in a ridiculously cute cabin, with Jane and Blair downstairs making me a drink. I'm getting paid to do this. It rocks. Thus far, I have successfully avoided ever going to hooters. I think I'll try to keep that record up. I don't think I like what Hooters stands for, but I mean I would go if it were in a different context. Like if we all knew it was a joke. Whateva.

So I miss GSW. Jessica has some good pictures of us hanging out in her room and on the patio. Ahh, the good times. It really was fun times. I need a reunion. I really do. So now I'm gonna go hang out some more. Adios!

Friday, September 10, 2004

Umm... thanks, commentor on the last blog.

I'm a little creeped out.
I would just like to say thanks for all the love in the comments on this blog. It is awesome. Rock, rock on!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I went to Emmy's wedding this weekend, and I loved it. It made me look forward to marriage so much. I can't even wait. I'm not depressed that I don't have a boyfriend, and I'm not depressed that I'm a teenager and not an "adult" yet, and I'm not depressed that I may never get married, because I totally know that I am. I'm just excited about what life has in store for me. I can't wait to be married. I'm looking forward to having a partner to be with me all the time. He will want to hang out with me. He won't want to hang out with someone else sometimes, and ditch me or anything. And it will be so much fun. I just can't wait. It put me in a good mood. But I am sad that Emmy is moving away. Because I love her.

I saw the best home rennovation I've ever seen today on Oprah. It was so good. Too good for words. Nate made over Paige's apartment. Holy cow. I've never seen anything so beautiful. I mean come on. I won't describe it here because I won't get the full and awesome affect. I mean, wow.

Um I like some songs. They make me happy. Like this one I'm listening to right now. "Halleluia" by Rufus Wainwright. It's good. It is a very nice song. There are other songs that I like a lot. I think I'll write them down every time I think of them, that way I can purchase them when I get my iPod for christmas. If I get it. Some songs make me happy and sad and a lot of different emotions all at once. I love those. Another one is "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. It will be the first song I dance to at my wedding. Because I love it. Songs make me happy. Good songs. Mmm.

I'm also looking forward to College and everything it has to offer. I think I keep forgetting that it is actually school. I just see it as a whole new social opportunity. But I will hopefully adjust. And if I go to UNC, Shmimmy can just tell me to study. And I will. Oh, how I love my shmimmy. Oh, how I love all my camp friends. I can't wait to see them again. I was thinking over the weekend about who to invite to my wedding, and I can't wait for the culmination (is that a word?) of all my favorite people all at one place. I don't want to waste my whole time talking to old relatives and "family friends" that I don't really want to talk to. I want to see all my bestest friends. It is so freakin exciting. I just hope I don't get stressed out and feel bad for hurting people's feelings because I didn't pick them to be a bridesmaid. Maybe I'll just make family bridesmaids. I don't like thinking about it too much because it is way to far away to be thinking about. I guess that's what weddings do to you. Anyways.

I'm glad that you guys who are reading this are my friends and you love me. Because I'm pretty sure I love you. In that friendly, plutonic type of love, but you guys know that. It's still as meaningful.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

I think I'm tired of High School boys. The fact that they all seem to be attracted to one girl or something. And that all they want to do is get alcohol and cigars. I mean, come on. I guess this is because I went to Emmy's wedding and I realized that there is a good guy out there that is totally right for me and is waiting for me and I don't really need to waste my time on these silly boys. Not like I'd be wasting my time on them anyways. I just wish there was a better group of guys/people to hang out with. I get kinda bored with the same old stuff. Ok... enough of that... on to what I've been doing since the last time I formally blogged.

Wednesday was good, but kinda not good in a way. I went to Goodwill right after school with Nancy and Evan, and I got some awesome clothes for grit day. Way cool overalls that were plaid and tan and gross. And a racing shirt. (but it was Jeff Gordon and I'm apparently not supposed to like him... who knows). Then I drove all the way out to Tilley's to pick up my proofs. Turns out they are closed on Wednesdays. That ticked me off. I drove all the way out to Siloam for nothing. Then I called mom and told her I was gonna go wait for Charlotte to get out of V-ball practice and she said that was a good idea. After 30 minutes of waiting there, Dad calls me to tell me he's at Charlottes volleyball game. At Gentry. So that ticked me off again. Then I went home and did some homework or something. I always do homework. Oh, and I had to pick up Jill from the pool parking lot. That ticked me off again. I think I went to the soccer game too... I can't remember. Yeah, I think Nan took me.

Thursday I guess school was normal. I don't remember and I don't really care. Then I went back out to Tilley's again and got my proofs. Some of them were scary. My smile looked crazy because I was laughing but trying to keep my mouth in a closed smile shape. It was funny. Then I was talking to shmimmy about how we are gonna be roommates if we both go to UNC (!!), and then I realized that it was 5:40 and I was supposed to pick Charlotte up at 5:15. Haha. Then when I got back I had to go back out and get Jill. Uggh. Then I went to the JV football game and then over to Audra's. It was crazy, but I basically stayed in Audra's room and watched A walk to Remember. I went walking with Ash at one point. It was a crazy place. I was sketched out b/c there were boys sleeping there. I'm gonna not sleep over next time there are boys there. Just because they are probably sketchy. But I love Audra's house. I love her room and her decorations and her family. It's fun times. Jarret makes some good bagel bites... haha. So it was crazy.

Friday was grit day! We rode around in Lauren Goins' old truck. It was craazy. I smelled like exhaust all day. Then in English (after showing up late...) we had to say our prolouges. "Whan that April with his shoures soote... the drougt of March had perced to the roote" except you say it like "Whaan that Aprril with his shores soot-a... the droot of March had per-ced to the root-a" You just had to hear it for yourself. It was also funny because Rachael and I were practicing it at like 1 in the morning at Audra's house. I finally got it right, but in front of the classroom in my silly grit attire. Haha. Then calculus was funny because I kinda couldn't concentrate. I couldn't coordinate my thoughts well enough. Anderson and Chris looked pretty tired too. Then we went back to Audra's at lunch to get our cars and eat some (free- thanks mrs. H) food. Then Biology was fun b/c it was shortened. Spanish was basically a sleeping time, but Tillman and I worked on the script for Spanish. A little bit. Then there was a pep rally. It was kinda silly, and the Juniors were more of a senior class than we were. They are gonna have a rockin senior year. At one point we got the sophomores and the seniors to be quiet when they wanted us to yell. It was hilarious. Way to go senior leadership. I'm surprised the sophomores actually listened to us. Whatev. Then after school I got ready and Nan did my makeup and straightened my hair (her idea) and we went to the FB game. We won, 21-7. I was scared there for a while that we wouldn't win, but we pulled through.

Saturday I went to the natti for Emmy's wedding. I really want to talk about it but I'm actually quite tired of blogging. I'll do it later. I'm too tired. Au Revoir. Hasta luego. Arivaderce (sp?). Sionara. (sp? i don't even know)
Anyone want a g-mail account? Apparently I have 6 to give away. E-mail me if you do-

Friday, September 03, 2004

So today was grit day and I want to blog all about it and all about the days that I've missed in the blogging, but I am just too dang tired. I smell like truck exhaust/gas, and I'm wearing second-hand clothes, and I need a shower, and I need sleep and my stomach hurts. So maybe I'll blog later. As for right now, I'm gonna go take a shower. I promise I'll blog. But it might be after I get back from Ohio for Emmy's Wedding.