Monday, April 28, 2003

Yes, thats right folks. The rumors are true. I am running for the office of student council secretary. As of 3:08 this afternoon, nobody was running against me. Even so, I had barrels o' fun making my posters. They are so great. I am going to put one above the water fountain that says: 'Free Drinks, Vote For Emma". Thanks mostly in part to MTV's "True Life: I have Embarassing Parents". I mean... the poster wasn't about the parents or anything... the guy was running for President of his class... anyway. I never win anything I run for, so maybe this will be a change for the better. I usually go into things like this rather pessimistically, knowing that I will most likely lose. I am still awaiting some really popular person signing up against me and me losing. Ah, its not that bad. Student council isn't life. I mean, it isn't anything. All I have to do is show up to the homecoming and valentines dance and stuff. Cool! And if the Prez or Vice Prez is out, I get to make the announcements! Fun times! I would jazz 'em up a bit. But the results are not in... tell all your friends to vote for me! Woo hoo! That actually wouldn't work because maybe a lot of the poeple that read this thing don't even go to my school. I actually only know of two that both read this and attend MAHS. Darn. Well you two- you know who you are ;) tell all your friends! And to all you others... tell your friends just for the heck of it. Maybe they will telepathically vote for me!

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