Friday, May 02, 2003

Piano teachers are an odd breed. We just attended a recital for Moxely, where Charlotte won 2nd place (represent!) in her level. She had already won, it was just a reiteration (haha is that correct? I've got the SAT on my mind) of all those great performers. This one piano teacher was being recognized and she was saying that her students really needed to be recognized so she like started pulling them up by the shoulders of their shirts. 'Twas a funny sight to see. She also came up to congratulate Charlotte afterwards, and Dad and I were standing there with Charlotte. She told Charlotte that she was really musical. Then she saw Dad and I and said: "So you must be her parents". Ok folks, I am only 4 years older than Charlotte. What is this? She said that it was dark and hard to tell. Haha. That would be pretty weird if a 47 year old man married a 15 year old girl. It would be pretty illegal too. All the other piano teachers were a little off the wall also. This one lady stood up and told about the history of moxely or something and she had the weirdest accent I ever did hear. She said whatever and like really pronounced the 't' so it was like whaTEver. Instead of, you know, whadever. Then this other lady put both of her arms around me from behind. Kind of on my neck or something, to point to Charlotte's name on the program and ask if that was her. Ok, that was just a little strange. All in all, it was a fun filled evening. I got two new books at Barnes and Noble (yay!!!) and we got caught in a hailstorm. I haven't seen hail in forever. I hate it! It hurts! And... once again, I was wearing my birkenstocks. Just my luck. Juuuuuust Dandy. Any damage suffered by my birks was recovered by the purchase of the books and these really cute hair doo daas at Target.

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