Saturday, July 28, 2018

Refverie - Alice Munro

 “Real everyday life *is* crazy like that! Alice Munro you’re so right” - Byron when I was trying to articulate why I liked her writing. He gave me this book in I’m pretty sure 2015?? and it’s taken me til just now to read it because I get super weird about book recommendations from people, especially if I care about that person’s opinion of me and double especially if I’ve never heard of the author. I just know Byron is smarter than me/likes different books than me and was worried I would not like it and then disappoint him. HOWEVER! I did like it a lot and I waited so long he was just delighted I’d read it. Munro writes characters you feel like you know, and makes searing emotional insights just in the flow of a very dry and seemingly straightforward story. (Dry like how ppl are sarcastic, not dry like boring.) This was a great set of stories!!

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Refverie - Brioche

 I’m trying to learn new knitting techniques but it’s weird bc I don’t want to take a class or ask anyone how to do the complicated stuff. Since my Cheerio friend Bristin Krown (@kb_rown) taught me to knit in high school, I’ve basically taught myself with confusion and YouTube videos, and have slowly added new projects to my repertoire. When I go to a craft club where there are “real Knitters”, I realize there are some little things that I realize I don’t actually know. Like if I had only ever read (but not heard) the word “lingerie” and pronounced it exactly how it’s spelled when I say it out loud and ppl are like “that’s not right, duh” but how would I know bc I’ve only ever read it??? (I saw a tweet about that the other day.) the thing that made me think of this was that I totally have been using stitch markers all wrong. Nobody makes fun of me at knitting clubs because adult people are for the very kind or at least usually polite, but I do like sitting in my little world of “self-taught person who knits but would under no circumstances identify as a Knitter”. Slowly one day I might make a sweater ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This is a brioche stitch and it’s the first thing I’ve done with two colors throughout. Hopefully it will be a cute hat at the end of it!!! • • • PS showing y’all my planner was funny because ppl knew things I did last week and I was like “how did you know???” Lolol