Thursday, April 24, 2003

Only 4 and a half more weeks of school! Yay! And yay for the fact that that dang AP music theory exam will be over in less than two weeks! The end is in sight! Also the end of my mooching of rides. You should see me every day out there in the parking lot. I ask girls who live relatively close to me... by that I mean they live on Montclaire, Cross Creek, or Sarah's driveway (haha) or that road that Katie Parker lives on. These people I don't mind asking rides from. But it seems as if THEY NEVER GO HOME! Its funny, because when I get my license, I will ALWAYS GO HOME because that's just what I do. I wish somebody in my general vicinity would, but no. Alas, I play the field and hope for the best. But, as I said, this will all be over in about 5 weeks. What is ironic about all this (well, maybe not ironic, but funny) is that my mom goes home every day. The only problem with this is that she leaves at 3:30 or so and usually has other places to go. I will totally give people rides home when I have my license because I never go anywhere but home, I live so far out of the way anyways, I could take most anybody home, and I feel like I have some debt to society that needs to be paid. I can't wait to cruise the streets of MA in my 1996 Toyota Corolla that is the property of my sister right now. Can't wait...

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