Sunday, October 26, 2003

Why is everybody in high school tired? I am always tired. Sometimes, when I'm not tired, I feel like I should be tired, so I say that I am tired when, in truth, I am nothing of the sort. I really like to sleep though. Sleep is the thing I look forward to throughout the day. If only my life didn't get in the way and I could sleep all the time. Actually, that wouldn't be too nice. I wouldn't get the high quality sleep that I get when I am truly exhausted. Like Friday night for example. I have been doing vigorous things all week and never get a chance to catch up on the sleep that I need, and then on Friday night it all catches up. I got 12 hours of sleep. You can't even imagine. I mean, you probably can. Isn't it so great? I am just sitting here thinking about how truly glorious sleep really is. I feel like writing a haiku about it.

sleep is amazing!
oh how truly wonderful
is my comfy bed!

Ah sleep... mmmm I love it!

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