Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Today has been a day of injustice. During Swimming, someone decided to pour their drink on my car. Great. Then, I went to the School Board Meeting to stand up and say that I didn't want a new calendar that would take time off of AP courses before the exams. Dr. Church was being rude by talking while we were talking. We don't care, Dr. Church, you look like a bird! Hah. Then, I went to the laser Car Wash and put in 6 dollars and it didn't do anything. It just sat there. So I have to call the guy and get it straightened out. So now my car is dirty from driving in the slushy gross ice on the highway, and from some stupid person's drink. Cut it out people! But it's all good because they decided to keep the old calendar. Yay. One bright spot. But other than that, it was a good day. Positive surroundings, positive people, and no school on Thursday for me! Hurrah!

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