Monday, February 28, 2005

monday: snow day!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

would you like to swing on a star...

I really like setting aside a whole day for reading. Because I plan my day around it and feel no stress about time restraints in which I need to complete my reading. I just become a recluse in my room and I let myself be absorbed by the story. Today, I sat up in my bed from right after church until right before Quest, reading Invisible Man. I kind of zoned out on Ch. 5 because it was boring, but it's all good. I also took a nap at page 75 because it was about halfway through what I was supposed to read. It was a really good nap. My bed is ridiculously comfortable, let me tell you. I've been wanting to nap in it for a while now, and I finally got my wish. It was just a 45 minute nap, but it made all the difference. It got me further into book reading mode. I was further pumped that I finished my English assignment before the typical Sunday night at 10:30 routine, and I also didn't do any of it on Saturday! I was feeling bad about being so lazy and just watching ANTM all day. But now I don't! I feel like I had an awesome weekend!

Friday: After chess club, I drove down to the gas station right next to where 421 meets 77 so that Charlotte (my sister) and Jill could ride with Kate the rest of the way to Charlotte (the city) for Charlotte's (my sister) swim meet. We ate subway at the station and then I drove myself back to good ol' MA where I prepared to spend the evening alone, since all of my family was somewheres else. I ended up hangin w/ the Till-meister. We went to see Joel play at the Good Life for a few minutes, played some chess while there (haha), then came back to mi casa to watch some home videos. Home videos are pretty funny. Then we played Trivial Pursuit and it was funny, though we were all way too tired by the end of it.

Saturday: Slept in late, planned on reading Invisible Man, but ended up not doing it at all. I watched ANTM and played some piano in-between. I really need to practice a lot for federation- aah! I also took Lucy on a bike ride (she ran along, for all of you who think my dog can ride a bike, haha). It was invigorating- I love riding bikes. Then I started getting depressed and then I watched DD. Then I came home and did some Calculus homework before going to bed, so I wouldn't feel so bad, and so I could devote my whole day to IM.

Sunday: Church. IM reading. Quest (funnnn!). Senior Leader Meeting (hilarious: ADHD and Catch Phrase work well together). Oh yeah, and it's the 3-months-iversary for me and Tillman. So, it was like the cherry on top of the good weekend.

You know what show was awesome? Out of this World.

a waste of a day.

I watched the America's Next Top Model marathon on VH1 today instead of reading invisible man. I literally wasted an entire day. I did practice some piano, though, so all is not lost. I was beginning to hate myself for my loserness but then I went over to Tillman's house to watch the Donnie Darko Director's Cut with him and Evan and Jordan and it put me in a better mood. I am still mad that I didn't read any in Invisible Man, but I can't make myself do that kind of thing when I'm not in the right mood. I'll do some Calculus tonight so I can set the entire day tomorrow aside for Invisible Man. It shouldn't be too bad. As long as I don't sink into my bad habits once again. Silly me.

I'm going to start rowing after school again.

I'm getting a haircut on Monday, finally. My bangs look deplorable, and it's all my fault.

I am tired.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

it's..... over.

finally. I am now a certified Lifeguard, I just have to pay my fees and all that technical stuff. Instead of getting the badge of honor of saving Chuck, I had to grapple with Eric for like 5 minutes. Rather than it being a life-saving experience, it was more like watching water wrestling. He had Evan in a half nelson at one point, I think. I don't know much about wrestling. I just know that when he would grab onto my neck, I would sink down and push away from him. I finally got him to the wall, while he was trying to grab my head. It was exhausting but not too bad. I only wish I would have gotten to see everybody else save Chuck, he said it was pretty funny. Usually people come out of that class hating Chuck, but I think he's really cool. Evan and I agreed that we like hardcore teachers like him moreso than ones that baby you and try to be "cool" or whatever. Chuck is cool in his own way. So, I'm glad that's all overwith.

English class is making me happy recently. I liked Hamlet, but I'm glad all that mess is behind us. As of right now, I have a 112 on the final test for Hamlet. That's crazy. I said 112 valid things, haha. I hope it counts as extra credit or something. I sure do need it to pull up my essay scores, though. Anyways. So I'm getting less wordy on my essays, I'm starting to say what I want to say in the least amount of words possible. The in-class essay we did today should be a test of how successful that method will be. I also like these new poetry assignments she's assigning to us. We just have to do a freewrite responding to one of these poems she gives us. It's perfect for me, because I've gotten so used to writing on random stuff on here. It's gonna be fun. I'm also happy because I really like "Invisible Man" so far. I really miss reading a good book that isn't a Shakespeare play or something. I liked Lord of the Flies and The Things They Carried, but that seems like forever ago. I like Ellison's style, I think. I like the insight he gives on certain stuff, too. I just really like reading.

I hope you guys have been enjoying this warm weather like I have. I really wish it was spring. And yes, I will say that until it is officially spring. I need a change in wardrobe! Time to break out the cute stuff!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

you've done some crazy stuff over in scraptown

Bodnar was hilarious today in class. He told us a story about the "Fiddy Cent" of opossums (as I named him). The opossum was eating his dog's dog food, so Bod let the hound loose on the critter. The dog went to town, "awailin' on it" until it looked like it was dead. Five minutes later, Fiddy was eatin' the dog food again. Bod set the dog on him, but he played dead again. This time, Bod shot it 7 times with a 22 (apparently a penetration rifle that is illegal in hunting because it's "liable to shoot clear through the deer and hit someone on the other side"). Next time Bod checked the dog food, there was ol' Fiddy, chompin away, bleedin all over the place. He had clumb (no, he didn't say that. but i wouldn't be surprised) over the fence and drug himself over to the bowl. So Bod slung it out in the yard and shot it with a shotgun. Apparently he didn't hit any vital organs with his first 7 shots. Fiddy was back on the street, hence his name. But, unlike our dear rapper, this Fiddy is now in a better place. Bod told us many stories about opossums; he gave us some good advice. They tend to nip atcha, but if you just smack 'em on the head, you can grab it by the tail and sling it out in the yard. He learned this from the many times opossums were hiding in his dog food bin. Needless to say, it was a funny funny class period. Other discussions included mammary glands and discussion of the anatomy of nipples. Oh, Biology. How I love thy randomness. (i've been reading too much Shakespeare).

Today was a really pretty day outside. Almost... too... pretty... ? I wish it was spring. Right now. No more winter. I hate winter. Boooo winter. But, without winter, I'm not sure if I could appreciate the glory that is a pretty spring day. Winter makes me write in sentence fragments whereas spring makes me want to speak poetically and write long, verbose sentences.

No lifeguarding tonight! Last day tomorrow! w00t!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

two posts, one night, insanity.

My thoughts on messy rooms:

I don't mind them. As long as the inhabitant can function somewhat reasonably, they are just fine by me. Some people need pristine organization in their room to function. Some people like a little bit of clutter. Take me, for example. I like a really organized room just as much as the next person, but I can handle the mess because usually I made it and I don't have time to clean it up. So, where it looks like complete and utter chaos to someone like my mom, I know where everything is and how it got there. I also don't mind being in a place where the person made their own mess, as long as it's their place. Like when I babysit. Sure, it's a little annoying to try and function with the stuff all over the place so you can't find things you need to find, but you don't have to live there forever. But when someone else comes in and messes up my room, I hate it with a passion. I start going crazy. When it's my mess, I don't feel like I have to take up time that I would rather be doing something else to clean it, because I can always do it later. But when it's my sisters' and mom's mess in my room, I have to clean it up all at once because I can't stand it at all. And then I'm mad because I'd rather be doing something else. And then I start making crazy sounds. But as the room gets cleaner, my mood lightens and I get to feeling better. Not as crazy. I think that when I have a house of my own, I will keep it semi-clean. At least smelling clean. I hate it when houses smell like stay-at-home-mom-that-doesn't-clean-very-well/stinky-diaper-baby. If mine ever turns into that, I'd die. I think mine will be crazy because my kids will probably be crazy, but not dirty. Messy, but not dirty. There's a difference. And I bet that with my own house, it won't be as messy because I'll have more places to put stuff. My whole "house" is essentially all in my room. So, what I'm trying to say is that I hate it when Jill and Charlotte spend all day in my room and then Mom comes in and forces me to clean it, insulting my personal space. Because it's not her space- she doesn't have to understand why I don't care that there's not a "clear pathway around my bed."

I can't wait to have my own space.

two posts, one night, insanity.

My thoughts on messy rooms:

I don't mind them. As long as the inhabitant can function somewhat reasonably, they are just fine by me. Some people need pristine organization in their room to function. Some people like a little bit of clutter. Take me, for example. I like a really organized room just as much as the next person, but I can handle the mess because usually I made it and I don't have time to clean it up. So, where it looks like complete and utter chaos to someone like my mom, I know where everything is and how it got there. I also don't mind being in a place where the person made their own mess, as long as it's their place. Like when I babysit. Sure, it's a little annoying to try and function with the stuff all over the place so you can't find things you need to find, but you don't have to live there forever. But when someone else comes in and messes up my room, I hate it with a passion. I start going crazy. When it's my mess, I don't feel like I have to take up time that I would rather be doing something else to clean it, because I can always do it later. But when it's my sisters' and mom's mess in my room, I have to clean it up all at once because I can't stand it at all. And then I'm mad because I'd rather be doing something else. And then I start making crazy sounds. But as the room gets cleaner, my mood lightens and I get to feeling better. Not as crazy. I think that when I have a house of my own, I will keep it semi-clean. At least smelling clean. I hate it when houses smell like stay-at-home-mom-that-doesn't-clean-very-well/stinky-diaper-baby. If mine ever turns into that, I'd die. I think mine will be crazy because my kids will probably be crazy, but not dirty. Messy, but not dirty. There's a difference. And I bet that with my own house, it won't be as messy because I'll have more places to put stuff. My whole "house" is essentially all in my room. So, what I'm trying to say is that I hate it when Jill and Charlotte spend all day in my room and then Mom comes in and forces me to clean it, insulting my personal space. Because it's not her space- she doesn't have to understand why I don't care that there's not a "clear pathway around my bed."

I can't wait to have my own space.

amen. good job, sam.

I'm sitting here in Tillman's room listening to Mitch Hedberg because he is really really funny. Apparently I type at a rather swift pace. According to Tillman.

So. This weekend was cool, I guess. I went to bed really early on Friday and woke up really early on Saturday. Just because I was tired of sleeping, I guess. I woke up so early that I got to eat with the first round of pancakes! I usually have to reheat the griddle and cook my own and clean up the mess. Not this time, my friends. I then proceeded to go to Reeves to swim with Ashley. I swam a broken mile while Ashley turtled some laps and then worked on her overarm stroke. It was fun. The guy swimming in lane 6 swam for like 3 hours constantly, apparently. At one point he stopped to tell me "way to work!" and I nodded in reciprocation of his compliment. It was funny. I like swimming to work out. I'd probably look like a dork at a gym or something. But not in the pool!

Then I went down to the concert in Charlotte with the members of Slushie. There were a few technical difficulties, but it was all-in-all a good night.

This morning I went to Church and it was regular. Then I did some homework including my English paper that I thought was really bad but that turned out to be good with a few mistakes, according to Goldie. That made me happy.

So, I guess there wasn't as much to talk about as I thought. Scene kids crack me up. There were some really really scene kids at the show at Liquid Recordz. Like, ridiculously scene. It was funny. I felt so Cheerio. But I didn't get to see my Cheerio p33pz. Mark my words, we will have a reunion some day. If I have anything to do with it, we will reunite. Haha. I did get to talk to them. And then it made me wish that it were summer. Or that I was at Cheerio. One of the two.

Friday, February 18, 2005

so i'd better write this down...

Things I want/like:
  • the Argument. I heard this band on XM Unsigned today, and I liked them quite a lot. I'm considering purchasing their CD. Hence its presence on this silly little list. Their CD is called "Recess Serenade."
  • Almost Famous DVD. I like that movie. And the music they play in it.
  • Donnie Darko directors cut DVD. 'nuff said.
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind DVD.
  • a Relient K shirt. Preferably the one with a turtle on it.
  • a Bill Nye the Science Guy shirt that says "Science Rules." It's pretty much ridiculously cool.
  • to sleep. I'm ridiculously tired. This week has lasted an eternity and a half.
Time for bed. I wanted to write all that down so I'd remember it myself. I let Char-char take my camera to her friend's party. It was probably not a good idea. I'll probably get back about a billion pictures of someone's foot or something. Or some silly middle school stuff. Who knows? Silly Char-char.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

This week was a very tiring one. It was long and tiring, and a day off tomorrow would have been heaven. But, no. Snow has foiled my plans. Snow and the teachers and their slacker tendencies. They would rather teach a day than go to a silly workshop. My follies!

So, yeah. Lifeguarding wears me out so much. We were trying to cram the skills in this past week, so we started at 6 rather than 6:30. I ended up staying in the pool for close to 3 hours like every night. I want to take naps right after school, but schoolwork makes it hard. So when this class is over, I will hopefully stay more rested.

I go to bed later than I should, to watch the Daily Show. It's just so good! It's probably not a good idea to keep running on empty like I have lately (and not just in my car, haha).

I also keep procrastinating schoolwork. It's annoying, but I do it to myself anyway. I think I'm gonna sleep in more this Saturday than previous ones.

I can't think completely.

I remember thinking about a good thing to post and an even better title. But I've forgotten what it was about. Silly me.

Time for Daily Show and bed.

Monday, February 14, 2005

ahh, eros.

So. This is my first Valentines Day, or Singles Awareness Day, on which I was not single. It is a weird feeling for me. It's almost like I can't handle all the emotion or something, like a sensory overload. It was crazy in a good way. While I do feel like this is the most exclusive holiday, I didn't really feel bad about being happy that it was V-day. Because, while it is about relationship love, it is generally a time to feel love and happiness. Like, Kathryn gave me a valentine because she is my friend and it made me feel loved and happy. And then Christine in my Earth Science class gave me a hershey kiss and just said "happiness" while giving it. I thought that was really sweet. And my mom gave me a little L.L. Bean tote bag with my initials and a heart embroidered on it. It was cute and made me happy. And then, after school, I recieved my first ever bouquet of flowers in my car, and everybody that already knew about it was waiting around to see my reaction. Not only was I happy to recieve these flowers from that special someone, I was happy that my friends were all a part of it and were happy, too. It didn't feel like they were jealous of me for getting flowers or something, just that they were happy that it happened. That made me happy. So, this valentines day, I want you to be happy and to know that I love you. Because that's what I think it's all about.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

This summer is going to flippin rock. Like, starting right after AP Exams, my life is going to be so crazy and awesome! First off, there is Graduation. Yesss graduation. A time for me to say goodbye to the fun old times at High School and say hello to the hopefully so much better and new times at College. Then, there is Cheerio. Where I will be getting paid to hang out in my favorite place for 6 weeks. w00t! Then I think I get to hang out in MA for a couple weeks until I go to Hawaii with my dad's side of the family. Holy Cow that's going to be awesome. I think we're hanging out in CA for a little bit before Hawaii- which is really awesome. And then, after Hawaii, I will go to Lake Tahoe to a YL lodge or something. It is going to be sooooo awesome. And then there is College. It's almost too much to comprehend/handle. It really makes me happy.

this picture makes me extremely happy. like, extremely.

Friday, February 11, 2005

please celebrate the return of the chess club

The chess club is my favorite thing ever! For many bullet-able reasons. Bullets time!!
  • It has taken the place of the void that was left in my life after Mrs. H stopped quiz bowl. So, maybe it was fun to hang in Ms. Stanley's room and answer random questions that we all knew would not really help us in the competition, but there was too much craziness and not enough Quiz-Bowliness. I missed the good ol' days of Freshman and Sophomore QB. This year, for me at least, Quiz Bowl is totally absent. Mainly because of the lack of teacher sponsorship and the scheduling conflicts. I did, however, lament the fact that I wouldn't have my weekly dose of QB fun times. Because that's what they really are- totally fun times. But this Chess Club thing is like the rebirth of the QB atmosphere! I'm the only girl besides Mrs. H, much like it was in the old days back with Sarah and I being the only girls on QB.
  • The kids that are in it are the QB type; collectively, we have quite a broad expanse of knowledge. For example: While commenting on the fact that I always thought it was "manawar" or something along those lines, instead of "man-of-war" as Bodnar told us, Harry Appler told me that it was, in fact, "man-o'-war." It made so much sense! The best part about it was that everybody was interested in it, at least to some degree. And Michael O'Melia and Pang and I talked about some Bio while I was studying. (Pang isn't in C-squared technically, because she says she doesn't know how to play and/or always loses, and she was just hanging out watching Teng and Sailor's little brother's game)
  • It's just like QB except without the competition or feeling of total inferiority by not knowing the answers to any questions- ever. Haha. I mean, I knew the occasional answer, but still. I can win chess games more often than I can answer a question correctly.
  • I like playing chess! Brad and I played a couple games. I definitely needed to get back in the groove of playing chess, since the last time I really played for reals was in 6th grade. I was pretty awesome; I won one of the three tournaments. I'm sure that I'll not win all of these, especially against crazy chess people like Jacob.
So, there you have it. Thursday afternoons are awesome. Chess club is awesome. It's funny to listen to Sailor laugh about random stuff, and to listen to Teng and Sailor's brother playing games saying things like "Ohh, man. Are you sure you want to make that move?" and things like that the whole game, and to listen to Michael O'Melia and Matt Welker both discredit their chess skills or something like that, and to listen to all of those freshmen boys be freshmen boys, and to listen to Jacob giving cryptic comments to other chess players, and to have Mrs. H watchign over it all with a sense of satisfaction. Too bad the school year's almost over.

Thursday, February 10, 2005


I would just like to take this moment and clarify the intent of this entire blog. It is a way for me to express and articulate my feelings at the time I am feeling them, for a couple of reasons. One is so I can look back on these memories and remember my feelings and how I grew from experiences and other cheezy memoir stuff like that. Another is to keep everyone in my life that I don't get to talk to on a regular basis updated on the events in my life. In no way is it meant to perpetuate drama. I like to express myself using this particular creative outlet- writing- because it is something I enjoy. Sometimes, I will write a post chock-full of ridiculous emotions, and I will often cringe when looking back on them, but that doesn't make them less a part of who I am and my development as a person. If you have been reading it for a while, or if you take a look at the archives, you will see that I have the occasionally hormonal and crazy post, and that they usually don't make sense. I am rash. I write down all of my immediate thoughts on a subject before actually thinking them through. So you see my thought process and, if you stick with it, you see it change. So I guess this is an apology to the people I have offended, and a promise to get better about the ways in which I express my feelings. But this is not an apology for the way I feel or the actual things I said. Because I really felt that they are true. I still do feel that way, actually. Everything in life can be misunderstood, and that goes for my blog too. So if you are really hurt about these things, I'd suggest talking directly to me. Because I will talk back. I'm willing to clarify anything for you. Honestly. Because, if you care enough to read this, I care enough to give you the time of day.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

i'm fed up.

Geez. Today, I finally unleashed all the opinions about the slackers in our AP English class that have been building up since last semester, and they proceed to blow it out of proportion and make drama out of it. If there's one thing that girls in our high school are good at, it is making drama out of ridiculously un-drama situations. I, in all my social stupidity, suggested that perhaps they would actually have some homework to do in AP English and that it really isn't that hard. I also called them out for trying to use the "I have tons of AP classes" excuse, because I have the most homework-intensive AP classes of anybody in our school, and I have plenty of time to do it, even with 2 hours of lifeguarding a night. That's how it started. Innocuous enough, or so I thought. And then, while going over the vocabulary sheet for a quiz we are going to have on Monday, some of the folks were like "oh, we already had that word." I in all my logical splendor decided to say something to the effect of: "well, then you already learned it and so it's like extra points on your test!" It was optimistic! It wasn't weird! It made sense! Despite this, some of the girls took it upon themselves to make fun of me. Indirectly, mind you- the most popular mode of tearing people down by this crowd. Everybody recognized it, and while their whole side of the room was laughing along in their immature teenage way, we all knew what was going on. I knew, Goldie knew, the other half knew, and I didn't say anything about it. I just turned around to BAG and Tillman and talked to them to distract myself from the immaturity. It was my survival mechanism. Then, to top it all off, they all started pleading for Goldie to sing a song. That is my BIGGEST pet peeve, like, ever. I almost couldn't handle it. It drives me craazzzy. So I acted a little crazy for a few minutes. It was actually a good coping method- you should try it some time. I bit my pen and went into a mini rage about how I hated the pleading. And then class ended.

In Advisor Advisee, we were talking about general gripes in classes, kindof, and I asked Goldie if what I did made sense. And I told her my frustration at the lack of willingness for people to do work. And how I hated it when I would tell people summaries of the story, and then they would comment in class as if they had actually read it. I also talked about how it was a cop-out when people said "well, i can't listen to your argument because i'm not a genius..." or "of course it's easy for you, you're emma." I hate that. It's a total BS excuse. Goldie's the one that said it, too. That it was BS. And then the topic moved on and they were talking about people who do their work, and so I said. "Well, I see so-and-so takes good notes when we do stories and novels and stuff, and I know for a fact that so-and-so does hers because she tells me about it." And that was all I said. Two of the girls in AA with me decided to tell "that half" that I told Goldie that they never did their work.

So they are all mad at me. For something I didn't do. But they won't tell that to my face, they'll just gossip about me behind my back and create opinions that I am mean spirited or something. Because, honestly, it wasn't mean. It was meant to be a reality check. If you're in AP english- heck, if you're in school at all- you should expect to have to do some homework. Slackers who don't complain about the workload don't bother me. Slackers who get defensive and try to rationalize themselves out of their slackerness (some resort to becoming the ever popular ECW) and who get mad when they are called out on this slackerness totally bother me. I am going to be more mature about it, though, by apologizing and saying that I was merely in a bad mood and that I didn't mean to offend anyone. Because I didn't. I just hate it that they won't ever see that they were totally off base and hurt my feelings. They will claim it as a victory. I just hate immaturity. The fact that this whole situation made me want to cry, like, all day sucks so much. I get under their skin, so they resort to mean tactics of making me feel bad and tearing me down and getting under my skin. I resort to feeling bad about myself and wanting to cry. I don't start rumors about them back. I guess that's why I am never in a state of perpetual drama. Or why I am not a typical high school girl.

Whatever. I'm done with it. That was my final rant on the subject. It is in the past. I am officially over it.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

oh, yeah, and I'm on the Valentines Court along with Courts. w00t!!

"i have the most stupidest friends ever"

Ok, ok. 10:47 is not late. If you think about it, late is a relative term. It was later than I had originally anticipated staying up. It was Sunday, I had been at states all weekend, and I had planned on going to bed somewhere around 9 or 9:30. My plans were foiled when Procrastination reared his ugly head. (notice how i capitalized procrastination and referred to it as a he. i think i'm reading too much old stuff like shakespeare. because i like doing stuff like that) So, if you think about it, it was a late night post. Plus, it's later than I usually post anyway.

As I told you before, last Wednesday was the awesomest day of senior year to date. Campaigners was fun times at the Leathers household, as always. French toast is really good. I used my privaleges as a senior and lunched at Subway with the boys. It was hilarious, I think because people said funny things. "Why go out to eat hamburgers when you already have hamburgers at home?" Courtney then got me out of 4th period to "help her with her physics homework." It turned out to be a Tillman concert in the back corner of Ms. Carson's room. I got to miss the whole class period to hang out with the coolest peoples ever. It was really fun. And then, after school, I had that whole piano deal and then I went home and procrastinated because there were rumors of school cancellations due to the weather. As the night went on, though, the weather predictions started looking bleaker. The slacker predictions were calling for a full day of school. So I did my homework after the Daily Show and stayed up really late. But I was awakened to the glorious sound of my mother's voice informing me that school was, in fact, cancelled.

Yeah, so there is not much to talk about on those subjects I so cryptically posted before. I don't know how successful it was. I waited too long and forgot what I was going to type about.

Yesterday was a really pretty day. With Lucy, I biked down Crossingham Road and gazed at the beautiful houses and beautiful views and beautiful llamas. Haha. llamas. I loved feeling the wind blowing through my hair. I love spring/fall feeling days out of season. Because I really hate winter. Like, a lot. I need spring. Spring fever is setting in. So, instead of doing my homework right away like the acadamian that I seem to have a reputation for being, I walked out to that burnt down house in the field behind my house. It was very pretty. I felt photographic, so I took some pictures. Some of the angles are cliché. Eh, I'll get over it. I then proceeded to open all the windows in my room and attempt to complete my homework on the back patio whilst eating chips and salsa. It didn't work. Here is an equation to show you the unsuccessfulness of homework on a day like yesterday: senioritis + spring fever = ridiculously lazy emma. I neither studied for the Calculus test nor completed my Hamlet work. But the Calc test wasn't that bad, and Goldie apparently isn't going to take up our questions on Hamlet at all. So, all in all, it was a good day.

Today was interesting. We got back our essays, and my paper finally earned the right to be displayed in front of the class on the overhead! Too bad it was ridiculously not neat. I mean, ridiculously. She said that she showed it to exemplify what teachers have to go through, and that it doesn't count against us at all to be that messy. Lets just say that there was definitely a sideways paragraph and many british spellings (licqour). We also had a quiz on Acts 1 & 2 of Hamlet. I totally missed one question because I didn't watch the cartoon Hercules. Or take good notes. Then, I took the Calculus test. I'm expecting a score in the mid-to-low 90's, but I can always surprise myself. In lunch, I asked Beasley if I could get back my confiscated cell phone, since Wednesday was 5 weekdays ago. He said yes, and then retracted his statement because "we weren't in school last thursday. it is gone for 5 school days." I then proceeded to tell him that his logic was shady, and then I sat down, defeated. I had an earth science test as well today. Too bad that I missed both days we took notes on rocks. Whatever. I'll survive.

I am officially signed up for the Talent Show. I will be playing my piece by Pederewski. Minuet in G or something along those lines. She has to screen people out, but I think she meant the singers. Because Jill, Bethany and I are the only ones signed up for piano at this point. I think I'm going to wear a pretty dress so I impress the judges, haha. I can't wait to write my information paragraph. It will be of a high caliber.

This post is really long. Because I haven't posted in a while. That seems to happen a lot lately.

Monday, February 07, 2005

artsy fartsy

I don't want to post right now, it takes to long. I'll do one tomorrow.

I felt artsy today. Check the pictures at my xanga. Or my photobucket.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Late night post! I should be in bed, but I can totally take a nap tomorrow after school if I want. Because swim season is over. My legs and arms are clean shaven, and I'm not sure if I like it. I'm still debating whether or not to go back to shaving full time. I might become a hippie again. We'll see. I'm gonna go get some sleep and stuff.

Friday, February 04, 2005

quick recap

wednesday was the aweseomest day of senior year to this date.

we had a snow day on thursday.

haha, lifeguarding class.

the state meet is tomorrow!!!

jill is being really late today, so i decided to write a short summary of what i will elaborate on in another post. partly for my memory, and partly to whet your appetite. though, i suppose if i was really trying to do that i'd write less obvious and more cryptic messages that would tantalyze your thoughts until sunday, when i post. i'm really looking forward to it, and you should too.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


just a little pick-me-up for you.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

haiku for you

written in earth science yesterday:

mother nature sucks
nature abhors a vacuum

Hoover- get away!

squish! that bug is dead
his guts all over my shoe
my murderous shoe.

mr. bretz's room
was cooler than this one is

i miss ol' KB

bullet proof- dang thick plastic

i just want to drink

lean mean green machine
the golly green giant rocks
i want some green beans.

cleavage is funny
because we're talking about

rocks, not boobs- pervert.

in-n-out burger
the best place in the whole world

i would get fat there.