Wednesday, December 24, 2003

If something is on ESPN, does that make it a sport? And if so, does that make spelling and scrabbling a sport? That would rock if it did.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

My new favorite channel is ESPN2. They cover the more important sports, if you can call them sports. First off, we have the 2003 National Spelling Bee. Those were some high-quality spellers. The commentators were my favorite. "So, Jan, this one is another homeschooler who is also a scrabble championship." "That's right, Bob, and she's an 8th grader, so this is her last year to compete." Hah. Another of my favorites: "So, Bob, when they lose, where do they go?" "It's called the comfort room and, let me tell you, there are many tears cried in that room. A lot of the kids have already gotten over it and are now in the hallway playing video chess and scrabble." Silly. Secondly, there is the adult Scrabble championship. The biggest move was the word "roquet", which got a tripple word score and added up to a whopping 75 points. Whoa. Finally there was the World's Strongest Man competition. My favorites are Yanni Virtanin, Magnus Samuelsson, and Hugo Girard. Boy, those guys can lift some really heavy stuff.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Oh yeah, I didn't fail my physics exam. Phew. And I got a car wash... after driving around MA pointlessly. Fun times. Christmas break is so much fun. I haven't slept in my house in 2 nights. I would tell you how much I enjoy sleeping in, but so far I haven't done much of that. I've been a "teen slave" as my mother puts it, driving my sisters around all the time. I also do some chaufferring (sp?) for the Tilleys. It pays well, I must say. And I babysat for 5 hours for one kid while everyone was just sitting around, and I got 50 dollars for doing it. And I did about as much stuff as everyone. Ah... the life of a teenage, babysitting driver.

Will and Kate come home tomorrow! Yay!

Thursday, December 18, 2003

oh yeah, i also got 2 free car washes because of my trouble. yay for friendly mt. airy businessmen!
snow, snow, go away. come again some other day. so i can fail my physics exam today and not in 3 weeks.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Today has been a day of injustice. During Swimming, someone decided to pour their drink on my car. Great. Then, I went to the School Board Meeting to stand up and say that I didn't want a new calendar that would take time off of AP courses before the exams. Dr. Church was being rude by talking while we were talking. We don't care, Dr. Church, you look like a bird! Hah. Then, I went to the laser Car Wash and put in 6 dollars and it didn't do anything. It just sat there. So I have to call the guy and get it straightened out. So now my car is dirty from driving in the slushy gross ice on the highway, and from some stupid person's drink. Cut it out people! But it's all good because they decided to keep the old calendar. Yay. One bright spot. But other than that, it was a good day. Positive surroundings, positive people, and no school on Thursday for me! Hurrah!

Monday, December 15, 2003

Snow day. Again. I've done lots of driving in the past few days. On Saturday I drove >300 miles, because I had to drive Charlotte to a swim meet. Whoa there. Then I went to the mall today. There I go again. Driving like it's my job or something. I am so glad this semester is almost over. Hecka glad. New classes, new classmates, new semester, halfway through, prom is coming up, spring break is coming up, then the summer will be here. Lots of things to look forward to. The most exciting thing is that I will be done with Physics and Anatomy. Halleluiah. I can't really think of anything else to write. Ok then, ttfn!

Sunday, December 14, 2003

The only thing on my mind right about now: failing the physics exam. Don't expect many posts.

Friday, December 12, 2003

So I had a little respite from blogging. Hmm... exams must be the reason. This should be relatively stress free except I might blow it on the Physics EOC. Time will tell. Not much to say. Adios hermanos, adios.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

So this bizarre weekend is finally overwith. It was 4 days long! How strange... Too bad I was sick. But now I am on my way to recovery. I watched Honey with the girls last night. Fun times to the max. It makes me wish that I could dance, and then that I could dance like Jessica Alba and her stunt (dance) double in that movie. I'm just a white girl that aint got no beat. I had to hold the cross at the front of the church this morning for about 20 minutes. That thing is dang heavy. Now I am preparing myself to go back to MAHS for about 2 more weeks of school. The end is in sight!!!

Saturday, December 06, 2003

For the last 2 days I have been sick. It all started Thursday morning, which also happened to be a snow day. So I sat around all day watching mindless t.v. and staring at the winter wonderland. Then on Friday I was worse, but we still didn't have school so once again I watched t.v. and stared at the winter wonderland. As well as rubbing my nose raw with tissues. I missed the basketball game but we lost again, so what the heck. Now I am getting over my cold and getting on with the after-cold symptoms. Gotta love it. It was probably from walking out to my car from swim practice with wet hair, in a wet bathing suit, wrapped in a wet towel with wet chaco's on. Yeah, that's probably why. Not doing that again. At this point in time, I'm going on 62 hours straight of being in my house. The furthest I've been out was the mailbox. Whoa there. So now I'm going to hang around the house some more. Yay.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

oh yeah, about that tackling... it was made possible because the guys had to be on their knees. otherwise, it would have been quite impossible.
Yeah... so today I realized how truly sketchy the Wal*Mart hunting section really is. I was buying stuffing for Charlotte and, while walking back, I passed the hunting section. These three guys were standing in their camo and boots etc., and when I walked by one guy said, quite loudly, "Hooters". Ok. That is total sketch. I ignored it and kept on walking, and I think I heard one guy mutter something like, "I can't believe you did that" or something. Anyways, that renews my faith in the total wierdness of hicks at Wal*Mart. Just so you know.

On a lighter note, I went to a basketball game today! It was tons o' fun. And, I made it from the HS to Wal*Mart to home in record time. It took me 5 minutes to get from the HS to Wal*Mart, then about 7.5 minutes to get the stuffing, then approximately 12.5 minutes to get home from Wal*Mart. Holy cow! All this just because of my driving limitations. But my worries will be over on December 18th. Yay!!! I can drive any time of the day I want!!! What freedom!

Monday, December 01, 2003

Thanksgiving was a blast, but my tummy is, shall we say rounder than it was before I went to California. Between dark meat, jello salad and in-n-out, I don't know how it couldn't have been. Yummmmmy!

On a side note, I've found my niche in football. Tackling. With a big coat on. It is so much fun, it is almost unexplainable. I was a madman tonight, because I would just tackle and tackle without thinking about it. Turkey Bowl 2003 was hecka cool. Yay!