Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Goldfish are the one snack that it's ok to get hooked on. Boy have I taken that to heart. You can't just have one at a time. They are little fishies of cheesy goodness that smile back at you! How can you resist that urge? I could eat them every day, and my mom says that's ok! The only thing is that they absorb tastes very quickly. Say, for example, I put my goldfish in my lunchbox with a banana. The goldfish would then taste like banana. Eww. I mean, why can't the banana taste like goldfish? That's why when I have goldfish in my lunchbox, I always keep the banana out. That way the cheddar taste of my goldfish is not sacrificed. These things are great! They only have 0.5 grams of polyunsaturated fat! You couldn't ask for anything more! I think that when I attend college, Goldfish will be the staple of my nutrition. Remember, if you're ever lonely and hungry, grab the snack that smiles back, Goldfish!

Monday, April 28, 2003

Yes, thats right folks. The rumors are true. I am running for the office of student council secretary. As of 3:08 this afternoon, nobody was running against me. Even so, I had barrels o' fun making my posters. They are so great. I am going to put one above the water fountain that says: 'Free Drinks, Vote For Emma". Thanks mostly in part to MTV's "True Life: I have Embarassing Parents". I mean... the poster wasn't about the parents or anything... the guy was running for President of his class... anyway. I never win anything I run for, so maybe this will be a change for the better. I usually go into things like this rather pessimistically, knowing that I will most likely lose. I am still awaiting some really popular person signing up against me and me losing. Ah, its not that bad. Student council isn't life. I mean, it isn't anything. All I have to do is show up to the homecoming and valentines dance and stuff. Cool! And if the Prez or Vice Prez is out, I get to make the announcements! Fun times! I would jazz 'em up a bit. But the results are not in... tell all your friends to vote for me! Woo hoo! That actually wouldn't work because maybe a lot of the poeple that read this thing don't even go to my school. I actually only know of two that both read this and attend MAHS. Darn. Well you two- you know who you are ;) tell all your friends! And to all you others... tell your friends just for the heck of it. Maybe they will telepathically vote for me!

Sunday, April 27, 2003


Life is like an acorn.
Sometimes you fall down,
And a squirrel eats you.
But hey, its not that bad
Because the squirrel has a meal.

Poem # 2

Poems don't always make sense
Poems don't always rhyme.
Poems don't always have a point.
Dig it?

Poem # 3: a Haiku

Hey hey hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey hey hey.

Poem # 4: another Haiku

Strawberries are good.
Piccolos are better, though.
Are they related?

Poem # 5

Chads are holes.
They come from papers.
Papers that have been punched.
By a hole puncher that is.

They make a mess.
They float to the ground
When dropped that is.
They are very fun.

Chads are like doughnut holes.
They are not really holes.
They are the stuff where a donut has none.
Or in this case, the paper.

Thank you for reading my poems. Hopefully you were intellectually stimulated by them. Hopefully they will not be perplexing to you... if so.. please call our hotline: 1-800-I-AM-A-DORK. Once again, I hope you appreciated my literary works.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Today has to be the most boring day in the history of Emma Jane Refvem. In all my days I have never been this absolutely, positively, completely bored EVER! Right now I am sitting alone in my house typing this blog because I have nothing better to do. I could watch Law and Order, SVU but I'm tired of sex murders. My sisters are at sleepovers, my Mom is at the beach, and my Dad is at a party down the street. What a fun night, wouldn't you say? I have only left the house once today, and that was to check the mail. Whoop-de-doo. If my brain was not already fried, it is now officially like scrambled eggs or something. I finished all of my lab reports early and was left with nothing to do but watch TV. Or sit on the computer and 'surf the net'. Except our internet is being squirrelly today. On again, off again, jiggety jig. My dad tried to pull an old parent excuse and say 'Don't watch TV, it's such a beautiful day outside!'. I turned it off and then realized- 65 overcast with about 87 billion percent humidity is not a beautiful day. The highlight of my day would have to be when I adjusted the settings of our Real One player so I could see all of the Relient K webisodes (Where the Buffaloes and Cell Phones Roam - quite funny I might add) at normal video speed. I kept thinking, 'I have broadband, why the heck are these webisodes so poopy?' I guess boredom has its moments. Alas, they are few and far between. Hmm... I guess that qualifies Alas to be Emma's Word of the Week! Congratulations! Good Job! You Win!

Friday, April 25, 2003

Alas, I must inform you, oh faithful followers, that I will be unable to post today. 'Tis a sad occasion, whether it be because of laziness, or because it is late and I have not had internet connection until 9 minutes ago. I am sorry to all those who were thoroughly looking forward to my post. I sincerely apologize. I will post again tomorrow, though, of that you can be sure. Have no fear, the posting will continue, and there is a purpose to life again. Thank you, that will be all.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Only 4 and a half more weeks of school! Yay! And yay for the fact that that dang AP music theory exam will be over in less than two weeks! The end is in sight! Also the end of my mooching of rides. You should see me every day out there in the parking lot. I ask girls who live relatively close to me... by that I mean they live on Montclaire, Cross Creek, or Sarah's driveway (haha) or that road that Katie Parker lives on. These people I don't mind asking rides from. But it seems as if THEY NEVER GO HOME! Its funny, because when I get my license, I will ALWAYS GO HOME because that's just what I do. I wish somebody in my general vicinity would, but no. Alas, I play the field and hope for the best. But, as I said, this will all be over in about 5 weeks. What is ironic about all this (well, maybe not ironic, but funny) is that my mom goes home every day. The only problem with this is that she leaves at 3:30 or so and usually has other places to go. I will totally give people rides home when I have my license because I never go anywhere but home, I live so far out of the way anyways, I could take most anybody home, and I feel like I have some debt to society that needs to be paid. I can't wait to cruise the streets of MA in my 1996 Toyota Corolla that is the property of my sister right now. Can't wait...

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

I wish my name was Emma Magnolia Refvem. That would be cool. Although it is fortunate that I do not have that as a middle name, for now I am free to name my kid Magnolia. Wouldn't it be cute to name a girl Magnolia and call her Maggie? That would be cool. The only problem with Magnolia is that there are no middle names that really go with it. You would have to put a first name and go by the second name. Like Lilly Magnolia. That would be cool if Lilly wasn't such a cool name already. I mean, why waste it on an unused first name? I love the name Chloe. It is evident in the naming of my stuffed animals. All of my most recent stuffed animals are named Chloe. Everytime I get a new one, the name that pops up is Chloe. I mean, you don't really expect me to keep the names they give, do you? This horse I got one time had a given name of Dum-Dum. Who the heck would want a horse named Dum-Dum? How nonsensical is that? I got a beanie bopper one time who had a given name of Dazzlin' Destiny. Oh my gosh I could never grow to love something named dazzlin destiny. So she is named Chloe also. Another funny thing I've noticed about things of that nature is that I always refer to them as female. I have a blanket that I still sleep with (unashamedly) named Lovie. I always have refered to her as her. See? It is that way with all of my stuffed animals and stuff. Ok that's enough writing for now, my space bar is getting sticky because I think I had some cherry cobbler on my thumb...

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

This morning we had that "North Carolina High School Competency Test". Another EOG. Just what I need. My form of the test had us reading things such as the DMV book that you read before taking your permit test and a box of Yellow Cake Mix. What the heck? I was about to puke. Then I had to read two totally different translations of this poem about a panther. That really makes me mad. My wild brain interprets poetry way different than the average standardized test does. Ok so you give me two poems about this sad panther in a cage that both have different contexts. One makes it sound very monotonous and the other almost makes it sound like it is some beautiful form of art or something. Both of them had a confusing last stanza though. I had no idea what the heck it meant. Great. I'm just glad it is overwith and we get to take math tomorrow. Hopefully it will be easy and I will fly through it and be able to read my book or do my chemistry homework. That would be funner than those dang tests... more fun... Ms. Whitehead makes me laugh. She follows all the rules and is not used to kids that can speak english. She teaches ESL, so you should hear her read the instructions. It sounds like a Kindergarden teacher or something. You can't blame her though. But it is great fun. In the writing test, she came over to me after the test (we were all talking) and she said: "Senora Refvem, you need to lower your voice, I can hear you all the way over at my desk". That made me chuckle because her desk was like two inches from mine. I quieted down though, I didn't want to risk punishment over my loud mouth. Gotta be careful about that thing, doncha know. Alright, that's all for now...

Monday, April 21, 2003

I just returned from fishing! You may be thinking... "I didn't know Emma fished...er...was a fisher". Well folks, I do. It all started when I realized that I had forgotten my nalgene bottle, therefore encumbering me from its plentiful aquifer for the course of the day (did that make any sense?). I wrote on my hand (and I quote) YLB. This, of course, stands for Young Life Bottle. While practicing piano a mere 30 minutes ago, I noticed the note on my hand. I searched everywhere in the house, and my bottle was nowhere to be found. Kate mentioned something about falling behind the fridge. I cringed. Then I looked. There it was... out of sight, out of mind, out of reach. So I concocted a hook out of a metal hanger and fished for about 20 minutes, without my glasses, no less. Finally it took both Kate and myself to retrieve the bottle. Kate was the actual retriever in the end. Now I have obtained my bottle back and will no longer suffer from that horrible separation anxiety... well... unless it falls back there again, or I forget again. I sure did miss my little bottle with the In-N-Out sticker (word to Sarah and I representing the In-N-Out stickers!) and Young Life logo on it. I love it just as much as my smaller nalgene with the feelin groovy sticker on it. That one always gets that Simon and Garfunkel song stuck in my head. 'Tis a fun song to have stuck in your head, by the way.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Highlights from our Easter party:

Monica (whose parents are Romanian) running around our garage screaming "we have to disco dance" in Romanian, then actually starting to do the disco!

Me running out in our yard and almost choking on a bug. (It's alright folks, I didn't choke, but I did get a good meal...)

Riding on the tandem with my dad while Monica and Andrew ran after us yelling something incomprehensible.

Hearing my dad and Mrs. Harris start to sing "I'm the happiest girl in the whole wide USA" or something like that.

My dad and Mr. Harris' conversation which went somewhat along the lines of this:
*They were discussing Annexation- Mr. H is pro of course and my dad is not*
Mr. H- "I was expecting... what's the word?"
Dad- "A lynching?"

Seeing little kids slipping and sliding through the mud in our yard with little easter bags trying to gather as many eggs as they could. Many kids had two bags, while others only ended up with mud on their pants...

Overall, It was a rather funny party. You should have been there... Now we have a bunch of really good food... Yummy...
I rock at hula hooping! I didn't use to be, though. I went to Wal-Mart on Thursday with Caroline, you know, just a random wally world trip. I was developing a film at the one hour photo, so we were committed to being there at least an hour. We were strolling through the kids section and we saw the hula hoops. We were goofing around and then I noticed that it was only 82 cents! 82 cents! Can you believe it? I just love Wal Mart. So I of course had to buy it. Turns out that I was the worst hula hooper you ever did see. I tried and tried for 2 days to no avail. Jill just happens to be the bestest hula hooper known to mankind. I'm not kidding! That girl hula hooped for 9 minutes strait. 9 minutes! I was determined to at least get in a rhythm. So I practiced. And I practiced. My breakthrough came last night after eating Taco Bell. I knew that full-stomach pooch was good for something! I finally got it to keep on going. I was so excited! Then we watched X-Men, and afterwards I said that if I were a mutant I would be "HOOLA HOOP GIRL!" I would stun you with my hula hoop, creating centrivical force so I could fly. Don't ask, I get dillusional after 9:00 PM. Twas a rather fun time. So now I can hold up a hula hoop! I'm so proud. I can't do it nearly as long as Jill, but I can hold my own for about 34 seconds. Impressive, huh?

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Shout out to the fam that reads this blog: Mom,Dad, Grannie and Poppa, Will, Kate, Jill and Charlotte (standing here right now reading this). I feel the love and support... Where would I be without you? I should write a song about it. Do you think it will sell? Probably if I put it on a CD with a random crazy picture on the front. Then maybe people would be duped into buying my album, and end up liking the song. Sounds like a solid plan.
Ok folks. Think of someting that you hate to do. Think about doing it all day. That was me yesterday. I don't necessarily hate shopping, but I do when it is raining. And cold. And I am wearing birkenstocks. We went to Winston for me to buy an easter outfit, for mom to shop at Costco, and then get an SAT prep cd-rom at Barnes and Noble. I was being a twit and forgot to dress properly, so I was stuck getting my nice shoes and my nice toes soaking wet. Eww. But I did end up getting a really cool hippie-esque outfit from Target! What fun! I can't wait to wear it tomorrow. Oh yeah, tomorrow is this easter egg hunt my mom is putting on. I can't imagine anything more thrilling than having a bunch of little kids run through our yard on a never ending search for candy, just so they can splurge on it and run around more because they are on a sugar high. It will be ok as long as it doesn't rain and they don't all have to be inside at once. Haha. That would definitely not be fun. Now I have to go help with the preparations for this party.... but I will most likely sneak off to a corner and read The Catcher In The Rye. Rather good book. I reccommend (reccomend? recommend? recomend?) it. Ah... duty calls...

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Darnit. Just as I was going to post... my dad needs the computer. Well I guess this means I'll post at a later time...

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Aww... I just watched Maid in Manhatten. It is really good. It makes me want to listen to slow jazzy music. Like Norah Jones. And Eva Cassidy. And Simon and Garfunkel. Not because the movie is slow and jazzy but because the music is all like that. Simon and Garfunkel are cool when you're in a hippie mood. Or even when you're not. I wish I was like that little kid, Ty. He is cool. He knew a lot of facts about politics and he was rather grown up for his age. If he were a little bit older (like 6 or 7 years) then I would date him. That would be cool. Anyways. Really good movie. Now we've slipped into the time when all of those romantic comedies from the earlier romantic comedy boom are now all coming out on video. That means there's gonna have to be some chick flick sleepovers with all the girls. Sounds like a heck of a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it. Bring on the dvd's!

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I just visited a figure of my childhood. Thats right, you guessed it, J. J. Jones Elementary (I mean Intermediate) School. I was getting recognized for state swimming... whoop de doo... anyway. Anna and I explored the library and took a walk down memory lane. It seems like everything has shrunk since the last time I was there, like 4 years ago. Jill and I were going to look down the halls, but the whole school past the entrance smelled like pee. Dang elementary schoolers. Peeing everywhere. Things sure had changed. Had there always been so much of that cut-out-bulletin-board-looking-letters decorations everywhere? Seems like the whole school is full of little cut out flowers, or cut out letters, or cut out hands, or cut out blah blah blah. I bet if I looked in the cafeteria it would look really small. For some reason I always thought that cafeteria was the hugest thing ever. How weird. Visiting that place sure brings back a lot of memories. Some not so good..... like the pee... ewww. Thats all there is to say about that one... eww.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Sorry about the delay in posting. Writers block I guess. The legacy continues. I still can't think of anything to write about. Hmm... I'll have to get back to ya on that one.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Daylight savings is really mean. I mean, lately I have been really, really, really tired, and then all of a sudden I get one less hour of sleep? What is with that? If I tried to go to bed an hour earlier to make up for the time, I wouldn't be able to. It would be like going to bed at 8. My body doesn't like adjusting this much. Like when we had Saturday school, my body was all freaking out because I didn't get a day to sleep in all week. Yeah because of daylight savings I almost fell asleep like 17 times in Algebra 2. Just ask Crystal. She sits at the back of my row and she could see that I was nodding off. Then Mrs. Gray would ask me a question and I would be all out of it. Also, when I am sleep deprived I stare out into space a lot. Then I don't pay attention to anything. I hate it. Oh yeah, and when I don't have enough sleep my muscles start twitching. Like at All District, I hadn't had enough sleep so the whole day my arm was twitching. Only it would move around to different places, and I couldn't do anything to help it. I just hate that. I would take a nap, but then I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again. All I can say is I'll be glad when I can sleep in on Saturday. I only have to suffer through 3 more days of school... the end is in sight!

Saturday, April 05, 2003

I was just looking at the senior quotes in our yearbooks. Some of them are funny. Some of them are cheesy. Some people have the exact same thing that other people have. My favorite would have to be this girl who wrote, get this, : I was put on this earth to make your life miserable. What the heck kind of senior quote is that? It is like a slogan from one of those stupid shirts (you know the ones that are like: I live in my own little world, but it's alright, they like me here). That cracked me up. Others were like: These were the best four years of my life. You know the kind. Then there were bible verses, and quotes that said something like: "never give up on your dreams" or something. I think that for my quote I'm gonna put: "I have a feeling we are about to embark on a most unprecidented expedition. -Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey". Or maybe just: "Gnarly!". Or I could put: "This goes out to all the little people that helped make this possible!". No, I think I'll save that for when I win an award that I have to give a speech for. That would be funny. I think for my senior quote I should put: "This is not the time for indecision. Or is it?" or "When writing be more or less specific". What a silly goose I am!

Friday, April 04, 2003

Haha. This woman from a survey place called our house and thought I was the "head of the household" and she was all: "what percentage of the food shopping do you do for your household" and I was like: "umm... I don't know" and she goes "how old are you?" and I said: "15" and then she was like: "oh" you know, real depressed and stuff. That was funny. I told her my parents were at a party, and that she could call sometime after school next week or something. Haha. Telemarketers and surveyers make me laugh. I think I'll get a summer job calling people while they are eating lunch and dinner and stuff. What fun! It would be the most satisfying job. Haha, NOT!
Today is Friday, and it is good. I woke up this morning a little early, which is unusual, so I took everything at a slower pace. It was nice. I go to school, sit through Algebra 2, then go to Dobbs' class where all we did was review questions out the wazoo. Then there was lunch which was just like any other lunch. Random conversations took place, as always. Then there was band, where we watched That Thing You Do. Yeah, now, on top of having that song stuck in my head, I am lamenting once again over the lack of male companionship in my life. Chalk it up to hormones, I guess. Seems like I could take anything and make it depressing like that. Then in AP Music, we finished the movie and then watched random TV. Fun times. Overall, it was a pretty OK day. I started reading a romance novel. But don't get me wrong, it wasn't a Fabio-type man with no shirt on and woman who falls into his arms and there are hot and heavy love scenes, this was a Christian romance novel, if there is such a thing. It is more of a love story I guess. I don't know why I put myself through it. I read all about other people and their relationships, which makes me even more depressed, but I get over it. On to bigger and better things, I am getting Chaco's for this summer. They rock! I can't wait to have them. But thinking about what I am going to buy for the summer just makes me want to finally be out of school and makes me wish that I was at Cheerio with all my buds. But now, instead of doing anything exciting, I gotta go sit on some babies. Woo hoo. What fun. While one sister is at a party, one sister is at the movies with all her friends, and my parents are also watching a movie, I sit in somebody else's house watching TV and a kid all night. Yay.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Guess what? We get our yearbooks tomorrow. How wacko is that? Pretty wacko if you ask me. I mean I still have to suffer through 7 more weeks of chemistry... I don't want to think about getting out of school already. But it will be cool having more than enough time to sign yearbooks. I think I'll put funny quotes when I sign this year. Like:

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like bananas.
Semper ubi Sub ubi (always wear underwear)
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
If 4 out of 5 people suffer from diharreah, does that mean the 5th enjoys it?
If swimming is so good for your figure, how do you explain whales?
If you are named Will and you are in the army, do you get nervous when they say fire at will?
Do you ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?
If it's zero degrees outside today, and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?
What would cheese say if it got its picture taken?
If toast always lands butter side down, and cats always land on their back, what would happen if you strapped toast to the back of a cat and dropped it?

That takes to long to write, so I'll probably end up just saying: get down and be funky this summer. Or, the ever generic: You rock, don't ever change. Haha... well I'm looking forward to looking at all the pictures and stuff. Alright, I'm outy! (like on clueless or something)

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

You know what? I never knew now ironic the name of my blog would turn out to be. Now, of course, I am suffering from the common cold. I first thought of the name because we are playing a copland tribute in band, and that song is in it. It was stuck in my head, and then I read my great friend Sarah's away message that said she was dying from the common cold. So, I put two and two together and got something other than four. Now I sit here with my post nasal drip and sore throat. It's just gross. I'm all doped up on medicine too. I feel like a basketcase. I have to take an 800 motrin, 2 Cold Pain Reliever pills, and 2 Vitamin C tablets every morning. And then at 1:30 I have to take 2 more Cold Pain Reliever pills. Geeze Louise. At least being sick gives me an excuse to be mad at people sometimes. Shame on me. I know I shouldn't take advantage of my permanently generally bad mood, but hey, I gotta do what I gotta do. It is not fun having a cold, so I can give myself a little break by getting madder than I normally would in real life. Tisk tisk, bad Emma. If I am not making any sense to you, please let me know! email: daisies_15@hotmail.com. Thank you for your time.

Which member of the Homestar Runner gang are you?