Thursday, October 30, 2003

I have now entered the phase in my life where my hair will no longer be soft and will break off easier. All of this courtesy of chlorine. Swim season is so great, but not at the beginning. My body is out of shape. My hair, my muscles, my lungs, my brain, everything. But it shall soon pass, and I will welcome a new season with open arms. Our first meet is a week from Monday. Lovely. Hopefully I will be able to work hard enough so I don't embarass myself. Swimming is a monumental improvement over volleyball, which is not hard. It is amazing how different the two really are. I think I work harder in swimming but because it is enjoyable, it goes by quicker. Anyways... on to bigger and better things, I say.

Halloween is tomorrow, but I cannot dress up for school. Our principal came on the intercom at 3:06 and said that "students should not wear halloween costumes tomorrow". That makes me so mad. I was going to wear a blonde afro and wear bellbottom pants and be a disco diva. Now my plans are foiled and I must go to school in blue and white. Great. woo hoo, go bears. yay. I'm not really that mad, though, I'll just wear the fro to the football game... that will be fun times! It will keep my head warm. Adios for now, muchachos y muchachas!

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Why is everybody in high school tired? I am always tired. Sometimes, when I'm not tired, I feel like I should be tired, so I say that I am tired when, in truth, I am nothing of the sort. I really like to sleep though. Sleep is the thing I look forward to throughout the day. If only my life didn't get in the way and I could sleep all the time. Actually, that wouldn't be too nice. I wouldn't get the high quality sleep that I get when I am truly exhausted. Like Friday night for example. I have been doing vigorous things all week and never get a chance to catch up on the sleep that I need, and then on Friday night it all catches up. I got 12 hours of sleep. You can't even imagine. I mean, you probably can. Isn't it so great? I am just sitting here thinking about how truly glorious sleep really is. I feel like writing a haiku about it.

sleep is amazing!
oh how truly wonderful
is my comfy bed!

Ah sleep... mmmm I love it!

Monday, October 20, 2003

Today we had pictures for school clubs, and it was about to crack me up. Mrs. Wagoner almost had a fit. We were sitting in the formation for the picture for pep club, a club where you pay a dollar and you're a member, and she gave us an announcement. She said that she was going to check the picture with the members of pep club, those that had paid, and you would go to ISS for a day. If you wanted to be in it, you could pay her a dollar right then, and you wouldn't get ISS. She also said if we messed up the picture we would get a day ISS. Cracking me up. Then Jacob Blizzard turned his head right as the camera guy said "3", and she saw him. She called him out and made him leave and go to the office to see Mrs. George. It was quite funny. I was tempted to look somewhere else but the camera, but feared the wrath of Wagoner. Pictures always crack me up. The whole process. Especially the picture guy. He was making these weird sounds, and I wasn't sure if he was being funny or was really like that. I was unsure if I should laugh or not. My thoughts were confirmed and he laughed too. Bastante funny.

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Squirrels really need to watch where they are going. I mean, I feel no sympathy for squirrels who run in front of my car. It's really their own fault. I'm not going to ruin my brakes trying to slow down, and I'm not going to hurt myself by swirving the car, so if they run in front of my way, they will be run over. The other day I was driving down cross creek and I ran over my very first squirrel. I felt absolutely no sympathy. At all. I felt kind of evil for a second, but then quickly got over it. I see it as I'm doing my part to rid the world of squirrely squirrels.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Volleyball is over. Halleluia. The end.

Friday, October 10, 2003

It seems like I always think to blog after a babysitting job. I had another one today. from 7 am (on a workday... so much for sleeping in) until 4:30 pm, with a little respite from 10:30-12:30. I had volleyball practice and Jill came over and babysat for a while. Wow. Speaking of volleyball, the season has produced some funny things. Coach Knott really likes "tails". Nancy and I have counted up all of the ways she uses tails while talking to us in practice and/or huddles. Here it goes:

1. Lay your tail
2. Chew your tail
3. Gnaw on your tail
4. Kick your tail
5. Whoop your tail
6. Blitz your tail
7. Get your fingers out of your tail

Fun times. She also has other random sayings like "get down" and "pissyfitting around". They quite crack me up. Well, the Alf is in town, and I surprisingly haven't been yet. I am going tomorrow, during what I believe to be the busiest time. I have to work for the Chicken Biscuit booth from 4-5 for swimming and then again from 7-8 for volleyball. Alright then, I'm out!