Thursday, February 16, 2006

it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... a beautiful day for a neighbor, would you be mine?

So. This is the first Thursday night in a long time that I've felt like I can at least breathe a little bit. Last week was my terrible week, and this week was nice and chill to offset it. I am still recovering, though. My skin has finally stopped freaking out, and I'm starting to catch up on sleep. My roommate was worried about me when I took a really long nap on Monday. I mean it was really long. I keep meaning to take naps, but it's hard to fit them into my schedule. My next hell week will be immediately followed by a trip to the virgin islands, which is definitely worth the pain. That is something I'm really looking forward to.

In other news, today was the reason why I hate winter. 72 degrees? Are you serious?!?!?? Everyone emerged from their cocoons and basked in the gloriousness that is this warm front. Winter is cold and it sucks and everyone stays inside and wears sweatpants and is antisocial. In the spring, however, one can sit outside and read and not be cooped up in a dorm room because it is cold and rainy and windy and stupid outside. I cannot wait for spring/summer. I like to read on the quad. I like to throw a frisbee around. I like to wear shorts and t-shirts and birkenstocks and chacos. It just makes me happy. I am more social when it is warm outside. Chalk it up to seasonal affected depression, or to the fact that I don't tolerate cold very well... but I just absolutely cannot wait. That is why I was sooooo mad at Punxsutawney Phil when he saw his shadow. That kid just needs to get a clue and realize that the world doesn't revolve around him and to just pretend he didn't see his shadow so we can have not six more weeks of winter. Well, too bad this warm front only lasted 2 days. It's going to snow on Saturday. Poop.

I'm excited because I get to go home this weekend and see my family and sleep in my bed and see Ash, whom I haven't seen in FOREVER it feels like, and just chill out. It's going to be superbly awesome.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I sure do love this guy (Tyler Hansbrough). How can I not love him?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

This week has been the most stressful week in the history of ever for me. So many assignments and quizzes and tests and no free time... it's been crazy. It will all be over tomorrow after my chem test at 8 and math test at 9. And then it will be friday. and then it will be the weekend. and then i will be able to breathe.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

wed. nes. dayyyyy

Windy Gap was fun and now I am trying to get over how tired and behind I got because of the weekend. I love being friends with those people. They make my life oh so happy. I'm having doubts as to whether or not I'm spiritually ready to be a leader, but we're working on it and I think that when the time rolls around I'll be as ready as I'm ever gonna be.

Chem Lab is so much better this semester with Stuart as opposed to last semester with Adam. Stuart is a kazillion times more laid-back than silly old Adam. I also like having Nan and Julia and Caroline in there to joke around with and make the time go by more quickly. Wednesdays sure are tiring, but they're not as hard to deal with as last semester.

I think I'm finally settled in to college. I thought it came a while back, but now I see that I really wasn't then but am now. I am at a deeper level with all my friends, I'm used to classes and have figured out some sort of workload schedule for myself, and I'm just more relaxed. I like the feeling.

I also like the feeling of not being hooked to so many random television shows. As of right now, I'm hooked on Grey's Anatomy, The Bachelor, and Gilmore Girls. I also like to watch Made (on MTV) a lot because I like to live vicariously through high schoolers. I watch other random MTV shows when they come on when I'm flipping through channels randomly, but I'm not technically "hooked." The Bachelor is my guilty pleasure. I know that they probably won't get married and it's a bad concept and probably chauvinist, but whatever. It's fun to watch. You know what else is fun to watch? Ceaser Milan-- the Dog Whisperer. I can't get enough of that show. I love it so much!!!

Right now, I'm going to watch Spellbound with Stephanie and Julia. It's a documentary about the spelling bee. Yes!!