Friday, May 30, 2003

I just saw Bruce Almighty. Highly reccomended by me. It was hillarious! Alas folks, this is the last blog before I go to camp. I would think of something witty to leave you guys with, but I can't. Remember: Time wounds all heels. R Ewe Blind? Good Bee Good Honey. Armagedon Outta Here. (those last three were from that old guy standing around on Bruce Almighty) Y'all are a flock of silly geese. Or a murder of silly crows.Or maybe a rook of silly ravens. (is that right? i'm not sure) or how bout a herd of silly cows. Ok, I can't think of any other group names of animals. Contemplate these names as you go throughout the summer. I know I won't, er, will! Alrighty then, Bye Bye now!

Thursday, May 29, 2003

I have a question... why doesnt anybody make jokes about seahorses being slow? They are in the Guinness book of world records as the slowest moving animal. They go about 0.001 miles per hour when they try. That is pretty dang slow. You always year like the tortoise and the hare, like a tortoise is the slowest thing ever. Why don't they have, like, the seahorse and the stingray or something. That would be even more unbelievable because then that stingray would have to be nappin for a pretty long while for a seahorse to beat it. I bet even a snail could take a nap and wake up and beat the seahorse. Are the underwater snails as slow as the out of water ones? I just thought that was interesting. Oh yeah... and in little mermaid, don't they ride seahorses? Wouldn't it take them a while to get anywhere? I think Sebastian shows up in a "seahorse drawn carriage", and King Triton shows up carried by dolphins. Boy, Sebastian got gypped. Poor guy. He almost got eaten too. That guy has had it rough. That is a great scene in The Little Mermaid when the Chef finds Sebastian. I like that part. Yeah, that was definitely my favorite Disney movie as a kid. What made me think of all these sea creatures was a preview for "Finding Nemo". It looks hillarious. I hope I can go see it tomorrow night. It would put me in a good mood. Fun times.
Its summer and I have a cold. Gross. My body was really falling apart yesterday. I feel gross, hopefully I will get over it by Saturday, when I go to camp. Thats right folks, I will be leaving on Saturday and will not be back for 5 weeks. I know you'll miss me, but I will be having a barrel of fun over at Cheerio. Right now, though, I am going to drink some water and watch television 'till 7, when I am having friends over for a b-day party!!! See ya!

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Summer is here and I need good reccomendations for songs. I am trying to compile a playlist to follow me throughout my various endevours. is my e-mail if you have any suggestions. Adios Amigos and Amigas!!!
Ahhh. Summer vacation. How good it feels. I was awakened by a cleaning lady knocking on my door. Then I told them not to clean my room because I was going to. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I was thinking they would put it all in a pile and I'm just going to have to clean it up later. Or maybe I thought since I was going to camp in 3 days, the packing would be messy or something. Anyways. Then I watched price is right and random television (one of the joys of summer). After lunch I vaccumed out the car. Boy did it need it. I washed it yesterday. Its dirty again because we have to park it under a tree that drops the randomest leaf-like things on it. Whatever. I also febreezed the car. Boy did it need it. It actually kind of stinks now because I put an air freshener in there too and the smells are clashing. Woah there I just got a ringing in one ear and now it feels like I can only hear out of my left ear. Woah. And it is affecting my typing. I'm not operating the space bar correctly. You should see me. I keep having to backspace like a maniac. And my nose just started randomly running. Ahh! My body is falling apart right in the middle of this blog! Ahh! Make it stop! I have to stop typing, my backspace key is about to break!!! Wierdness!

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Hey Howdy Hey! We returned from Michigan yesterday. Word to my brother who graduated college! Sorry to say I about fell asleep in the ceremony, though. There were about 900 graduates, and it seemed like they all had Dutch last names. There were some funny last names, I'll admit. One that wasn't really dutch was "Funk" or something. There were a couple of those. I liked those. Too bad they mispronounced my bro's name: William B. Ruffman. The Heck? How do you get ruffman from Refvem. That cracks me up. They say all the Asian and Dutch names to perfection... they even throw in an accent, but then when a Norweigan name comes along... oh no. Can't get that one. A silent "f" isn't so hard to imagine. I think that's a good band name. The Silent "F". Anyways. My most memorable experience of the trip was on the plane. Not the little jet from pittsburg to grand rapids, the big ole skyboat from charlotte to pittsburg and vice versa. It was the safety video. When the guy puts on the life vest and then says you can inflate manually. It cracks Me and Jill and Charlotte up every time. Something about his lips and the way he moves his eyes while doing it. It is hillarious. So the plane is dead silent except for the video, and we are sitting there in anticipation. Then, there it is, and Jill busts out with this extremely loud laugh. So, in turn, I started cracking up. We were in the VERY LAST ROW of the plane, right next to a stewardess (sorry, flight attendant). Dad had to explain to her that we got a kick out of that part. It was great. Fun times. Well I'm off to tidy up the room a bit. See ya later!

Thursday, May 22, 2003

I love rain. It washes the memories off the sidewalks of life.

Actually, spitty rain like what is going on here is not fun. Just fun enough to think you can wear your birkenstocks, but then not fun when your feet get wet. Tomorrow is the last day of classes. Woah. That's weird. But in a good way. I, along with virtually every other student at MAHS, desire a respite. Halleluiah. I cannot wait to be reunited with my good ole camp friends. Yay. Fun times. 'Till tomorrow, all!

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I'm in a sad mood. The dentist was the catalyst. When you have braces they have to sand blast your teeth with baking soda for some reason. The thing is, you have to wear safety goggles, they put a ton of chap-stick-esque goop on your lips and damp paper towels on your chin. Eww. Then they start blastin. It was getting in my nose, and boy does that stuff sting!!! So I asked the lady to put the towel over my nose. Then I had some trouble breathing, because you can't breathe through your mouth, for fear of permanent damage to your throat I guess. My tongue was all raw and my face and lips were chapped. I hated it. As soon as I got home, I had to wash my face and put on tons of chap stick. So that started off my bad mood. When I got back from the dentist, my mom informed me that we wouldn't be returning from Michigan (we're going to my bro's graduation woowoo!) until Monday. That happens to be the day that I have my Algebra 2 and Chemistry exam. So I have to take the Chemistry exam on Tuesday, with Dobbs' 4th period chem class. I hope I'll get to take the Algebra exam on Tuesday also. Otherwise, that would stink. So I'll have one less day to wind down before Cheerio. All I need is a good nap. We have that multiple choice test in Chemistry tomorrow that is worth a dang 40 percent of our 6-week grade. Great. I'm sure I'll do just fine, but still. I don't really want to take it. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm not really sick, just got a little cough every once and a while. Pooey. I'm not even going to watch American Idol tonight because I think I need to study then go to bed ASAP. Relaxation is what I desperately need. Sorry about this venting... writing is my outlet, and you are the unfortunate readers. Alas. Well, I'm off to my room for the night. Good night computer, good night mouse, good night big old 3 story house. Good night moon, and good night You!!!

Monday, May 19, 2003

If anyone wants to post while I'm gone or something, just contact me. Thank you for your time.
I'm sorry that I have not posted. School is waning down, and Exams are coming up. Also, I am preparing for this summer. Alas, folks, there will be about an 8 week hiatus from my posting. I am going to be a CIT at Camp Cheerio (woo woo!!!) and then I am going to good ol' England to visit my wonderful grandparents. No, I'm serious, they're awesome :-). I will post more often, I think I just needed a break, and I am becoming extremely lazy. Like the other day, I didn't do so hot on a Lab report because I just didn't want to bother. That is not so good, considering I have to study for Chemistry and Algebra 2. Yep... not so good. I had a bad dream last night. I guess it was triggered by my anticipation for going to camp and the fact that Rebecca Kinecca told me that they had built new cabins at cheerio. I dreamed that I showed up late and nobody loved me. I was sad. But I know that people really do love me, no matter when I show up. Wow. The word for today: Randomness.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

The second to last 24 is on tonight. Also, I think the second to last American Idol is on tonight. Wow, it must be the "finale eve" day over there at Fox. I like 24, even though the main character has come close to death many a time (I think he was actually tortured to death 3 weeks ago but was miraculously saved). There are so many plots going on at once. It is really hard to catch on to that show late in the season. They don't give you ANY clues about what the heck is going on. So for all of you who have never seen the show, now would not be a good time to start. Next season would be more advisable. I don't know how, but I am hooked on a lot of shows. Mainly "The Bachelor" (I know, don't even go there) and "24". I am hooked on "CSI", but it is not critical to see every episode. I like shows like that where each episode is independant. Like Law and Order. I love those. Especially Special Victims Unit and Criminal Intent. The regular is ok, but I've seen so many of those already. I will admit that I love cartoons. My family doesn't seem to understand it. I love Spongebob Squarepants and Wild Thornberries and Veggie Tales. I also really like disney movies. I really can't wait to see Finding Nemo. It looks rather funny. Oh yeah, while we're on the topic of movies, I can't wait to see "A Mighty Wind". Although I'm sure you've heard that all too much from me. Woah there. Lots of subject changes in so little space. Ok, I'm gonna go watch American Idol then 24.

Monday, May 12, 2003

We had a band concert today. What fun. Blake finally got his solo! It was my rather blunt comments that did it. I mean, if we've been working on a song for like 3 months, you would think he would have his solo. Anyways. I got my chacos! Woo hoo!!! I wish they made nine-and-a-halfs because the nines are a little small and the tens are a little big. I got 10s because my feet could always grow. I'm gonna have so much fun this summer in my birks and chacos! I love getting shoes. I love breaking them in even more. Great fun. I'm off to go watch I love the 80's. Fun times

Sunday, May 11, 2003

The lake was tons-o-fun. We had fun times staying up late talking. Amy's Parent's lakehouse is really really really nice. I laid out all day with my SPF 15 and got about no color. Maybe a freckle or two and an infinitesimal amount of tan, but no tan lines to speak of. I guess it's all for the better. It was fun hangin with all the campaigner girls. The campaigner boys went backpacking. I would take a lake over that any day. Although I really like camping, I don't really like the hiking with a huge load on. Yep, I like lathering up and sitting out doing nothing all day. Fun times. Alas, I can't really think of anything to write. I'm out of the habit. Hmm... Have a good day, all!

Thursday, May 08, 2003

I just went to a baseball game in spandex, dork socks and a Mount Airy Cubs Phys. Ed. Shirt. My hair was also greasy and sloppily thrown in a french braid. Woo hoo. I was dressed to impress. Nancy took me there after open gym. It was ok, I mean I was just sittin there whistlin grass and talking about a naked man's affect on society. Haha. I seem to draw out the random conversationalist in everybody. Now I'm gonna go pack for the lake. Maybe I'll get some color- I'm starting to have a bluish tint. That can't be good. Need to neutralize here. Ok folks... gotta go... unfortunately I won't be posting this weekend. Don't be too disappointed.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Sorry. No post tonight. Too burned out from that exam. 'Twas harder than I imagined. But at least I now only have to worry about Chemistry from now till the end of the year!

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Woah. The AP Music Theory Exam is tomorrow. I can't believe it. I can't wait for it to be over. Because then we'll get to watch movies for two and a half weeks. Oh, and we get to do a drum session. Mrs. Morrison told us about these things they did at college. People sit in a circle with drums and just randomly beat and then gradually everybody has the same beat. She said it was cool. She also said people usually did it when they were high. I hope we all don't get high in AP Music Theory. The only thing I want to be high is my exam grade. But I am not studying. I feel it is bad karma. I pretty much know a lot of this stuff, so what is last minute cramming gonna do except stress me out? Tomorrow is also the day of elections. (vote for me!) I get to say a small thing on the announcements. I'm gonna say: Hey! It's Emma. Vote for me for secretary because I'm a cool girl. I think that's all I'll do. I mean, if I win, I win. If I lose, I lose. An announcement for the whole school to hear isn't really going to drastically affect my outcome. I'll be interested to see if my posters did anything. A lot of people have commented on my free drinks poster. Next to the big E, it's the best! Also, my stickers have been getting around. My ghetto stickers made with masking tape and a permanent marker. I'm not going to go out of my way to spend money when it's just student council secretary. I think that the only thing they do is "take minutes". I'm sure the current secretary had a hard time with that, seeing as how we had a grand total of 1 meeting this year. So I'll find out while taking my exam whether or not I won. Great. Killing two birds with one large stone. Perfect.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Ok folks... Here's my theory. You know how everybody always wants to go against the grain, right? You know, question authority and stuff. Well, doesn't it seem like that is the new flow? Everybody's doing it. Isn't that contradicting itself? So if you really wanted to go against the flow, you would go with what used to be the flow and follow all the rules. Everybody wants to be an individual, but if everybody's doing it, most likely you are doing it just because its the cool thing to do. I admit I almost fell into the trap. But then I thought about it. Why does there have to be a grain or a flow? Why not just stay right where you are. I think that's how I am. I don't go with the flow, but I don't go agianst it. No matter which way the flow is flowing. I don't really purposefully do things to get on other peoples nerves, and I obey my mom and dad and my teachers. I wear things because I like them. I do things because I like to do them. I don't wake up and say: 'I'm going to wear these hair things today because people will look at me and give me attention and I'll pretend like I don't give a care about what they think.' I just wake up and say: 'Hmmmm... I like this shirt. It would go well with this hair thing. Cute' And go on. I am not agianst certain stores or something. Like, if I found something cute that was worth buying, I will buy it, no matter what store it comes from. I'll admit, most of my clothes are hand-me-downs. My two favorite pairs of jeans were Kate's at one point. I think people should just do what they want to do just because they want to. No more of this flow junk.
Shout out to Corey Scearce who told me to shout out to him. "OUT!" There. If you imagine me saying that in an elevated volume, then I just shouted out to you. Consider yourself all shouted out.

Sunday, May 04, 2003

I just finished reading "The Second Summer of the Sisterhood". It's a sequel to "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". They are both really good books. The only thing is that they all basically have to do with romance. There is a serious lack of that in my life. I don't think there will be any action there this summer either. I mean, I'm going to camp cheerio which is AMAZING but still lacking males my age. I'm going to England and, no offense G & P, but I seriously doubt I'll meet any boys my age. Or any girls my age for that matter. So reading a book like this makes me feel sad. I mean, they get sad because their love interests hurt them and all that jazz, but you know how the story goes: better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I love people in that brotherly/sisterly/parentally/friendly way but thats about it. I don't mind it so much, I mean I've lived 15 years this way so I'm used to it. And they say that High School relationships are worthless. I guess 'they' are right. Still, it doesn't help that I have hormones. I know you don't really care about my hormonal thoughts, but you have every right to leave. Haha. I'm getting all defensive while only talking to myself. Shows you how emotionally unpredictable I am. Actually, it doesn't, I just wanted another point. Oh yeah, and I also watched "Monsoon Wedding" on last night. Quite good, although also involving romance. I can't escape it! And it doesn't help to have a minor song stuck in your head. Whenever I feel depressed, minor songs never help. Right now it is "Clair de Lune". A girl played it at Charlottes piano recital. It's at the end of Ocean's 11. Yeah it has weird resolutions that give the idea of a sad story that has a happy ending, but still a sad story nonetheless. Yeah, next time I feel sad I'll be sure to get a major song in my head. With a lot of perfect authentic cadences. (Too much AP Music Theory... it's invading my thoughts... aaaaaaah!)

Saturday, May 03, 2003

Poetry Time Again!

Haiku # 1

Hail is really mean
It hurts when you walk in it
Maybe you shouldn't

Haiku # 2

Porkupines are cool
Are they related to pines?
They both have needles

Haiku # 3

Butterfly kisses
Cute signs of adoration
I want one right now

Haiku # 4

Haiku's are real fun
They are extremely simple
But are they really?

Friday, May 02, 2003

Piano teachers are an odd breed. We just attended a recital for Moxely, where Charlotte won 2nd place (represent!) in her level. She had already won, it was just a reiteration (haha is that correct? I've got the SAT on my mind) of all those great performers. This one piano teacher was being recognized and she was saying that her students really needed to be recognized so she like started pulling them up by the shoulders of their shirts. 'Twas a funny sight to see. She also came up to congratulate Charlotte afterwards, and Dad and I were standing there with Charlotte. She told Charlotte that she was really musical. Then she saw Dad and I and said: "So you must be her parents". Ok folks, I am only 4 years older than Charlotte. What is this? She said that it was dark and hard to tell. Haha. That would be pretty weird if a 47 year old man married a 15 year old girl. It would be pretty illegal too. All the other piano teachers were a little off the wall also. This one lady stood up and told about the history of moxely or something and she had the weirdest accent I ever did hear. She said whatever and like really pronounced the 't' so it was like whaTEver. Instead of, you know, whadever. Then this other lady put both of her arms around me from behind. Kind of on my neck or something, to point to Charlotte's name on the program and ask if that was her. Ok, that was just a little strange. All in all, it was a fun filled evening. I got two new books at Barnes and Noble (yay!!!) and we got caught in a hailstorm. I haven't seen hail in forever. I hate it! It hurts! And... once again, I was wearing my birkenstocks. Just my luck. Juuuuuust Dandy. Any damage suffered by my birks was recovered by the purchase of the books and these really cute hair doo daas at Target.