Monday, May 31, 2004

Quiz? I think so.

You're bubblegum!!! You love to have a good time,
and enjoy being around others who feel the same
way. You tend to be the life of the party, and
people like to be around you as much as they

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Right now I am sneezing up a storm, because I cleaned out underneath my bed. I am apparently allergic to dust, and there was a ton of dust under there. So now I'm in a fit of allergies. I hate allergies. There was something else I was gonna write about, I think, but I can't quite remember what it was. I have a feeling that this summer is going to be the one with the most changes. I'm looking forward to it.

Today wasn't a very productive day. I basically watched T.V. all day. I cleaned out underneath my bed, but it was very half-heartedly. Is that even a saying? Is that how you spell it? Oh well. Oh yeah! I remember what I was going to ask! Does anybody else have freckles on your hands? I never noticed it, but Jill pointed out at Quest last night that I had freckles on my hands. I looked at everybody's hands there, and nobody had them. Weird. I have a lot of freckles. They come out in full force in the summer. My nose usually gets so many freckles that it looks like one solid freckle. Weird. Freckles are the closest to tan that I get... ever. They stay longer, though. I don't get freckles on my feet, though. I actually get tan on my feet. Two years ago, it was a Birk tan, last year it was a Chaco tan, and right now I have a faint Chaco tan. We'll see how that one goes.

Nothing else to say. Leave comments.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

oh yeah, leave comments.
There. Now you may feel like you are at a lighthouse or something, but at least nobody I know of has this one yet. It's funny, because probably about 2 of you saw the other templates I had on here. It was my color changing, then one that Jill has, then a blue tic-tac one, then white dots and now this one. I'm having quite a soul searching (rather, template searching) time right now. I think this one is good. Maybe. Oh well. I'm gonna go hang out @ church all night now. I haven't played bass in a while. I knew this would happen. I must become a good bass player. So maybe I'll go practice. OK, that's what I'm gonna do now. Adios!
Darn it. My template is exactly like that of Anna Wood. And countless other folks. I want to be an individual, but I am hindered by my lack of html knowledge and the small amount of good templates to choose from. I might just resort back to my psychadellic color changing template, but it was kinda ghetto in its own little way. I'm gonna look through the templates and see if I can't make another one my own. Here I go.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Ok, so maybe my template looks kinda like SEG's, but hey. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Or something like that...
Hello all! Welcome to summer. I got sunburnt today by the pool, I've become too lazy for my own good, I went on a date (weirdness), and now I'm staying up late. Those last two rhymed. It's almost too much to handle all at once. I got sunburnt to initiate myself into the summer club. Or, at least, my own summer club. Summer doesn't really start until my first real burn. My upper thighs are bright red. As well as some of my shoulder. Hopefully some will dissipate, and I will be left with peeling skin and then whiteness. All I'm aiming for is to neutralize the blue.

Ok, ok. John Varnier, you win. I'll leave it at that.

So I have to drive to Winston on Tuesday to turn in my Governers School forms. I procrastinated, and the forms that are due Tuesday will have to be mailed Tuesday. The post office is closed on Monday, so I'm up a creek. And I am a terrible driver. I have no navigation skills. Darn it. I hope that they will let me just send it on June 1st and then it gets there like June 2nd (or 3rd). Maybe that will work. I'll give them a call.

Good movie alert: The Day After Tomorrow. Jake Gyllenhal: hot. Movie: full of action and good messages.

Something to look forward to: I Love The 90's on VH1. Yessssssssss.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

I love the summer. I really love productive summer days. I organized the bookshelves in my room, slowly and steadily. If I try to totally re-organize my room all at once, I end up becoming really stressed out, I don't finish, and I end up watching random junk television all day. Then I get tired and dehydrated and irritable. No good. So today I felt nice and hydrated, and productive. I threw out a bunch of stuff that was just collecting dust on my bookshelves. It was very cleansing. I'm really excited, because I'll clean out my room and it will be so fresh and so clean (clean) when I come back from Governer's School. Yay! That will make me feel relaxed and happy so that I can soak in the last few days of summer before my ridiculous Senior year.

There is a certain smell and feeling to summer. Something to do with the mixture of my air-drying hair, the air conditioning, outside, and laziness. So maybe they aren't all smells, but it is just a general feeling. It feels nice. I was feeling just regular-school-day-ish yesterday, although it was the last day of my Junior year. So I thought today would feel a bit teacher-workday-ish. But it didn't! It felt totally summery. I think it also has something to do with my flip flops. I only wear them in the summer, for some odd reason, so when I wore them today, it brought me back to good old summer ways.

Tomorrow the pool opens! The (almost) last sign that summer is truly here. Graduation is the true last sign, but it isn't until 7:00 tomorrow night. I have to be up early tomorrow to take Jill and Charlotte to school and Dad to work, and also for Graduation practice at 9:00. Oh, the joys of being a Junior Marshal. I think I also have to fix the J.M. sashes. They are totally weird. Anyway, I'm gonna go watch CSI after Law and Order. Two awesomely great shows.
Hello, all. Welcome to my new and improved blog. I've decided that it's time for a change. The only thing good about my last template was that it changed colors, and that can kinda get old after a year or so. Now I wish I knew some html stuff so I could put links and stuff on here, but I just didn't have any time to take App 2. Summer is bringing a lot of changes, and it's exciting. I am now a Senior, and that means that there's only one more year until I am out of this place we like to call Mount Airy High School. I'm really looking forward to my 6 week respite from Mount Airy. Governers School, here I come.

So tell me how you like the changes and stuff. I'm gonna go extreme clean my room. I'll post later on today.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Driving is a curse if you have younger siblings. I love being able to drive, because I can go places and it isn't an inconvenience. I can go pick up something at the store at the last minute. I have the freedom to drive myself to a movie. It is great. The thing I hate more than anything is having to drive my sisters. I have to drive them to school every morning, and the other day I had to turn around and go back home to get something Charlotte forgot when we were all the way at Ridgecrest, and we were already like 10 minutes late. And Charlotte acted like I was being weird. I definitely parked in teacher parking, because it was my Dad's car. When I drop them off somewhere, and they have something in the trunk, rather than asking me to open the trunk, they just hit it. That works when I'm in the car, but it's not quite as effective when I'm not in it. I had already gotten out of the car, and Charlotte hit the trunk like twice. I told her that the trunk usually opens when somebody pulls the latch, and she said she was just reminding me that it was my duty to open the trunk at all times. I drive them to Pilot every single day after school for swim practice. My mom originally said that I would have to drive them there and either Dad or She would go to pick them up when they were done. Mom has had selective amnesia and now claims that she said that I have to go pick them up afterwards too. "It is your responsibility both ways unless it is impossible." That is just a little annoying, seeing as how she doesn't do anything at the picking up time. Or, at least, either She or Dad is free at the time. Yeah, so today was an exception. Charlotte had voice lessons so I had to drive her to voice, then drive Jill to Pilot (which is 25 or so minutes away for those who dont know), then drive home, then drive to pick Charlotte up from voice (like 10 minutes across town), then drive her to Reeves (for alternate swim practice), then drive home, and then Mom expected me to drive back to Pilot to pick Jill up, then back to Reeves to pick Charlotte up and then home again. Holy freaking cow. It is exhausting just typing all that. Dad ended up going to pick them up. Good thing.

I hate driving. I get road rage when people go slow on the highway. I can't stand to be behind someone who is going slower than I want to go. I hate it. So already today I have driven 46 unwanted miles, and about 6 of those were for myself. Ugh. I would gladly give up my driving privaleges and bum rides all the time, as long as I didn't have to do all that. When Mom threatens to take away my license, she soon realizes that she would have to do all that driving if I didn't have a car. So I get to keep my keys. The only bad thing about this whole situation is that I have no bargaining ground. I don't pay for my own gas, or my insurance, and "my other siblings had to do it too." At least that's what Will says. He likes to point out that he had to drive all of us girls around way back when. So whenever I try to point out the ridiculousness of it all, I am reminded that I could always have to pay for gas and insurance. Basically, I am a teen slave. That's what my mom even said to me one time. If she makes me drive all the time like this next year, when I have all my AP classes, I'm going to go off. Seriously. She's the one that wants me to do good in all of these classes, which is darn near impossible when there are only a couple minutes free in the day. Homework is not productive in the in-between times of the driving. And I have volleyball and stuff. I wish it would all just go away. Next year is gonna be stressful.

Sorry about my ranting and stuff. I'm kinda tired and annoyed, partly because of driving, and partly because people were giving me a hard time in third period. About my boobs. Just cut it out girls, that's just not something you talk about with guys present. Actually, I don't like talking about it ever. Something good that came out of today was my rediscovery of how to play Rook. I'm remembering it, and I'm gonna get some way cool games started this summer. It's gonna rock. Well, I'm off to go sleep or something. Actually, I'm gonna go watch old cartoons or something. Charlotte is trying to read over my shoulder right now, but I kicked her out.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

It creeps me out when old people have scrapes and stuff. Like George Bush. Creepy. I love how it is huge news that he fell on his bike. Welcome to the real world, George. We all get scrapes sometimes. Granted, we usually fall down on our bikes when we are first learning, but I feel ya. I fell down while pseudo-mountain biking the other day. Dad said it was easy, and to stand up and go relatively fast. I fell over after like 1 second. And I scraped my leg and got briars in my hair. I just laughed. It was funny. So George, I understand. I just don't like lookin' at ya. Plus, your nose is kinda weird looking. I would never go on TV or anything, because people would always be criticising me. I love to hate people on TV. It is so much fun to make fun of them. Like Erskine Bowles. How hillarious does he look. His facial features are squeezed into the middle of his long face, and then he wears HUGE glasses. Haha. He gets my vote. I bet he's a nice guy. Maybe.

Monday, May 24, 2004

I wish I was in boy scouts instead of girl scouts. Girl scouts is so typically girly. There are badges for shopping, going to the movies, cleaning, cooking, and fasion. It is our big service project to clean up the scout hut. Boy scouts, on the other hand, get to mess up the scout hut. They get badges for pocket knives and fire and camping. Girl scout camping shouldn't even count as camping. We made foil packs at home, then went to a 'campsite.' This sorry imitation of a camp site had platform tents with bunks and a picnic shelter and running water. The only thing that was barely 'roughing it' was the bathroom. A hole in the ground, but there were still stalls over it. My idea of camping is going out into the woods on a trail, setting up an L.L. Bean tent, rolling out the sleeping bag and roasting hot dogs over a camp fire. Going to bed early and waking up early with the morning light. We tried camping like this one time with girl scouts. One group's tent fell down in the middle of the night because it was really fancy and they didn't know how to set it up correctly. They slept in cars that night. Another group lined their luggage around the outside of their tent and it rained in the middle of the night, so it all got soaked. My tent, however, was perfectly set up (thanks to instructions from my dad). Neither our luggage nor our sleeping bags (or our selves for that matter) touched the edge of the tent. I had a great night sleep. It was awesome, but it was never going to happen again with this troop. Girl scouts just aren't that fun. I wish they would get rid of that stereotype. Girls selling cookies and having names like "Daisies" and "Brownies." The boys get to be cubs and stuff. Man, this makes me really want to go camping. And to start some fires. And to break some glass. Typical boy stuff.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

As I sit here in front of my computer screen, I am overcome with lack of ideas. What shall I write about? My last day of school is Wednesday. My shoes that I must wear for graduation hurt like heck. I need to read in Catcher in the Rye. This blog is pointless. Since there is nothing to write about, I'll just save my energy and blog tomorrow.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Life is life. School is school and, thankfully, almost over. I am tired, and Joan of Arcadia was thought provoking. Summer is almost here, and I couldn't be more glad. Yearbooks are everywhere, and it is getting kinda old. I'm no good at writing in yearbooks. Only when I absolutely have to write a lot will I even do it. I've been very productive today. After school, I was very productive. I drove to Pilot, went to see Shrek 2 by myself (matinee price... i don't go to full priced movies), came home and worked on my Englilsh paper (Emma "The Yellow Dart" Refvem), then watched Joan of Arcadia. Shrek 2 was absolutely great. Maybe even greater than the first one. Holy cow, I need that soundtrack. I was very impressed with Shrek 1's soundtrack, and from what I heard Shrek 2's should be just as good. Now I am anxiously awaiting a couple things: my cell phone cover's arrival in the mail (yay!), Will's arrival, the last day of school (yay yay yay), and lots and lots of sleep. Oh, and Governer's school. Looking forward to the fun times awaiting me. Right now I think I am too tired and slightly paranoid to produce a good blog. I become insecure and paranoid at night. And really really tired. But I'll just go have some caffeine and get over the tired part. Nighty night, folks!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

whoa there, that was a pretty long post!
So I'm done with my AP Stats project. Now all I need to do is finish my english paper.

ooh ooh ooooh! It stormed today! And I was at home to enjoy it. Usually the storms are in 4th period, but today 4th period was at a different time, so I was at home doing my Stats. The only bad thing about the storm was that I had to walk through the rain and get my pants wet (there was a line so you could see where my rain coat stopped... haha).

The awards ceremony was today. Or should I say the Alexander Preston Tilley awards. Yep, he racked up 5. Whatever. I mean, could we brag a little more Alex? Seriously. Show some modesty. Nobody likes a cocky guy. Nobody. I know I don't. He even tried to tell me that my Pre-Cal award was kinda sketchy because he had it with Coach Hayes, so he might have gotten it. As if 5 wasn't enough. Uggh.

Yeah, so summer is approaching, and I couldn't be more dang happy. I'm so excited, I just can't hide it. That's another thing that's been happening to me a lot lately. I have song lyrics for everything I say. A lot of times when it is a regular conversation, The topic will remind me of a song and I'll start singing it. And then, of course, I get it stuck in everybody's head. Haha.

Tomorrow are the elections. I'm nervous. There are 4 levels of nervousness/apprehension in my mind. (from the most superficial on down) Level 1: Hey, maybe I'll win! Level 2: No, then again I probably won't Level 3: But there is still a chance Level 4: Definitely not. No chance at all, because I've never won anything before. Why start now? I get kind of confused. I start feeling one level and then it switches and I start getting that mixed-up-feelings knot in my stomach and I desperately try to change the subject in my brain. So I start singing songs, only it doesn't usually work. Then tomorrow in 4th period or whenever they announce the winners, I get that knot in my stomach and I get really nervous and then they announce the winner and I get really sad. I get over it the next day. It really depressed me one year when Jill and I were both running for secretary (at our different schools). We both lost, but Mom sent Jill a teddy bear and a balloon or something in class. All I got was this random comment: "oh Emma, I didn't think you'd be too dissapointed because you never win." Ok, maybe it was not exactly that, but I'm pretty sure it was close. Whatever.

Happy Weekend everybody! I'm going to go see Shrek 2 on Friday and then work all day at Church on Saturday. (Bingo, baby!!) Adios!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Sorry about that, guys. Life's going back to its old hectic ways. Right now, though, I'm feeling a little ditched. And sad. I'm supposed to be at Sami's birthday party in Winston, but a)I don't know how to get there, b)The people that said they would call me haven't called me and we were supposed to leave at 4:30, and c)I just don't know why. It makes me kind of mad, but whatever. And I'm kind of depressed because elections depress me. Oh well. I was in love with the 80's again today. "you threw it away... to fall in love with the 80's" -Relient K. Maybe that was a random quote, but whatever. Yearbooks cheer me up. I like having people sign my yearbooks, and this is the first year where they have been whole pages. Ahh! I guess it's because there is more room. That's probably why. I like memories, and my signings have been pretty high quality this year. Good job, people.

So I've had Vanilla Ice stuck in my head all day. I have some of it memorized: "alright stop. collaborate and listen. ice is back with my brand new invention. something grabs a hold of me tightly. flow like a harpoon daily and nightly. will it ever stop? i don't know. turn of the lights... and i glow. to the extreme i rock the mike like a vandall. light up the stage and wax the chump like a candle... [...] if there's a problem, yo, i'll solve it. check out the hook while my d.j. revolves it" Whoa there. I cannot believe that I just wrote the lyrics for Ice Ice Iroquois... i mean Ice Ice Baby. Weirdness. Well now I'm going to go read The Catcher in the Rye. I love it more and more each time I read it. Oh Holden Caulfield. Gotta love the kid. I wish I could date him, because he isn't a 'phony.' I got a t-shirt at the Goodwill today. It says "Don't Mess with Texas" on the back. And some lonestar steakhouse or something on the front. I was born in Texas, in case you didn't know. This blog is a random stream of thoughts coming from my head. aaaaaaaah random. I think I'm just putting off my stats project. putting it off, putting it off... Ok this is all one paragraph and I'm sorry if it's hard to read. There, I just fixed it. But I won't go back and erase that sentence because I think it is better that way. Peace out, dudes.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Sorry about the delay in posting. The last two nights I've tried to post, but blogger was being weird. Anyway, I had a pretty good day yesterday. I had lunch at my Dad's office, because a Vioxx rep. bought them lunch. It was by far the best barbeque I've ever had. The potato salad and ridiculously greasy hush puppies were great too. Quite a successful lunch, if you ask me. And it was free! Score! Then in 4th period, we went to see the prison prevention program. Whoa there. It was an old southern guy with a power point presentation and a ridiculous accent. He told us one time that the inmates had an 'aer' to take a 'shaer.' I cracked up. Babs Merritt cracked up too, she was sitting right beside me. His jokes made us laugh even more. He was talking about what the inmates eat, and when he said something about a mystery meat that could have been roadkill. "Have you ever heard of a himalayan possum?" "no..." "when you're drivin', you se him-a-layin on the road." Quite hillarious. Poor guy. Right. So after school I went to see 13 going on 30 with Emmy and Kristin and Jill and Ashley Case and Anne Lamm. Fun times. I loved that movie. It made me so happy. Afterwards, Emmy and I went to Goody's and Wal Mart where I bought the soundtrack. It once again confirms my love of the 80's. I can't wait till that comes out on video so I can buy it and watch it a lot. Yay!!!

Right now, I'm going to go shopping and then later I'm going to go work at Build-A-Dream. Shopping is not always my favorite thing, but I think it will be this time. Oh yeah! Great news! I found my old Wal Mart hippie skirt! I'm in love with that skirt. I'm going to wear it to church or to school or both.

P.S.- Tell all your friends to vote for Emma and Taylor. Because we probably won't win. We need all the help we can get.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

My life is weird lately. I never have any homework, I don't have a third period, people are in bad moods all over the place, I'm running for an office again, volleyball is starting up again, and the one constant relationship in my life (actually not in my life) is no longer a relationship. It's been almost four years! It is so weird for it to be over. Not as if we didn't already have enough drama at MAHS. So now I have to deal with everything that goes along with that. Friends are forming their opinions etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

My sisters were in bad moods today. It was really weird. They totally flipped out over the randomest things. For a second I thought it was my fault, but when I looked back on it, the whole situation was really random. They are all in bad moods now because they have papers to write or people to talk to, and I'm taking up the use of one computer with my seemingly meaningless blogs. Oh you guys. Just cut it out.

Happy 200th blog, everybody! It's exciting to know that I've been blogging for over a year now. I know some of these blogs have been really short, and some have been really boring. Some may have been pointless, but nonetheless, I've been blogging somewhat consistenly for 200 blogs. I'm proud of myself. Since I got 5 minutes on the computer for this blog, and I only have one minute left, I guess this is goodbye. I'm going to go brush my dog, Lucy. She sheds a lot. "are you shedding me?" Adios!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Whoa there, blogger has some changes!!! Weirdness. I was tempted to change my template, but I'm satisfied with my color changing madness. Breaking news: I'm running for student body prez. w/ Taylor Clark. If you go to MA, vote for us. If not, tell anybody you know who does go to MA to vote for us. I'm pretty pumped. It is interesting to me that I run every year, yet I haven't won even once. Maybe my time has come. If not, than haha it is hillarious. My mom is really excited that big airplanes came in and saved the day on 24 today. I love watching Tony and Jack, two melodramatic, intense characters, face off. It was the battle for the overly-dramatic voiced male costars. Quite funny. I think 24 should stop trying to be known for its acting. Stick to action scenes and bomb threats and terrorism. Thanks. Okey dokey, ta ta for now folks!

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Who knew Hanson would make a comeback? Certainly not me. That little drummer boy (hah) has grown up. Kinda cute. Cuter than the middle one with the long hair. The long haired one's married anyway. Today was the laziest Saturday I've had in a while. I loved it. I sat around, went to see a movie, then sat around some more, went on a bike ride, then watched another movie. It feels good to sit around. I can't wait for summer, where I can chill out all day. Chilling is fun. Oh yeah, and I have a 'battle wound' from our bike ride. I tried off-roading, but I just fell over into the grass and my bike pedal scraped my leg. It was funny because nobody saw it. And life is good right about now, I don't have schoolwork to do! I just need to do my Stats project. I think I'm going to do some research on death rates and stuff. Hanging out at the cemetary should boost my social life. Hah. Well I'm going to go to bed. I love sleep. Adios, and I hope you have a good night sleep too!

Friday, May 07, 2004

So I got to babysit today. And I did say "got to" because it was really easy. I played some video games, then he and his friend went and played outside. I sat on my knockoff crazy creek and read Gatsby for English class. Then we watched the cartoon version of The King and I. It was muy mal. Since it was a cartoon, they had to add some really creepy evil guy who looks through a looking glass like Ursula did in The Little Mermaid. I thought it was too much of a digression from the original, so I didn't really watch it. It was too kid-ifyed. That isn't a word, sorry. So after earning $20, I went with Ashley and Casey to the secret spot. What a place. That's all I can really say. It was fun times.

I'm so excited that it is warm now. I'm going to sleep on my hammock all day tomorrow until I go see Mean Girls and then I'm going to sleep on it some more. I don't have anything to do on Sunday except maybe go buy some baby stuff for extra credit and then have lunch and/or dinner with my mom. It is mother's day, after all. I'm going to go sleep in for the first time in a loooooong time. Thank goodness. Tata!

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Hello, all. I'm about to go watch the Finale of Friends. A sad event for some, but I don't watch it religiously, so I'm not that dissapointed. I'm really excited that I don't have a 3rd period anymore. I went home and did my English research online. It was awesome. I loved it. Tomorrow, I might nap. Yes, sounds good. Or watch the Joan of Arcadia I taped last week. Well I'll be going now, sorry for the shortness. Oh well.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Hey folks. I have some good news. I have switched email providers! I have been seriously frustrated with hotmail for a good while now, so I finally switched to this Gmail offered by google. Sounds like fun. so here it is: Original, I know. What can I say? It never gets old. So email me please so I know your address and so I get some emails. You don't even have to say hey. Just send me an email. That's it. Do it. Now.

Monday, May 03, 2004

oh yeah, I think this is the first time that I actually posted when I thought I wasn't going to. Usually, I just forget to post when I said I was going to. yay!
You weren't expecting a post, were you? Haha, fooled you!!! I just got back from my AP Stats Cram Session. Fun times with Coach Hayes. He is so much more hillarious than Sarah Gammons because he says funny little things, and Sarah isn't that funny. Now I am going to study for AP Stats while watching 10.5 on NBC. It was recommended to me by Jordan Pike and Andrew Snyder, who say it is hillarious. I can't wait.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

So the weekend is over. Finally. I have to say that Saturday was quite possibly the longest day of my life. It was exhausting. I'm sure glad that's behind me.

SAT: hard, but understandibly so. I think I improved in Math but either stayed the same or got lower in Verbal.

Prom: stressful, akward at times, somewhat overrated, generally a good time. I looked pretty but pale. I looked like a ghost standing next to Audra and Ashley. Oh well. My hair was comfortable and my shoes were not. The steak was awesome but the Hummer situation was not. The socializing at the actual dance was great, the dancing, not so great. After party? What after party. We made an appearance at the FBC breakfast but I decided I was just trying to keep myself awake at that point, so we went home. I'm somewhat glad.

Church: Quest was good, but there wasn't a point to my being in the service. I just led the seniors in and didn't even get recognized. But it was worth it because we sang 'rise and shine and give God the glory glory'. It made me campsick, but it also made me happy because I'm going to make more friends this summer.

Piano Recital: I only messed up a little bit on my third piece, but I think I recovered nicely. Nicer than Jill and Charlotte. The duet was fun times.

Youth: Hillarious. When I showed up, Rebs was in the midst of being 'pulled over' in the Neighbor's parking lot. I called her and got the scoop with Taylor and John cracking up and yelling across the street. Hillariousness. At actual youth it was funny because we were talking about sex and middle schoolers were there. It was fun times. The whole thing.

Now: I want to go to sleep, because I am muy tired. Oh yeah, and I didn't finish my Stats practice test because I think I left my calculator at the SAT. Oh no. Good think it has my name on it and it's at MAHS.

AP Stats Exam: You can bet I'll be cramming tomorrow night, so don't expect a post. Just wish me luck.

Shoutout to Shmimmy. One word: repulsive.