Sunday, September 21, 2003

Man I hate being sick. But it is thankfully now overwith. I am now nice and well. My cold started on monday as a general sickness thing. Then on tuesday it turned into a throat cold. ouch. Wed. and Thurs. were really bad because I kept having to talk and talk and talk. The v-ball game on Thurs. was the climax of my cold because it got to a point of swollenness where I couldn't talk because it hurt so much. Then on friday it morphed into a nose cold. It semi-dissipated on saturday, and is now relatively clear. So that is a load off my mind. This week also was bad on the volleyball perspective. On tuesday we had to go see the middle school v-ball team play from 4-5 and then be back for practice at 6:15-7:45. I got my eyes dialated so I was wearing my aviators plus those glasses they give you. I had to play mom because my parents were at a DMB concert. So I was driving to and fro all over MA with glasses on. Then I had to wear my glasses in practice, much to the objection of coach k. Then on friday we had to have practice from 7-8:30. AM. Whoa there. But because I woke up so early on friday, it seemed to have lengthened my weekend. Last night I had to babysit from 3 PM on sat till 8:30 AM sun. Fun times. So there was my week in a rather large nutshell. Adios!

Monday, September 15, 2003

So today volleyball was yet again a waste of my time. Coach Knott tells me if I practice hard then I will get to play. Not true. Last week I had the most stellar practices of my entire volleyball career. So, I thought maybe I would play at least for a couple seconds in the game. Whaddya know? I played for a grand total of 0 minutes. Thats right, 0. Not a lick of playing time for Emma Jane Refvem. Right... like that is going to make me practice harder. So today at practice, I was less than enthusiastic. I wasn't "moving my feet" according to Knott. Umm.... ok.... And then we had to run sprint after sprint after doggone sprint. Lovely. It hurts me to run. Not my lungs, which means I am semi-in-shape, but my whole body. My feet, my knees, my abdomen, my chest, everything. Running more will only make it hurt more. Knott doesn't get it. So there I go. Tomorrow I have to devote 2.5 hours to volleyball and a lot more time to taxiing my family around while my parents are at a DMB concert. When am I supposed to do my homework? How should I know? So we ask if we can do it while we have to watch the Middle School V-Ball game. She says no. We ask when we are going to have to do it, and she shrugs her shoulders. So I told her I would have my teachers send her a note when my grade drops. Argh... this is frustrating. It will all be over in October... oh happy day...

Sunday, September 14, 2003

So today was a good day. I spent the whole afternoon doing US history stuff. First I had to write a report on Tecumseh in first person. Hello, I am Tecumseh. I fought in the battle of Tippecanoe. You know, stuff like that. That reminds me of a joke. What do you get when the indians stand up in their canoes? A tippy canoe! hahaha... right. Then I had to go to wal mart to get posterboard and construction paper. Then I had to do the poster. Then I had to do a timeline. Woah there... I guess that's where procrastination gets ya. Of course, in between the poster making and the timeline writing, I watched the last 45 minutes of LOTR2. Didn't get to finish it last night. That is a good movie. Real good.

Oh yeah... I went to church this morning, also. It was great. Quest is starting at our church, which is just a fancy name for spiffed up sunday school. We ate donuts and played music and sang and talked about God and it was tons of fun. There were 31 people in sunday school! Apparently our church sunday school attendance was 141 or something like that. It broke records... seriously. 'Twas a good day for the methodist church. Oh yeah... you should come on sundays at 9:30! If you do, I get bonus points and if I get enough, I can go to Busch Gardens. Yay. I really really REALLY like Busch Gardens. Right... ok... tootles!

Saturday, September 13, 2003

So right now I am sitting here procrastinating. I really should be doing my report right now, but it just isn't happening. Maybe it would if I really cared about Tecumseh, but he doesn't really matter to me. I'll have to get down to it. Right now all I want to do is chill out and watch LOTR2. So that is what I'll do. Because I love it. Yay LOTR!!!

Friday, September 12, 2003

Matchstick Men... good one... go see it... that is all.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

This is an apology. I have been misusing the word euphamisms. First of all, it is spelled euphemism. Secondly, it is used to make a phrase sound better than it is. Like "slumber room" in a funeral instead of like "death room" or something. Sorry!
And I'm back. I feel as if I have settled back into the routine of school, and can now devote a little more time to this here blog. However, I might not be able to devote as much time as in the past. Therefore there may be lapses in the days of postage, so bear with me. Is that how you spell that? It kind of sounds malicious. Almost as if I am asking you to act like a bear or something. Is it bare? because that would be kind of more like I was asking you to "bare it all", which is not the intention at all. It is funny how we take this funny language for granted. Ms. Ucinska, my spanish teacher, is polish and knows like 5 languages. I think English is like her 3rd or something. She reads the newspaper and highlights phrases, or euphamisms, that she doesn't know and gets a student to translate, if you will. It is not for a grade, it is just for her knowledge. Es muy interesante. We were trying to explain "rip tide", and I asked her if she knew what an undertoe was. She pointed to her toe and said she knew what toe meant. I said, "no, i mean like in water", and she didn't know what I was talking about. So we had to take the long way around to explain it to her. I think it is a good exercise for communication. Right-o... tata! Ah... how good it feels to be blogging once again...