Sunday, September 14, 2003

So today was a good day. I spent the whole afternoon doing US history stuff. First I had to write a report on Tecumseh in first person. Hello, I am Tecumseh. I fought in the battle of Tippecanoe. You know, stuff like that. That reminds me of a joke. What do you get when the indians stand up in their canoes? A tippy canoe! hahaha... right. Then I had to go to wal mart to get posterboard and construction paper. Then I had to do the poster. Then I had to do a timeline. Woah there... I guess that's where procrastination gets ya. Of course, in between the poster making and the timeline writing, I watched the last 45 minutes of LOTR2. Didn't get to finish it last night. That is a good movie. Real good.

Oh yeah... I went to church this morning, also. It was great. Quest is starting at our church, which is just a fancy name for spiffed up sunday school. We ate donuts and played music and sang and talked about God and it was tons of fun. There were 31 people in sunday school! Apparently our church sunday school attendance was 141 or something like that. It broke records... seriously. 'Twas a good day for the methodist church. Oh yeah... you should come on sundays at 9:30! If you do, I get bonus points and if I get enough, I can go to Busch Gardens. Yay. I really really REALLY like Busch Gardens. Right... ok... tootles!

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