Tuesday, December 23, 2003

My new favorite channel is ESPN2. They cover the more important sports, if you can call them sports. First off, we have the 2003 National Spelling Bee. Those were some high-quality spellers. The commentators were my favorite. "So, Jan, this one is another homeschooler who is also a scrabble championship." "That's right, Bob, and she's an 8th grader, so this is her last year to compete." Hah. Another of my favorites: "So, Bob, when they lose, where do they go?" "It's called the comfort room and, let me tell you, there are many tears cried in that room. A lot of the kids have already gotten over it and are now in the hallway playing video chess and scrabble." Silly. Secondly, there is the adult Scrabble championship. The biggest move was the word "roquet", which got a tripple word score and added up to a whopping 75 points. Whoa. Finally there was the World's Strongest Man competition. My favorites are Yanni Virtanin, Magnus Samuelsson, and Hugo Girard. Boy, those guys can lift some really heavy stuff.

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