Sunday, November 16, 2003

Little known fact: I love studying. I adore it. Why is it little known? Because 'taint true. Sorry to break it to you. I really hate studying when the only preparation for the test has been two, count em two, worksheets on the subject. No notes, no explaination from the teacher, just two worksheets. Oh yeah, and a funny little video made by the same guys who do my SAT review cd rom thing. Those silly geese. Still, our fair teacher Bodnar has been out all week and just randomly gives us a test on Monday. Yay!!! I loathe Monday tests because you have to get all of your other work done that you didn't do because you were relaxin to the maxin. Tuesday tests are the bomb, because if you're on the ball, you study Sunday night and then review in class and then get another night to study! Mainly I'm writing this because I don't want to devote the 45 minutes it will take to ace this test. But, I'd better not say that because then people will get mad that their study habits are all screwed up and they study for 3 hours and still get a 57. Not my fault guys! Get over it! Sorry for that short bit of ranting there. So now I'll go study the cardiovascular system. Yay... that sure gets me pumped up... haha... get it? pumped up? the heart pumps? Well, at least I got it. Alright. That's enough elipses... I guess I'll be bejeezin it!

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