Wednesday, December 28, 2005

sweet like candy to my soul... sweet you rock and sweet you rollll

Some days I feel like getting out of this house, but on days like today, I just want to sit around and not really do anything at all. The only time I ventured out was to go with kate to get a spiced chai latte (which was GLORIOUS) and chat, and then I came right back and kept on doing nothing. It's really fun. I'm not sure if my family appreciates it as much, though, because my stir-crazy self kicks in. I was playing around with salt and pepper on my dinner plate, I kept asking mom why "deal or no deal" wasn't coming on (as well as asking if every tv show that came on was deal or no deal, like this "IS THIS ONE DEAL OR NO DEAL?? YAYAYAYAY! oh, guess not.") I just feel a little crazy sometimes. Mom thinks it's funny. I like days when I could go the whole day in my p.j.'s. The only reason I'm not wearing them now is because Kate made me get dressed. Silly Kate.

Being home for Christmas after only one semester of college is a little weird. I mean, it's fun, but it almost feels like I never moved away. I have no school work, and no car, and I am hanging out with my high school buddies like it's summer again. The only difference is that we all have our new groups of friends waiting for us when we get back. I think it's kind of cool. How does that quote go? We can grow separately without growing apart. We're already a little bit more mature than we were in high school, and even the most immature of us can see how silly high schoolers can be.

Well I'm off to bed. Adios, amigos!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

a dragonfly can fly backwards as fast as it can fly forwards.

That is just amazing! I got that from the book that Erchica gave to me for Christmas. It's my kind of book. I found it funny that the first fact I read from the book was one that I already knew! That just goes to show you that I use "incredibly useless facts" on an everyday basis. It says that this book (titled Bla Bla) is "something to talk about when you have nothing else to say." Seriously, I always have something to say, but usually because I'm already chock-full of these silly facts. They are great conversation starters. YAY THANKS, ERIKA! I LOVE THIS BOOK. The end.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

merry Christmas!!!

I love this day. I hope you love it too. Other things I love are Christmas songs in general, but "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" especially. I really really love the version by Sixpence None the Richer. That's a band that I really like. Them and the Goo Goo Dolls. They have a really cool Christmas song out, too. I somehow just recently realized my love for both of those bands. They're just good.

Among my Christmas presents is the Freaks and Geeks complete series set. I watched the first episode, and I'm really excited about having it. It's just a good show. Another Christmas present worthy of noting is the hat given to me by Kate. Hats usually don't fit me and I end up getting depressed at the gargantuousness of my head. This hat, however, is different and fits me and looks cute!! Now my head can be warm when walking to class. Yay! All of my presents were very good. I like this "quality vs. quantity" outlook that my family seems to be tending towards. I guess it's part of us getting older. I think my disillusionment stage is over, and now I can accept Christmas for what it is now instead of how it usually was in the past.

I have missed blogging. I know it's been few and far between, but I think that's a part of me not being settled yet. Or being in college. Who knows. All I know is that I enjoy writing random commentary on parts of my life, but I don't know how frequent it's going to be. Of course I won't give this old thing up, because it is a part of my life that I love. I'm so sentimentally attatched to a blog. Being attatched to an electronic collection of my thoughts seems funny when I think about it, but I am. And now I think I'm rambling.

Once again, merry Christmas! I hope you had a day full of joy and fun and fellowship with your family. I did, and it was fun. Next is the new year!!! Yay for 2006!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

aaaaaaaand i'm back.

I've resurfaced from exam week with hardly a scratch to be seen. I got all A's (with a few A minuses sprinkled in for extra flavor), with an overall GPA of 3.86. Not too shabby for my first semester of college at Carolina, if you ask me. Yay!

Now that Christmas break is in full swing, all I really want to do is sleep. Forever. Somehow I haven't been able to sleep past 9:00 yet since I've been home. That streak will hopefully end tomorrow.

Wow. I wanted to write but I'm entirely too tired. Just jotting down a note to let you know that I'm still alive.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

umm, wow.

I have not updated in 10 days, and for that I apologize. Finals week has taken over my life. I didn't know it would be this bad! I have not yet succumbed to the ever-popular Aderol or caffeine highs. I have had 2 exams already and have my last one tomorrow at noon. The hardest was last Saturday (yuck! the day after classes ended!), then the next hardests was on Tuesday, and now the easiest is on Friday. They've been successively easier, which made me very very happy.

So now I'm going to go study Sociology. Soon it will be Christmas break!!! Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 05, 2005


Today it was so cold! Except in Chapel Hill it isn't snow weather. Well poopy.

Let me just tell you, I look hilarious in my cold-rain attire. Starting from the bottom, here we go:
  • Blue/purple striped rainboots from Target. They are so great because they are warm and they don't get wet on the inside! I can stomp through all the puddles while others have to walk around them so their New Balance's don't get squishy. Silly New Balances.Those people should invest in rainboots.
  • Jeans. Ok, that's the normal part. But they were tucked into the rainboots, which looked hilarious in my opinion.
  • Big L.L. Bean Jacket. It's big and purple and fun.
  • White mittens from Target. Mittens just look funny on people. I'm not exactly sure why, but they do.
  • A headband/ear-warming thing from Target. It makes me look funny. Especially because nobody else walking around seems to be as bundled up as I am. I checked the weather, and it was cold, and getting colder! 37 degrees is clearly wintry weather.
  • My UNC umbrella. I bought it today because my raincoat normally gets soaked through, walking all the way up from South Campus in the pouring rain and all.
I know this outfit might not seem so ridiculous, but when I get inside, it just gets funnier. Everyone is already settled and I look like I'm bustling in out of the arctic. Silly me.

I want it to snow already! yay snow!!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

hark the sound...

I am pretty much in love with the Carolina Basketball team. I wasn't really a fan at all before I came here-- the only school spirit I had was a little bit because I knew I would be coming here. Now I could explode with the stuff. I love watching basketball! I love knowing everything about the players. I didn't even know I was a sports fan until I came here. I made it a goal of mine to really pay attention to the games so I could talk basketball fluently with people who I already knew were fans. It's amazing. We just beat Kentucky, which really made my day. They're ranked #10 while we aren't even ranked! (because we are such a young team)

The basketball players' celebrity is also weird for me because I say that I like them in the same way that I like Jake Gyllenhaal or something. It's weird for me, then, when I see them on campus and remember that they're my age and there isn't as huge of a barrier for my getting to know them. It freaks me out a little. Like, I don't like Tyler Hansbrough because he's hot, but mainly because I randomly decided to make him my favorite player. It's also hard to pick a favorite player because they are all so wonderful at their own things.

Carolina fans are so crazy that they will wake up ridiculously early in the morning to stand outside in the freezing cold to get basketball tickets. I was at the Dean Dome this morning at 6:45 am to sign in with my bracelet, then I left and slept for like 3 hours in my dorm room, and then came back to stand in line to get 2 nose-bleed tickets to the Miami game. That was all they had left because my bracelet number was like 3,000 off the Magic Number. That's why I hate lotteries-- I never win. But it's all good. I'm sure I can find good tickets somewhere at some point. Who knows.

So, yeah. Go Tar Heels!!!

Friday, December 02, 2005


I was going to write a long post overanalyzing feelings, but I realized that I just wanted to get a basic thing down on my blog so that I could just move on and forget about it.

It's weird when you think you knew someone so well and then all of a sudden you change things, and then it's weird from then on. As if the friendship never happened. Do they ever think about how it used to be? It's not like the fact that we aren't "friends" anymore cancels out all that we knew about each other at one point.

Weird. Those feelings are interesting. I thought I was weird for thinking those thoughts, as if my thinking them indicated that I wasn't over the situation. I am completely over it in the sense that I know it will never go back to the way it was, and now that I've grown as a person I wouldn't want things to go back. I don't know. I just think about it sometimes.

I guess this is just me dealing with things. I knew it had to happen some time.