Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Daylight savings is really mean. I mean, lately I have been really, really, really tired, and then all of a sudden I get one less hour of sleep? What is with that? If I tried to go to bed an hour earlier to make up for the time, I wouldn't be able to. It would be like going to bed at 8. My body doesn't like adjusting this much. Like when we had Saturday school, my body was all freaking out because I didn't get a day to sleep in all week. Yeah because of daylight savings I almost fell asleep like 17 times in Algebra 2. Just ask Crystal. She sits at the back of my row and she could see that I was nodding off. Then Mrs. Gray would ask me a question and I would be all out of it. Also, when I am sleep deprived I stare out into space a lot. Then I don't pay attention to anything. I hate it. Oh yeah, and when I don't have enough sleep my muscles start twitching. Like at All District, I hadn't had enough sleep so the whole day my arm was twitching. Only it would move around to different places, and I couldn't do anything to help it. I just hate that. I would take a nap, but then I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again. All I can say is I'll be glad when I can sleep in on Saturday. I only have to suffer through 3 more days of school... the end is in sight!

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