Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Woah. The AP Music Theory Exam is tomorrow. I can't believe it. I can't wait for it to be over. Because then we'll get to watch movies for two and a half weeks. Oh, and we get to do a drum session. Mrs. Morrison told us about these things they did at college. People sit in a circle with drums and just randomly beat and then gradually everybody has the same beat. She said it was cool. She also said people usually did it when they were high. I hope we all don't get high in AP Music Theory. The only thing I want to be high is my exam grade. But I am not studying. I feel it is bad karma. I pretty much know a lot of this stuff, so what is last minute cramming gonna do except stress me out? Tomorrow is also the day of elections. (vote for me!) I get to say a small thing on the announcements. I'm gonna say: Hey! It's Emma. Vote for me for secretary because I'm a cool girl. I think that's all I'll do. I mean, if I win, I win. If I lose, I lose. An announcement for the whole school to hear isn't really going to drastically affect my outcome. I'll be interested to see if my posters did anything. A lot of people have commented on my free drinks poster. Next to the big E, it's the best! Also, my stickers have been getting around. My ghetto stickers made with masking tape and a permanent marker. I'm not going to go out of my way to spend money when it's just student council secretary. I think that the only thing they do is "take minutes". I'm sure the current secretary had a hard time with that, seeing as how we had a grand total of 1 meeting this year. So I'll find out while taking my exam whether or not I won. Great. Killing two birds with one large stone. Perfect.

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