Tuesday, April 01, 2003

You know what? I never knew now ironic the name of my blog would turn out to be. Now, of course, I am suffering from the common cold. I first thought of the name because we are playing a copland tribute in band, and that song is in it. It was stuck in my head, and then I read my great friend Sarah's away message that said she was dying from the common cold. So, I put two and two together and got something other than four. Now I sit here with my post nasal drip and sore throat. It's just gross. I'm all doped up on medicine too. I feel like a basketcase. I have to take an 800 motrin, 2 Cold Pain Reliever pills, and 2 Vitamin C tablets every morning. And then at 1:30 I have to take 2 more Cold Pain Reliever pills. Geeze Louise. At least being sick gives me an excuse to be mad at people sometimes. Shame on me. I know I shouldn't take advantage of my permanently generally bad mood, but hey, I gotta do what I gotta do. It is not fun having a cold, so I can give myself a little break by getting madder than I normally would in real life. Tisk tisk, bad Emma. If I am not making any sense to you, please let me know! email: daisies_15@hotmail.com. Thank you for your time.

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