Saturday, July 26, 2003

Hello everybody. Sorry for not posting yesterday. I wasn't quite in the mood. I am rather tired right now, probably from staying up so late watching big brother. It is a really boring show, but I like their accents. The main speaking guy who says the times and all that is Scottish. When he says "big brother" it sounds like "big brootha". And he says eight and AM funny. And the guy who won was from Scotland, and he had a funny accent too. The second place guy was from Ireland, and he had a sailor's mouth. They did a series of clips of him swearing, it was funny. Anyways, so this season was really boring. I didn't see that much of it, but what I saw wasn't interesting. They didn't really have conflicting personalities, so they were always just sitting around. The announcer would be like, "3:42, PM. The housemates have been sitting on the couches for 31 minutes". And then it would show a clip of them just sitting there. It was worthless. The good part was at the end when they showed a bunch of clips of the good parts of the show. So that's why I'm tired, I stayed up to watch that. I would take a nap, but the last two times I've done that, I haven't been able to get to sleep that night. And I always feel so tired after I wake up. It is a lose-lose situation. So I'll have some Coke and finish out the day. Alrighty then, bye bye now!

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