Wednesday, July 23, 2003

News is different when you see it from a different country. I've been watching BBC news over here, and the perspective is totally different. First of all, the subjects are different, but that is to be expected. Like lately the big story has been on the death of David Kelly, a weapons inspector. It's been all over the place. But the story that made me think of the differences is this one about Saddam's two son's being killed. Over here, they are more skeptical, and they are wanting proof of it. I looked on msnbc and it was more certain and there were more details. It makes me wonder what the news was like during the war and all the stuff going on. Also, I've been hearing more about Tony Blair, but that is only natural. It will be a switch when I get back to American News. Well, that's about all I had to say, and sorry for not posting yesterday. Ta ta for now!

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