Saturday, July 10, 2004

Like Water for Chocolate is one funny film. We watched it as the finale in our "Latin American Film Festival." It stars the girl that plays a mexican girl on Bottle Rocket. There were some hillarious scenes. At one point, when we thought something bad was going to happen, I said "Oh Shit." and then Megan said "Well, Damn." and then Jessica wanted to feel cool so she said "Hell." Haha. Then I would look at Jessica and say "manana" and she would crack up. It was hilarious.

While on our way back, It turned out to be really windy. Really windy. I knew a storm was brewing. Keith, Jessica, Julie, and I hung out on the sidewalk because we love storms. It was thundering and a siren was going and I could hear sounds from a racetrack that sounded like a tornado. It was creepy and way cool all at the same time. It started raining, so we stood in the doorway of Clewell, feeling the really really nice cool breeze. I went upstairs and then it started thundering really close. One was like right outside our window. It was really really loud. I heard some great thunders today. I'm very happy. Then Gina, Adrienne, and I watched the lightning from the windows. It was awesome! I want to be a storm chaser, but not really. It seems a little dangerous.

Then we got all dressed up for the Masquerade Ball. Basically a regular dance with costumes. I'm wearing one of Mom's old dresses. When people ask me who I'm supposed to be, I just hold a peace sign and say: "A 70's hippie?" It works. They don't ask anymore. There are a lot of 80's chicks out there. They are so cute! Lindsay and Jana are the cutest. Brooke looks pretty cute too. I love the 80's. I wish I could have pulled it off. But I took pictures. Now I need a new camera! Darn it. So I'm off to go to sleep because I have church tomorrow, and I have to wake up at 9:00. AM. So I guess this is goodnight!

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