Tuesday, July 13, 2004

It seems like I go through some sort of loss every summer for the past few years. Two summers ago, Dr. Burke died. I didn't really deal with it because I was at cheerio. I just pushed it to the back of my mind and didn't really think about it. Then last year Joey ran away, also while I was at cheerio. I am really sad that Joey ran away, but I never really thought about that one either. I was there with him since he was a puppy, and nobody else in my family liked him. It makes me sad. This summer, Will is moving to California. It's not like he's moving away forever, and I am going to see him for Thanksgiving and stuff. It just makes me sad. We ate at the Tavern today. The food was late, and I had class, so I had to leave early and it totally depressed me. I just said goodbye to Will at the restaurant and then had to leave him there eating and stuff. That really depressed me. Then we watched "Il Postino" and Mario had to say goodbye to Pablo. It made me cry. Goodbyes depress me. Right now it is raining really hard outside and I don't have any rain protection gear. It is kinda sad that GSW will be over in 2 weeks, but it has been great so far. Courtney is coming up to visit me on Sunday!!! Yay!!! (any time b/w 12:45 and 6). Oh yeah, we spent a whole class period discussing one Fermi question in 4th Period today. Haha. I doodled and just listened to what people had to say. I lost some brain cells because of the Dry Erase markers. Whew. They stink. Oh yeah! Here's my schedule:

AP English- Goldwasser
AP Calculus- Gray
AP Biology- Bodnar
Spanish 3- Castillo

AP English- Goldwasser
AP Calculus- Gray
AP Biology- Bodnar
Earth & Environmental Science- ?

Holy cow. Fun times. haha.

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