Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Spanish class with Mr. Castillo is kinda sketchy/ambiguous for many reasons. I will list them here in bullet/number format for your viewing ease and pleasure.

  1. He rounds down. This might not be a serious offense, if he just said deal with it. But he has very particular reasoning. He says that you didn't earn the other fractions of a point, so why should he round up? There is a flaw. By rounding down, he steals fractions of points away from us that we rightfully earned. This is the reason for many a 92 in his class (rightfully a 92.5). Why can't he just leave it at 92.5? Then he can just put it into the computer and let the computer round up for him.
  2. He doesn't know what you're asking half of the time. I think I've explained my frustrations on the whole question thing before. Most of the time he just assumes that we don't know anything, when we just want a particular detail.
  3. He doesn't know what extra credit is. That should be self explanatory.
  4. He doesn't catch on or get worried that someone is called out of our class every single day. This can be by the Journalism staff, the Yearbook staff (although not as often), the Office staff, the Guidance office, or just anyone who feels like talking to someone in our class. He just says whatever and lets them go. I don't think he really gets it.
  5. His tests and homework are very ambiguous. Our last quiz was on writing questions given answers, and the problem would look like this. "Ayer." That's it. And then there would be one "VĂ­ un OVNI." What is an OVNI? Apparently it is the spanish version of UFO. Whatever. So it was really random and ambiguous.
  6. We are on page R25. That's review. There are 56 "R" pages. He plans on going through all of them. We've been reviewing for the entire 6 weeks so far. While Harlan's class is already failing and learning hard things, we are doing skits where we ask each other "Como te llamas?" I told him that we already learned past tense in Spanish 2, but he said "Yeah, we are reviewing present tense and then we'll learn past tense after the R pages." He didn't get it. Refer to point 2.
  7. He's making us do a play about "anything, it just has to be about people doing bad things with a moral." He says we're gonna perform them in front of the school. Let's just say that our play has people doing/selling drugs, beating their wives, and Mac & Andy in Ninja suits with a dog. (a live one) But that's probably not going to happen. Anyway, It's sketchy.

Those are the main reasons. I hope you get my point. I'm gonna go watch Gilmore Girls, but if I get fed up I'll go do my HW.

1 comment:

Brad said...

my shoe hurts!