Tuesday, September 28, 2004

So. Today I read my story in English class... in front of Dr. Farley. For those of you who aren't aware, it's about him. I called him short. I think he took it pretty well, considering. He said a couple things about how it was obvious and then how it was really good and then asked me what my name was. Yeah, I didn't tell him, mainly because he was joking. He said it a couple times. He also said he was going to go home tonight and craft his response. It was exhilirating and really quite fun. Thanks go out to Tillman on this one for giving me the idea. We are going to vote on who has the best story, and right now it's between me and Tillman. I say give it to Tillman since both were his ideas. Mine was mainly shock value, but his was influenced by strong bad and trogdor. It was really funny to those of us who are homestar buffs, but it was also just a good story for everybody. So I'm going to vote for Tillman's story. I hate votes and stuff, they seem to cheapen the value of the stories, because that's not why we wrote them. I like stories better when it's just a story and you can like some of them the same amount. I'm not one for playing favorites. There were a bunch of other funny things in people's stories, like when Rebekah said something about the wife of bath like- "why cross your legs and be a lady when you can open them up and be a skank" or something like that. I mean whoa. Some of them were really good. Nicole's had a nice moral, and Kathryn's was just like A Walk to Remember (she told me herself). So it was fun times, and tomorrow we get to have a Medieval food party. Fun times to the max, baby. When I told Mrs. Gray about my satire, she wanted someone to write a satire about her. I told her there was nothing to satire, but I think there's always something to satire about people. I don't know exactly how good of a satire it would be. I don't think someone could pull off an entire storyline based on her, but they could probably include her or something. Like I did w/ Mr. Castillo in my tale. He rounds down. Haha.

Anyways, so I'm gonna do some calculus homework or something. Gilmore girls comes on tonight!


Sarah Gitt said...

Last year in AP Calculus, we made up things about Mrs. Gray and her crazy kayaking adventures. Things like riding the curve down Concavity Canyon...I can't remember the other ones, but they were good. And don't you remember the cartoon I drew of her, where she was saying "DOMAIN BITES!"

Emma Refvem said...

yeah! i do remember that cartoon, only now I get it that she always says "domain bites!" because she really does!