Saturday, September 25, 2004

So here is my story that I finally wrote. I had the worst case of writer's block, so I decided to start writing my research paper, when all of a sudden I could think of how to write this one. So the assignment was to write a second story of someone in the Canterbury Tales, since they all only got one (some didn't even get one). So I wrote it as the squire. Tell me what you guys think, or any corrections or suggestions or anything. Enjoy!

We start our story on a terrible day
When the King gathered the people together to say
“A few words” was all the invitation stated.
So the crowds showed up with their breath bated,
Waiting to hear what the news could be
From their short little king in his decree
It sounded ominous, and many assumed
That it would be bad- they were doomed!
Their undersized King stood up over the crowd
And started to talk, although not that loud
He didn’t have a loud voice because of his size
An amplification device seemed wise.
“To all my dear subjects, an announcement, have I,
All drinks and food in public surely should die.”
The crowd started muttering, “Can this be?”
“This surely can’t be happening to me.”
By the look on his face, they knew it was true.
No food or drinks, what could they do?

A group of peasants who were the best of friends
Got together to discuss this king who offends
Their very livelihood, and health for sure,
Because they can’t have their water so pure.
They tried different things to test
What they could do without an arrest.
They would sneak a cookie here and there
And try to avoid the guard’s stare.
The town proclaimer, McKenzie his name,
Decided to try and make it a game.
He announced to all that the rule was phony
And we could all drink and eat bologna
Wherever we wanted without prosecution.
He thought this would bring about a solution.

The King, having heard of their scheme,
Counteracted the efforts of our ambitious team.
He made an announcement of his own,
To say that the team’s cover was blown.
Sir Mac was no longer allowed to announce
Anything else or the guards would pounce.
It just so happened that another one heard
Of their valiant efforts to thwart this nerd.
Macado was her name, and she lived far away
But they knew that it was the only way
To set things right in our precious town
Against the will of the guy in the crown.

They started their quest to see this wise one
Who knew the way to bring back the fun.
The journey was not easy, because they needed to eat
But doing this in public was quite a feat.
They finally made it by sneaking around
And feasting off of berries they found.
Along the way, they met a great foe
Who knew what it was they wanted to know
To pass him they had to complete his quiz
It was a shoo-in because they had a whiz
Alex was his name, and he was quite the scholar
It even said so right on his collar
“Master of quizzes given by evil guys
On the side of the road sometimes in disguise”
Each question was worth 7.5
If he got an A, he would surely survive.
So with 15 questions, the foe gave his test
Alex didn’t know one, but he knew all the rest.
Knowing the regular rules of grading,
Alex knew he wouldn’t need persuading
To get this A with a 92.5,
That would surely round up and we would survive.
But no, such was not the way of the man
Whose people didn’t follow this plan.
They round down, a little known fact,
So the team then decided to break their pact.
To get revenge on him, they had a plan
So they picked up this little man
And put him in the back of their cart
And for the mountain they did depart
To find Macado- the wise woman
Who for their salvation had a plan.

Finally they reached her glorious abode
Only to find out she’d been turned into a toad!
The king had hired a witch, it seems,
And taken this feud to new extremes.
Faced with only one option, one choice
The team opted once more for the power of voice.
Three in their group had the power of rock
That they could use as a starting block
To show the King the error of his ways
And hopefully rid him of this horrible phase.

So they all got together and wrote a song
To show this king that drinks weren’t wrong.
It was by far the best song ever created
The group plus the frog and short man were elated.
They finally had the way to defeat the King
They would use their guitars and they would sing
Upon hearing this song, the King promptly replied
That he would set all his silly rules aside
And allow food and drink throughout the land.
So the song had worked out just as they’d planned.
A shout of rejoice and a cry of relief
Quickly replaced all feelings of grief.
The town was happy and water was back
And they all feasted on an afternoon snack.
The King and the townspeople were friends again
And they even had concerts every now and then.
The town was saved and they started a trend
Of eating and drinking, and this is the End.

leave comments.


Anonymous said...

shmims! i am so impressed. chaucer must be shamed and is surely rolling over in Poet's Corner! i like that you made 'bologna' rhyme with 'phony.' who would have thunk it? and really, what is it with the rounding deal? why can't teachers just give you the freaking point!?! oh well, i think it is wonderful. and you better get an A. if not, i will give you an honorary A. because for some reason, i think i am allowed to do those sort of things.
i love you!
-- shmimmy

Anonymous said...

It took me thru the second stanza to get that it was written verse!!! I'm a little slow. It is great. I like that Alex's collar says he's a scholar!


CoCo said...

I bow to the queen of written verse. That was hilarious Emma....the perfect tale. Mrs. Goldwasser is sure to crack up when she reads that one!!