Sunday, September 26, 2004

So, you know what I realized today? I'm just everybody's friend. People I come in contact with/ interact with on a day to day basis are all my friends. I like being people's friend. I'm not really anyone's enemy, I don't have crushes anymore (I talk my hormones out of being wacko, so it's under control) so I don't expect any more out of guys than to just be their friend. I'm glad I came to this realization. It is so much more fun to interact with people without wondering how they're judging you. I don't know why I felt like saying that, but I just thought of that and I just wanted to tell you that I like being a friend. It's kind of a weird statement. But I rarely ever make sense.

I also wanted to say that sometimes I think I'm cooler than I am and I have some cool standard to live up to. Like because I like music like the Flaming Lips, I can't like Ashlee Simpson. Like I'm a sell-out or something. But then I realize that I'm the kind of person that likes songs for the way they sound and it doesn't matter who sings it sometimes, even if they are sell-out-y. I don't really have a particular niche in the coolness scale. I have some hippie clothes, but I'm not all out hippie. I have chuck taylors and random shirts, but I'm not totally vintaged out. I love the 80's and their clothes, but I don't go ridiculously crazy about them.I have clothes from the Gap and from the Goodwill. Even if I sometimes feel like a sell out, I remind myself that I have nothing to sell out from. Who would I be betraying if I am not really totally invested in one era of coolness anyway? Am I making sense? There I go again. That's the second time. In this post. Oh me. What a silly goose.

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