Thursday, September 30, 2004

I was in a pretty good mood today, and then it all went down the drain for some reason. Blame it on hormones or something, since it is the easiest thing to blame stuff on when you're a teenage girl. I'm not really that moody, I think I have just been more "thoughtful" lately. Like I think too much into things. In a way, I'm glad. I think it adds depth to my character, in that I'm not so superficial. In another way, I'm not glad. Because it makes me too depressed to be thinking about the future or reading into things while everybody else is wondering what to wear on blue and white day. I think I'm just tired of superficiality. It is tiring. I don't know. Now I'm going to go watch CSI because I like it, and I'm not going to watch the debate because I can't vote and my family is conservative and republican and defensive, and I'm liberal and emotional. It's too hard to handle.


Jess said...
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Jess said...

Crap I accidently deleted my own comment! But here's what I said:
I won't be old enough to vote, either, but I put a Kerry bumper sticker on my car. My mom and dad both have Kerry bumperstickers and we got a sign for our front yard proclaiming Kerry Edwards. Anyway, my real story and reason for commenting is that there's a turf war going on now because our neighbor put up a George Bush sign right across the road from ours. So if you want you could pretend that's an analogy for your situation; you are my liberal, emotional family and the rest of your family is my creepy neighbor whose house has been on stilts for 4 years. Seriously. He's weird. And so are politics.