Saturday, June 12, 2004

Last night I visited Cheerio. It was weird to drive up there all by myself. It's actually pretty easy and simple. I know it by memory now. But I still want the directions just in case. I loved seeing all of my buddies. I just showed up and nobody official knew I was there until after the slide show. I have to say that slide shows aren't as interesting when you don't know any of the people in them. I miss my cheerio friends. I'm going to visit again on July 4th. Fun times to the max.

I packed today. Gee whiz, are you supposed to have that much stuff? I hope it all fits in my dorm room. I'm excited. I didn't realize that I had that many cool t-shirts. It's awesome! I fit my clothes into two suitcases, but there's a bunch of other stuff that's not in a suitcase really. I got some storage drawers to put random stuff in. I'm gonna use those next year at cheerio too, so it was a good investment. Now my room is really clean. Probably because I don't have any stuff in it. I'm bringing my Sesame Street and Rainbow Brite sheets. I was gonna go for solid colored sheets and a different blanket, but I just couldn't stray from my usual summer bedding. Cool sheets and my blue and black "Emma" blanket. Gotta love it. It's weird that I'm going tomorrow. I'm excited. I want to soak it all up while it's happening. I think I already told you guys (or you guy) that. I dunno. But I'm excited.

Today I got to babysit. We watched T.V. and then went to see Jerry Chapman and his buddy Jason (their band is "Life in General") at the Good Life Cafe here in good ol' MA. It was grrrrreat. We got an extra treat because Jason, as well as being a good musician, is a comedian as well. He's not a professional or anything, but it was hilarious anyway. (you know, I've been spelling hilarious wrong ever since I told Sara Hill that she was Hillarious... weird) It was great fun. I got to chill w/ Sarah and I got to see Anna and I also got to chill with Emmy. It was fun times. And I was babysitting all the while! Fun times!! Now I must go to sleep, because tomorrow's gonna be a big day. Yay! I'll post while I'm there, just probably more sporadically. Nighty Night!

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