Thursday, June 10, 2004

I took a big step in growing up today. I got a checking account. It makes me nervous. I don't want to grow up! I have peter pan syndrome. Somebody told me they made that phrase up, but I don't know if you can make up a phrase like that. It makes sense, so I'm sure many other people have said it before. Sorry if you're the one who made it up. No offense. So now I have a debit card. I hope I don't start spending money a lot now. I don't usually spend that much money, compared to my elder siblings. They always run out of money. I like to have money saved up just in case I need it later on. I always talk myself out of random purchases and I jump at a sale. I always wait to buy clothes until my mom will be willing to pay for them. I will keep on with this theory until it stops working. I also got some traveler's checks for Governer's School. My goal is to not use them all so I can keep the leftover money. That's something else I do. If we go shopping and mom gives us all like 60 dollars, I'll spend only 40 and then keep 20. That way I have some clothes and I have some money. I always wear the same old clothes anyway, I don't really need new clothes. Speaking of clothes, I have to pack tomorrow for GSW. I will probably forget something. I usually do. I'm gonna go see the Stepford Wives and then pack and then go up to Cheerio. I'm gonna go see the Indian Ceremony and see all my friends (yay!!!) and hang out during the slide show. Sounds like fun. I'm gonna go get dinner for the fam and then it's off to VBS. Fun times to the MAX. I love 3 & 4 year olds. Cutie patootie's. (whoa, that brings back memories of the Rosie O'Donnel show)

1 comment:

Sarah Gitt said...

Checking accounts are great. I have a checking account with a debit card, and I never write checks, so I always forget to record my purchases, which is bad. Oops. Debit card for me = many purchases

Have fun at GSW, but I'll probably see you tonight at Jerry Chapman, if you are still going.