Saturday, May 15, 2004

Sorry about the delay in posting. The last two nights I've tried to post, but blogger was being weird. Anyway, I had a pretty good day yesterday. I had lunch at my Dad's office, because a Vioxx rep. bought them lunch. It was by far the best barbeque I've ever had. The potato salad and ridiculously greasy hush puppies were great too. Quite a successful lunch, if you ask me. And it was free! Score! Then in 4th period, we went to see the prison prevention program. Whoa there. It was an old southern guy with a power point presentation and a ridiculous accent. He told us one time that the inmates had an 'aer' to take a 'shaer.' I cracked up. Babs Merritt cracked up too, she was sitting right beside me. His jokes made us laugh even more. He was talking about what the inmates eat, and when he said something about a mystery meat that could have been roadkill. "Have you ever heard of a himalayan possum?" "no..." "when you're drivin', you se him-a-layin on the road." Quite hillarious. Poor guy. Right. So after school I went to see 13 going on 30 with Emmy and Kristin and Jill and Ashley Case and Anne Lamm. Fun times. I loved that movie. It made me so happy. Afterwards, Emmy and I went to Goody's and Wal Mart where I bought the soundtrack. It once again confirms my love of the 80's. I can't wait till that comes out on video so I can buy it and watch it a lot. Yay!!!

Right now, I'm going to go shopping and then later I'm going to go work at Build-A-Dream. Shopping is not always my favorite thing, but I think it will be this time. Oh yeah! Great news! I found my old Wal Mart hippie skirt! I'm in love with that skirt. I'm going to wear it to church or to school or both.

P.S.- Tell all your friends to vote for Emma and Taylor. Because we probably won't win. We need all the help we can get.

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