Friday, May 21, 2004

Life is life. School is school and, thankfully, almost over. I am tired, and Joan of Arcadia was thought provoking. Summer is almost here, and I couldn't be more glad. Yearbooks are everywhere, and it is getting kinda old. I'm no good at writing in yearbooks. Only when I absolutely have to write a lot will I even do it. I've been very productive today. After school, I was very productive. I drove to Pilot, went to see Shrek 2 by myself (matinee price... i don't go to full priced movies), came home and worked on my Englilsh paper (Emma "The Yellow Dart" Refvem), then watched Joan of Arcadia. Shrek 2 was absolutely great. Maybe even greater than the first one. Holy cow, I need that soundtrack. I was very impressed with Shrek 1's soundtrack, and from what I heard Shrek 2's should be just as good. Now I am anxiously awaiting a couple things: my cell phone cover's arrival in the mail (yay!), Will's arrival, the last day of school (yay yay yay), and lots and lots of sleep. Oh, and Governer's school. Looking forward to the fun times awaiting me. Right now I think I am too tired and slightly paranoid to produce a good blog. I become insecure and paranoid at night. And really really tired. But I'll just go have some caffeine and get over the tired part. Nighty night, folks!

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