Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Life is kinda funny. More specifically, high school is kinda funny. Everyone is worried about what people think or who is saying what or who likes who and why and stupid stuff like that. Things are akward a lot of the time, and people are totally immature. Sometimes I wish I could just tune out the rest of high school and fast forward to college or something. College will probably be just like high school, but at least a higher percentage of people will be mature- at least that's what I'm hoping. Maybe I should sit everybody in the high school down and tell them that life is a whole heck of a lot easier if you don't take everything so seriously. Have a little fun, people! Not the kind of fun that is only funny until the wrong person finds out about it, but the fun that lasts forever, and then you remember it later and it still makes you happy. This is the way I've lived my life so far, and I don't really have enemies. Some people may not like me, but I don't dwell on it, and it goes away. It can be so easy, yet most people make it so hard. Instead of dwelling on what look somebody gave somebody else and all the possible meanings, why not just think about funny things? High school is mainly annoying because nobody has self-esteem or self-worth. People only have self-preservation. What will make them the happiest in the long run. What friends will get them the right connections. Who cares?

Whoa... blogging at nigt is a whole other experience, and I like it. I seem to have the same theme when this happens, though. I guess that shows that it really is some sort of problem. Right now I'm concentrating on how fun the Biltmore trip is gonna be, and how great it is that I'm going to Hickory this weekend. My escape! I love it!! Oh now I guess it's time for bed. Life is funny. Sometimes comically funny, other times the odd kind of funny.

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