Tuesday, February 22, 2005

you've done some crazy stuff over in scraptown

Bodnar was hilarious today in class. He told us a story about the "Fiddy Cent" of opossums (as I named him). The opossum was eating his dog's dog food, so Bod let the hound loose on the critter. The dog went to town, "awailin' on it" until it looked like it was dead. Five minutes later, Fiddy was eatin' the dog food again. Bod set the dog on him, but he played dead again. This time, Bod shot it 7 times with a 22 (apparently a penetration rifle that is illegal in hunting because it's "liable to shoot clear through the deer and hit someone on the other side"). Next time Bod checked the dog food, there was ol' Fiddy, chompin away, bleedin all over the place. He had clumb (no, he didn't say that. but i wouldn't be surprised) over the fence and drug himself over to the bowl. So Bod slung it out in the yard and shot it with a shotgun. Apparently he didn't hit any vital organs with his first 7 shots. Fiddy was back on the street, hence his name. But, unlike our dear rapper, this Fiddy is now in a better place. Bod told us many stories about opossums; he gave us some good advice. They tend to nip atcha, but if you just smack 'em on the head, you can grab it by the tail and sling it out in the yard. He learned this from the many times opossums were hiding in his dog food bin. Needless to say, it was a funny funny class period. Other discussions included mammary glands and discussion of the anatomy of nipples. Oh, Biology. How I love thy randomness. (i've been reading too much Shakespeare).

Today was a really pretty day outside. Almost... too... pretty... ? I wish it was spring. Right now. No more winter. I hate winter. Boooo winter. But, without winter, I'm not sure if I could appreciate the glory that is a pretty spring day. Winter makes me write in sentence fragments whereas spring makes me want to speak poetically and write long, verbose sentences.

No lifeguarding tonight! Last day tomorrow! w00t!

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