Thursday, February 10, 2005


I would just like to take this moment and clarify the intent of this entire blog. It is a way for me to express and articulate my feelings at the time I am feeling them, for a couple of reasons. One is so I can look back on these memories and remember my feelings and how I grew from experiences and other cheezy memoir stuff like that. Another is to keep everyone in my life that I don't get to talk to on a regular basis updated on the events in my life. In no way is it meant to perpetuate drama. I like to express myself using this particular creative outlet- writing- because it is something I enjoy. Sometimes, I will write a post chock-full of ridiculous emotions, and I will often cringe when looking back on them, but that doesn't make them less a part of who I am and my development as a person. If you have been reading it for a while, or if you take a look at the archives, you will see that I have the occasionally hormonal and crazy post, and that they usually don't make sense. I am rash. I write down all of my immediate thoughts on a subject before actually thinking them through. So you see my thought process and, if you stick with it, you see it change. So I guess this is an apology to the people I have offended, and a promise to get better about the ways in which I express my feelings. But this is not an apology for the way I feel or the actual things I said. Because I really felt that they are true. I still do feel that way, actually. Everything in life can be misunderstood, and that goes for my blog too. So if you are really hurt about these things, I'd suggest talking directly to me. Because I will talk back. I'm willing to clarify anything for you. Honestly. Because, if you care enough to read this, I care enough to give you the time of day.

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