Wednesday, February 23, 2005

it's..... over.

finally. I am now a certified Lifeguard, I just have to pay my fees and all that technical stuff. Instead of getting the badge of honor of saving Chuck, I had to grapple with Eric for like 5 minutes. Rather than it being a life-saving experience, it was more like watching water wrestling. He had Evan in a half nelson at one point, I think. I don't know much about wrestling. I just know that when he would grab onto my neck, I would sink down and push away from him. I finally got him to the wall, while he was trying to grab my head. It was exhausting but not too bad. I only wish I would have gotten to see everybody else save Chuck, he said it was pretty funny. Usually people come out of that class hating Chuck, but I think he's really cool. Evan and I agreed that we like hardcore teachers like him moreso than ones that baby you and try to be "cool" or whatever. Chuck is cool in his own way. So, I'm glad that's all overwith.

English class is making me happy recently. I liked Hamlet, but I'm glad all that mess is behind us. As of right now, I have a 112 on the final test for Hamlet. That's crazy. I said 112 valid things, haha. I hope it counts as extra credit or something. I sure do need it to pull up my essay scores, though. Anyways. So I'm getting less wordy on my essays, I'm starting to say what I want to say in the least amount of words possible. The in-class essay we did today should be a test of how successful that method will be. I also like these new poetry assignments she's assigning to us. We just have to do a freewrite responding to one of these poems she gives us. It's perfect for me, because I've gotten so used to writing on random stuff on here. It's gonna be fun. I'm also happy because I really like "Invisible Man" so far. I really miss reading a good book that isn't a Shakespeare play or something. I liked Lord of the Flies and The Things They Carried, but that seems like forever ago. I like Ellison's style, I think. I like the insight he gives on certain stuff, too. I just really like reading.

I hope you guys have been enjoying this warm weather like I have. I really wish it was spring. And yes, I will say that until it is officially spring. I need a change in wardrobe! Time to break out the cute stuff!

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