Sunday, February 20, 2005

amen. good job, sam.

I'm sitting here in Tillman's room listening to Mitch Hedberg because he is really really funny. Apparently I type at a rather swift pace. According to Tillman.

So. This weekend was cool, I guess. I went to bed really early on Friday and woke up really early on Saturday. Just because I was tired of sleeping, I guess. I woke up so early that I got to eat with the first round of pancakes! I usually have to reheat the griddle and cook my own and clean up the mess. Not this time, my friends. I then proceeded to go to Reeves to swim with Ashley. I swam a broken mile while Ashley turtled some laps and then worked on her overarm stroke. It was fun. The guy swimming in lane 6 swam for like 3 hours constantly, apparently. At one point he stopped to tell me "way to work!" and I nodded in reciprocation of his compliment. It was funny. I like swimming to work out. I'd probably look like a dork at a gym or something. But not in the pool!

Then I went down to the concert in Charlotte with the members of Slushie. There were a few technical difficulties, but it was all-in-all a good night.

This morning I went to Church and it was regular. Then I did some homework including my English paper that I thought was really bad but that turned out to be good with a few mistakes, according to Goldie. That made me happy.

So, I guess there wasn't as much to talk about as I thought. Scene kids crack me up. There were some really really scene kids at the show at Liquid Recordz. Like, ridiculously scene. It was funny. I felt so Cheerio. But I didn't get to see my Cheerio p33pz. Mark my words, we will have a reunion some day. If I have anything to do with it, we will reunite. Haha. I did get to talk to them. And then it made me wish that it were summer. Or that I was at Cheerio. One of the two.

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