Tuesday, January 11, 2005

some of my buses

Lately, my life has been too busy for introspection and overanalyzation. My thoughts aren't that deep. I think it's because I'm not getting enough sleep. The sacrifice for my active mind is remembering my dreams. I wake up at the part in my REM cycle that is right at the end of my dreams. I end up being able to get up faster, because I think about what I was dreaming about so I can remember it. I have some crazy dreams, let me tell you. I had one the other day in which main street Mount Airy was in Hickory and it was flooded by a river of diamonds and other jewels. It was muy interesante.

I can't type a lot now. I need to study for Calculus and do English HW and practice piano and stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a river of diamonds in hkweeze? where?
:) shmims