Friday, March 14, 2003

What is the origin of the word silly goose? It is the funniest phraze, like, ever. Well, good gravy is rankin on up there too, but silly goose is just better. It is really really, REALLY fun to call a group of people silly geese because then you get to say another silly word. Gaggle. You guys are a gaggle of silly geese. Or if you were talking about a male you could say silly gander. Because, you know, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Another funny phrase is lordy lordy pambeck. I say that often. On, like, the very first day we moved to MA, we went to Aunt Bees... haha... and then I saw one of those gas station marquee signs that said: Lordy, Lordy, Pambeck is Forty! I said, truthfully guys, "Who's Lordy Lordy Pambeck?". What an ignorant little 8 year old I was. My family obviously got a big kick out of that. So occasionally I will say Lordy Lordy Pambeck. Also, the new cool exclaimation is good gravy. At campaigners, Cleve said that Olivia made some good gravy. I asked if that was an exclaimation, and if it wasn't, it should be. So we are going to try and make good gravy famous. Next time you stub your toe or have an epiphany of some sort, just yell out "GOOD GRAVY!". It is really fun. Believe me, I've done it alot. Like if someone says something surprising, like, "We have a test today", then you just go "Good Gravy, I forgot all about it." Then everybody will remark on what a cool phrase good gravy is, and then all of a sudden, you are the center of the conversation, not the test. So if many of you out there are attention starved, as I think you may be, just take my advice. Good Gravy! I need to go to bed! Fo real, dawg

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